New RP- open

Sara eyed Greg "really I mean it seems as though everyone Knew" she looked at Nick "and if people would have just told us this beforehand it would have saved us both a whole lot of heartache" she smiled ,not that it really matter now ,Now she couldnt be happier, she inched closer to Nick and subconsciouly rubbed her tummy
Nick smirked, and saw Greg's angry face, "sorry man, just shows how for CSI's we missed somthing so cleary infront of us, but all is good now" Nick said hoping this smoothed over Greg a little.
Sara smiled at Nick "he's right I mean for being CSI's we werent very observant but Now it seems as though all is well and we're all happy" she kissed Nick and spoke softly "and we're going to have a baby"
Nick smiled sweetly "good now that were all good, Greggo I want you to help me re decorate the extra bedroom in my... our house, so we can turn it into a baby room" Nick said as he wrapped his arm around Sara and sipped his coffee.
greg smiled "first of all is it a boy or girl" greg asked thinking about so many posibilies, wendy laughed "greg is going to decorate are babies room"
Sara raised an eyebrow "What do you mean is it a boy or a Girl? did you not look at that ultrasound its a girl" she then looked at Nick "do we really Trust them with Emily's Room" she looked at him with a smile "Emily Catherine Stokes, I like the sound of that dont you?"
greg was thinking and he got out a napkin "so mabey we can but the HER name over her crib and i can get this big pink E made to put on her wall"

(like on friends)
Nick smiled, "and yeah Emily is a sweet name" Nick siad wile looking at Sara with a smile.
"I'll help you with that to , we can help each other, and I'll drag Warrick into it to" Nick said with a hopeful look on his face.

(hey lets do a couple more for this scene, and then lets move onto a new scene of your girls choosing :D )
"oh and i know this place that make those things that you over the crib and mabey it can say emily and some pink cats or something, or better yet pink dogs and white cats" he said with excitement, wendy laughed "is this a room for emily or you", greg smirked and kissed her on her cheek
(that works for me Saba although I have to go soon so I have maybe One more post after this to go)
Sara smiled "we can make a party out of it" she looks at Greg "I like your idea but I was thinking a disney theme" she smirked as both Nick and Greg eyed her "What??I Love Disney? I never told you that??"
wendy smiled "so do i, it must be a girl thing, right greg" she said not telling his little secret, he looked at her and smiled "right, only girls do not thirty one year old men" he said laughing and thinking he may have spilt the beans
Nick smiled, "ah Disney theme, yeah they have a whole Disney thing at Home Depot, ok it's settled I'll bring my tool belt and Warrick, and we'll work on your baby room first then we'll move onto our baby room" Nick said with a smile, he nudged Sara hoping it was ok to go out and decorate all ready.
greg smiled "i thought i was only decorating i didn't say anything about working" he said with a smirk, wendy smiled and kissed him on the cheek "your helping with the rooms" she said with smile that always make him crack, greg sighed "whatever, but what if we have one boy one girl we cant make it both princeses or he with end up like nick" he said trying to get at him and with a big smug look
Cath walked back toward her offiice. She was into paperwork when there was a knock on her door. "Who could that be?" she wondered aloud as she walked across the room.