Nerds With Badges- Greg and Ryan Fans Only!

Ah, yes... I brought a gift too, seeing as I've been away for a while. :D Just a little drabble ficlet for anyone interested in a Greg/Ryan ship:

'Nerds Like It Hotter' -->

Let me know what you guys think.

Oh, and something general I wanted to ask: I can't remember exactly, but which one became a CSI first? Greg or Ryan? :confused:

Later guys and enjoy the present! :D
I'm pretty sure Ryan did, although Greg was in training to be one. Ryan became a CSI in #303, and Greg in #511, and since Miami's season three corresponds to Vegas's season five, that would mean that Ryan became a CSI approx. 2 months before Greg did. If that makes any sense at all. :lol: This is, of course, assuming that the dates in the episodes match up to the dates that they air, which I'm pretty sure they usually do, with a few exceptions (or continuity screw-ups).
Silhouette said:
Heya people... I was bored and I ended up playing with Photoshop. And taddaaa... My first Ryan/Greg manip.

For all you Ryan and Greg lovers... What are you gonna do if you could have them both together in one couch? ;) :devil:



A little 'present'. Enjoy :)

PS: Me? I'd be sitting right there, between their entwined legs ;) :devil:

That's very clever!!
*thinks of something quite rude* :p
Thanks Quickie! Your explanation makes sense, and I thought the same thing too, but I just wanted to be sure. Thanks! :D

Oh, and thanks for posting a review on my LJ. You are fantastic!! :D
ohhh i kinda forgot about this thread!! :D dont hit me im sorry :p

Silhouette, i used that pic as my desktop well as sandle and CaRWash ehehe...i loveee it :D
I kinda forgot about it too :p So yeah, sandersidle, szmandatogoholic, the three of us are guilty :D

Awww I'm glad you like it and find a new home for it on your desktop :D Ooh can I see it?
Hmm makes me want to make it my desktop background too :D (but I think my Dad would look at me weird :rolleyes: He sometimes borrows my computer. I wonder what would see say about two hot guys with entwined legs plastering all over my desktop? :lol:)
haha yeah you can see it :D should i PM you??? (kus i will..i have nothin better to do :D)

ok is this thread talking about a possible friendship between greg/ryan??? im confused :lol:
I'm on my son's puter right now, he's at his dad's house. I should make that the back ground pic and when he comes home he'll be screaming...and I'll be ROTFF. I put up a Ryan pic once on here while he was gone and he came home and screamed when he turned it on and saw it. I came running in laughing. BUt then the puter froze up on him and he blamed Togo for it, eh. I think this season we are going to see a lot of angry Ryan. ONe he has to train Boa the untrustworthy mole, 2 he gets in trouble pretty early on in the season so I'm thinking most of the season he's going to have to be proving he's not incompetant. As for Greg I'm sad, CSI is up against Greys Anatomy and it's my 3rd fav show, after Lost. So I wont be seeing much Greggo this season. I dvd record all my fav shows, so recording csi won't work either. I really didn't catch too many of the eps last season either, it just doesn't interest me enough, not to mention Gil annoys me way more then H does and that's a lot.
I'm probably not gonna catch much of Ryan, I have to go to sleep early at night. But I watched CSI: Miami on the first night of school and was able to get up the next morning without any problem. (Of course, taking my meds was a problem; my hand kept drooping.) And watching Greg isn't going to be any problem. I always go to sleep about 10.

Twiz you should totally do that! I put that manip of Silhouette's as a background and my mom thought it was the same guy. :rolleyes:
Hey guys! I just posted something about them sort of looking alike on our RuGged Wonders Ship thread, ehehe... :D

But for those of you who haven't seen it, here it is...

What do you think? Personally, I never really saw much of a resemblance, but this one pic (side by side) kind of made me think that maybe they do look a bit alike when they have similar expressions. :lol:
Whoa. That's bizarre. That's really, really bizarre. I guess I see the resemblance now, too.

Ryan used to remind me of Greg a little, but not really because of the way he looked, but instead because he was the youngest CSI and because they sort of dress similarly. And the fact that they're both hot. But in that picture, I definitely do see it. In the first second after I glanced at it, I thought it was just the same picture, lol. It's a pretty neat icon, too, with the opposing black and white thing. *saves to computer* :D