Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

holy cow.

edit because my snooping boss suddenly snook up on me and nagged cause I'm not working. Now he's gone back to reading the newspaper shhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeesh. :cool:

I think that is such a scary story.

I'm glad they're ok though! :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Juma said:
holy cow.

Did you ever read the People Magazine article on William Bradford that featured Eva and her sister? That was creepy. *shiver* But it's good that they got the word out, and it's also a reminder that we, especially women, have to be so super-careful out there.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

There was an article? Could you scan it for me? was there any nice pics?? :D

I work weird hours and it's getting scarier and scarier. :( I'm always superalert when walking to the car, but I always have this uneasy felling in the pit of my stomach.
I've told my boss that I'll put my car in his garage when I work late and can't find a parkingspace near by. :eek:

He's ok with that.
We talked anout it, and most of my girlfriends have had a scary experience, which makes me wonder about guys, really.

Fortunately my guy is of the normal kind!!! :lol:
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Juma said:
There was an article? Could you scan it for me? was there any nice pics?? :D
Eeeeeeep. I'm not sure if I still have the issue. I'll take a look around and if I find it, I'll scan it for ya. :)

And if I remember correctly, (the odds are slim to none--I've got the worst memory in the world) there were three pictures: one of the pictures Bradford took of Nika, a current picture of Eva and Nika, and then a small picture of dozens of small pictures of some of the girls Bradford photographed: alive, dead, or missing.

Juma said:
We talked anout it, and most of my girlfriends have had a scary experience, which makes me wonder about guys, really.

Fortunately my guy is of the normal kind!!!
Eh. I don't trust most guys to begin with, even before the article came out. I'm glad to hear yours is "of the normal kind," though. ;)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

And I'm fortunate enough to afford having a car and having a driver's license. A couple of the girls have to hop on a bus to get home, NO FUN late at night.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

if i have to go out after dark i always take the car the more i get older the more i'm scared!! the story for Dark room(now the title make sense!)sound really good i cant wait!!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I'm sure she was great on AMC. She's an awesome actress to begin with, and then her and John fell in love on screen and off, right? Their chemistry must have been phenominal.

Yeah they got married on screen first I believe and then got married offscreen. Maria and Edmund was a great couple on AMC, and the divorce was really hard on Eva.

I'm glad that you gave her a chance. I've said this before, and I'll say it again--I really think that everyone needs to give her a second chance. (I was saying this last season, before the fifth even started! 'Cause this was right after we found out that Eva was staying and being added to the opening credits and everything, so everyone was... err... to put this nicely, complaining.)

I'm glad that I gave her a chance, I'm not really sure what I want to do shipwise with her (if you have any clues or anything pm me?) but I like her, and Eva's already in my book so..But yeah, she deserved the chance for everyone to get to know her.

(I totally apologize if none of that made sense. I'm running off of less than four hours of sleep [damn those college essays!] and I'm too lazy to check my grammar

No, you're making perfect sense :)

Well at least that settles that. Nika, really? Wow.

it's also a reminder that we, especially women, have to be so super-careful out there.

Ain't that the truth.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

iheartnickcath said:
Yeah they got married on screen first I believe and then got married offscreen. Maria and Edmund was a great couple on AMC, and the divorce was really hard on Eva.
I think that's so sweet... They fell in love with each other while their characters did, too. (Too bad it didn't work out, though.)

I remember seeing Eva's episode of "One Day With" and she mentioned her divorce while talking with the host. It definitely seemed like it was really hard on her. (Well, when is divorce not hard on someone? But she seemed so sad... Made me sad.)

But... oh well, I suppose. It wasn't meant to be and life goes on. Eva's still got plenty of time to find her soulmate. (And I hope that she does and lives happily ever after. :))

Speaking of love interests... While I absolutely adore Eric/Natalia, I think it would be nice to see her single. (For at least a little bit. ;)) A lot of her development last season (a lot of her development, period) was through her relationship with Eric. This season is a little better... while she still has some scenes with Eric, we see her being more independent and focused.

...Is it just me, or has her personality been doing 360 turnarounds since the beginning of season four?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I want N to be single. I'm actully only a shipper in the fanfic world, on screen I don't want anyone to date each other. To much drama takes away from the cases.

I REALLY hated the N/E thing in S4, and the date with R even more. bleh!

But in the fanfic world I'm still waiting for a H/N fic!! ;)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

ok i lvoed when H called her and said "miss Boa Vista the car". and when he went to see her he called her Maam!she was great last night her conversation with H was great enjoy life while you can its so true!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Juma said:
I want N to be single. I'm actully only a shipper in the fanfic world, on screen I don't want anyone to date each other. To much drama takes away from the cases.
Well... Just because two characters are in a relationship doesn't mean that there's going to be all this drama. (Look at Grissom and Sara. No drama there.)

...But then again... This isn't Vegas. This is Miami. 'Nuff said, I suppose.

Juma said:
I REALLY hated the N/E thing in S4, and the date with R even more. bleh!
Juma said:
But in the fanfic world I'm still waiting for a H/N fic!! ;)
*double gasp*

I loved and still do love Eric/Natalia. I could have done without the baby scare and the Ryan interference, though. Didn't like Ryan/Natalia. (Which was pretty much nonexistent anyway. He had a grammar school crush. It was one date. Whooooooopie.)

Horatio/Natalia? Errrrr... really? I like their working relationship. Boss-employee. Nothing more. (But that's just me. *shrug*)

I really liked the end of last night's episode, though. It was nice to see him playing "mentor." (For lack of a better word.)

veggie said:
ok i lvoed when H called her and said "miss Boa Vista the car". and when he went to see her he called her Maam!she was great last night her conversation with H was great enjoy life while you can its so true!
I think it's nice that he's showing her so much respect. (Miss Boa Vista, ma'am, etc.) God knows she needs it... I'm sure she's been disrespected enough in the past to last her whole life and then some. Damn you, Nick! *shakes fist*
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

When did he call her Ma'am?
I don't remember that?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Juma said:
When did he call her Ma'am?
I don't remember that?
I'm not sure how many times he's called her "ma'am," but I know he calls her that in Curse of the Coffin. I believe it's the scene right after she got the fingerprint from the car and is running it through AFIS.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Re: The Marriage on and off screen

Eva and John's Characters on AMC were married first, they were married on March 11, 1994, about 2 yrs and 8 months later the real-life couple got married on November 30, 1996, but later in the show Eva left and returned and the characters were remarried on June 16, 2003.

Then both left the show and Eva moved to California, John soon followed to do more work and be near their Daughter 'Kaya McKenna' while they are living seperately they remain friends, though they filed for divorce, nothing more about it being finalized has been said.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i didnt know he moved to California , i'm glad to know their daugther is gonna see her father to. Eva and Kaya celebrate birthdays in the same month Kaya was a christmas and a birthay gift to Eva! i'm wondering where the storyline with Nat and her ex-husband is gonna go, what will happen cause they didnt brought that up for nothing and they did hired Rob Estes, he's a pretty good actor.
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