Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

GO AND VOTE FOR NATALIA IN THE NEW POLL. So those naysayers don't win the poll. Which they probably will do anyway :-(
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i went and voted for her!!! and i'm crossing my fingers she's gonna win! i cant wait for tommorow!!!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I, too, hope that TPTB make the abusive relationship serious and nothing to laugh at. I know people who smirk and make jokes about domestic violence ("Hey bitch, get me a sandwich! *smack noise*) but it's actually a very serious thing. And you see movies like Enough, the one J.Lo starred in, where the abused woman fights back, and you think it's really that easy. But it's not.

I'd love to see Natalia fight back against her exhusband. She's such a strong character, and you can tell that she's still getting over it. Something like that never goes away.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

screamingpoet said:
I, too, hope that TPTB make the abusive relationship serious and nothing to laugh at. I know people who smirk and make jokes about domestic violence ("Hey bitch, get me a sandwich! *smack noise*) but it's actually a very serious thing. And you see movies like Enough, the one J.Lo starred in, where the abused woman fights back, and you think it's really that easy. But it's not.
Some of these last-minute spoilers are leading me to believe that they're going to handle this situation maturely, so I'm feeling a little better... enough to get excited about learning a little more about the character.

screamingpoet said:
I'd love to see Natalia fight back against her exhusband. She's such a strong character, and you can tell that she's still getting over it. Something like that never goes away.
I think I agree with your entire post, screamingpoet. One of the things I'd really like to see is Natalia fight back.
It looks like she does, but there seems to be some consequences for her afterwards.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Hey! I've never posted in this thread before, but I'm currently watching last night's episode, and I love BoaVista. I've always liked her, but I feel really bad for her right now... her ex seems unbelievably scary/intimidating, and if he broke her arm (which sent him to jail), I can only imagine what he did before it got to that point. She looks terrified. I hope it all works out for her.

Oh... and it would be nice if Eric shows a little bit more compassion, although I haven't gotten to the end of the ep, so maybe he does.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Wow... Last night's episode. I'm not quite sure where to begin.

I applaud Eva for her phenominal job in this episode. She made it all seem so real. You saw the fear, the pain, the anger... all of it. I think she did really well showing us a different side to this character. She just doesn't alternate from being friendly and helpful to confident and difficult any more. We finally got to see a little more of her personality tonight. (Yay!) Again, congratulations Eva!

I found it very interesting to watch this inner conflict Natalia had. I don't think it could have been any more obvious that she really was terrified of Nick, but she still managed to keep herself together and concentrate on the case. I think that just goes to show us how strong this character really is. You could tell that she was ready to crumble whenever she had to interact with Nick, but she somehow pushed through it. Refused to let him see her weak. Major kudos to her. Major kudos.

She totally fought back, too. I don't know if anyone else saw it, because it was kind of hard to catch, but it looked like Nick tried to grab her hand and then took a step forward right before she shoved him. (...I just wish Eric hadn't interfered. I would have loved to see her knock him out. ;))

I hated that she had to call somewhat of a truce with him. He's bad news.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling it'll only get worse. Natalia's therapist suggests "suppressed attraction." (Another new and interesting thing we learned about her. I also don't think we've ever heard any other CSI talk about therapy before, have we?) But back to the whole "suppressed attraction" thing... If she actually falls for Nick again... Definitely not good. I've seen this happen in real life before, and it didn't end well.

Here's to hoping things improve for Natalia.

I'm also glad that the entire staff of Miami--cast, crew, and others--are taking this situation seriously. They seem to be handling it carefully with with respect, and I really hope they continue to.

