New RP- open

greg smirked "same here", wendy looked at him "and you think i do" gregs eyes got big "uh nick you can come near are baby when ever you want, mabey i dont know help us out" wendy laughed "greg we can do this, who knows it might even be twins" gregs eyes got even bigger and he quickly turned to nick "oh nicky you got to help us"
"oh now you want my help" Nick said with a smile, "of coarse i'll help you guys, I love babies and kids, I know all there to know from feeding to changing to burping, I've done it all... to a baby" Nick said.
greg was overjoyed and he got up and hugged nick "thank you man" wendy was laughing "greg let the man go those arms belong to me" she said with a smirk "unless nicks enjoying you around him, arent ya nick" greg quickly pulled away and whiped himself of and stuck out his hand for a manly hand shake
Nick shook his hand, "yes because we're such manly men" Nick said poking fun at himself and Greg, "any way I'm still hungry i forget how coffee isn't food" Nick said wile looking in his empty cup.

the waitress walked over, "ok what will you folks be having?" she asked.

Nick looked at the others, "you guys order first" Nick said with a smile/
greg looked at wendy "i want my soon to be wife and mom to eat first", wendy smiled but she was og corse starving she was eating for two "ill have special breakfest thress panckaes with whipe cream, i want my eggs sunny side up with canadian bacon and crispy bacon, oh and extra syrup" greg looked at her and then back at the waitress "she's carring my child, ill just have two strips of bacon and some toast please"
Sara looked at the menu everything looked so good but in the end she went with the waffles and the bacon she smirked a little her baby would get its meat after all ,she whispered in Nicks ears "I'm going to need your Help more then them I honestly have no idea how to be a mother God knows I didnt have the best role Model"
greg leaned into wendy's ear "i need to ask you something", "what", "i was holding it off but last friday you said you went somewhere, where did you go", she smiled "well when i said twins i wasn't joking, i went to the doctors and they told me the good news" greg didn't answer he just went leaned back and started to laugh, knowing that he seemed crazy since the oters didn't know what they where talking about, wendy started to laugh to
Nick smiled warmly at Sara, "of course sweety I'll help you heck with your love of work I'll probably wind up being a Mr. Mom" Nick joked, "no but seriously, this little angel is yours and mine, we'll share responsibilities and we'll share the love, and I'll kick the ass's of all the boys who try and date her" Nick said with a grin, he kissed Sara on the cheek and rubbed her arm.
"I guess I'll have the same, but give me some sausage and 3 more waffles" Nick said to the waitress. he noticed every one looking, "i know I'm not pregnant, but you guys know I love to eat" Nick said with a blush.
Sara smiled as she looked at him "Honey I think we've got some time before we have to think about her and boys" she smirked a little as she picked at his food to,the others stared at her "What I'm hungry"
"oh no I'm keeping them toddlers away from her too" Nick said confidently, his father lion kicking in, "look at me I'm so confident that she'll be a girl" nick said with a smirk.

the waitress poured him more coffee, "actually honey I've read that men who work very stressful jobs are more likely to father girls then men who work relaxing jobs, so you may get your wish" the waitress said, then she left wit a smile.

nick watched her leave, "ok... well then, nick said with a cute look, "still whatever the baby is, i'm gonna be daddy, i'm gonna be a daddy" Nick sang, "we're gonna be daddy's" Nick said wile pointing to Greg.
Nick bumped Sara in the booth, "come on, booth dance with me" Nick said to Sara wile moving a little in his seat, he looked silly, but cute, what could he do? he was a happy man.
greg smiled and turned to wendy "should we tell them", she smiles "yeah we should", he winks "guys i am going to me a husband and father of two"
nicksarafan2 said:
"oh no I'm keeping them toddlers away from her too" Nick said confidently, his father lion kicking in, "look at me I'm so confident that she'll be a girl" nick said with a smirk.

the waitress poured him more coffee, "actually honey I've read that men who work very stressful jobs are more likely to father girls then men who work relaxing jobs, so you may get your wish" the waitress said, then she left wit a smile.

nick watched her leave, "ok... well then, nick said with a cute look, "still whatever the baby is, i'm gonna be daddy, i'm gonna be a daddy" Nick sang, "we're gonna be daddy's" Nick said wile pointing to Greg.
Nick bumped Sara in the booth, "come on, booth dance with me" Nick said to Sara wile moving a little in his seat, he looked silly, but cute, what could he do? he was a happy man.
Sara smirked at how incredibly cute Nick was being "I'm pretty confident to the minute I found out I was Pregnant I knew she'd be a girl I think it has something to do with Parents intuition" The waitress came back with Sara's juice she had known them well for they all had frequented the diner, she spoke to Sara "honestly I always knew you two would hook up of all the people I see in here especially From the Crime Lab You two I could tell had something special"
Sara smiled it seemed as though everyone Knew except for them
Nick smiled "really hu, you talked about us?" nick asked he then balled up a napkin and threw it at Greg's face, "you didn't bother to tell us, that we would be good together?!" Nick asked, though he did through the napkin, he was joking, nick smiled at Greg and started to laugh at him self.