Zan1781 said:
Hey! I've never posted in this thread before, but I'm currently watching last night's episode, and I love BoaVista. I've always liked her, but I feel really bad for her right now... her ex seems unbelievably scary/intimidating, and if he broke her arm (which sent him to jail), I can only imagine what he did before it got to that point. She looks terrified. I hope it all works out for her.
Welcome to the thread, Zan1781! It's always nice to see a new face... username... here. :D I, too, hope that everything gets better for her. (It can't stay bad forever, right?)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I think she should change shrink. That's what I think.
Rob Estes is scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Juma i was thinking exactly the same thing after she said that!! i was like not because your shrink say that, that its true. And Horatio was so nice to her and it was kinda funny to ear him call her miss boa vista.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Yeah... her shrink? I mean, I'm no therapist, but repressed attraction? She has repressed attraction for her ex-husband, who seems to terrify her? I... don't think so. I just hope that H takes care of it. Speaking of H:

And Horatio was so nice to her and it was kinda funny to ear him call her miss boa vista.

I thought that this was absolutely adorable, and this is horrible to say, but I kind of laughed when he said her last name. It's just... "Boa Vista" makes me laugh... it makes me think of a ton of snakes, just hanging out in a field. And it's just such a unique name, that... I don't know! (sorry if that is anyone's real last name...).
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Boa Vista is a city in Brazil actually. I thought Natalia was of Brazilian decent of something, and that's why they chose that name.
Or else they picked it because ELR is a very beautiful lady :) cause it means beautiful view.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I'm pretty sure that Horatio's called Natalia "Miss Boa Vista" several times. I can't pinpoint the episodes... but I think one of them was "Payback." I think it happens in right after she swabs the keys that Ryan gives her and then reports the findings to Horatio. (Or maybe I'm wrong, but I can swear that I've heard him say this before.) I wonder if this will turn into a "Mr. Wolfe"-type thing... although I have heard him call her Natalia a number of times.

Her therapist might be right. I read a spoiler (or saw one... it might have been the Insider interview) where Eva mentioned Natalia still having some feelings for Nick. Eeeep.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

its clear that she feels something for him but i dont think its love. not after every thing he did to her. she probably hate him as much as she loved him. i really hope she doesnt start something with him again it would be stupid and she is way to scared of him now to even be in the same room without freaking out inside.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

veggie said:
its clear that she feels something for him but i dont think its love. not after every thing he did to her. she probably hate him as much as she loved him. i really hope she doesnt start something with him again it would be stupid and she is way to scared of him now to even be in the same room without freaking out inside.
I really hope so, too. But...

Spoiler code isn't cooperating with me, so I suppose I'll be doing this the old-fashioned way.













Read this yesterday... It's from The Insider's website:

Former "Melrose Place" resident ROB ESTES, who most recently starred in the TV series "The Evidence," takes on the recurring role of Natalia's former spouse, and despite her initial resistance, Rob is convinced that Eva's character will eventually come around.

"I'm a felon who loves her very much and comes back into her life," Rob says. "And I think she's still in love with me."

So what does ADAM RODRIGUEZ, who plays Eric, think about the possibility of a love triangle?

"I'm looking forward to seeing how this is all going to unfold," he says. "Right now, the tension is just sort of building up. He's just entered the storyline in this episode and he's got Eva on edge, her character's a bit frazzled about the whole thing and so I'm excited to see how it's all going to play out."

But despite the fact that Natalia may still have feelings for her ex, Eva realizes that there's still chemistry between Natalia and Eric.

"I don't think it's dead," Eva says of their relationship. "But now that the ex-husband has shown up, I think it sort of throws a monkey wrench into the works. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out."
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i really hope they wont go down that road. Honestly its clear that she remember what she's been throught because of him and i dont think she can forgive him that easily. I also think maybe she should see another shrink the one she go to right now doesnt seem to be that good! also if her ex want her back i dont unserstand why he said those things to Eric. i mean when he said those thing i was like well if she's that bad why do you want her back?

also i listen to evanescence new album and htere this song that kinda reflect what Nat is going throught right now(well thats my opinion) its weight of the world.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Nat's ex is gonna be there tomorrow cant wait to see what's gonna happen. i know they are not sure if they want this caracter to be just a bad man but i dont know if its possible to change anyone ever eard about a man who was abusive against his wife and when he got out of jail he was a better person. i know they have some kind of therapy inside but i'm not sure if its possible to change that much.i just hope she's not gonna get hurt again. and also i'm still hoping she's gonna get back with Eric!
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