Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

veggie said:
Nat's ex is gonna be there tomorrow cant wait to see what's gonna happen. i know they are not sure if they want this caracter to be just a bad man but i dont know if its possible to change anyone ever eard about a man who was abusive against his wife and when he got out of jail he was a better person.
While it's possible for an abuser to change, it's not all that common. Abuse is usually just a continuous cycle that won't stop until the victim gets away, leaves, etc. And sometimes, unfortunately, the victim doesn't/can't leave.

However, I'm not saying that it's impossible for Nick, or any abuser, to change. There's always a possibility.

I'm really hoping they ditch Nick. I didn't like the "suppressed attraction" line from the last episode. She cannot go back to him... something that is also fairly common in abusive relationships.

Maybe he'll make for some interesting scenes/situations, but they really need to get rid of him. I really don't want to have deja vu with Yelina's black eye all over again. Just... shoo. Go. Have a nice life.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Thanks Nathalie_Emily. She's radiant. And I like her portrayal as Natalia. She's a determined and compassionate woman.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i loved Natalia in last night episode but damn it i think her therapist was right with the supress atraction. one thing that bugs me its that he has her cell phone number how did he got it? I think the are not divorced yet. i'm wondering if they are gonna make him a good person cause that would be a first on television showing us that a violent man can change and put all that behind him and become a better person. Anyway i'm on her side wathever she do!

i talk to my mom about this cause she has a diploma in psychology and she said that soemone like Nick who is violent can be "saved" but he has to do it for himself , he has to find out why he's so angry and he has to find a way to let that go without punching someone.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

That pic with the dog is absolutely adorable. What kind of dog is that?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Actually I think she is divorced, because early on I believe she kept referring to her "exhusband", not to mention either she went underground, or thought about it to get away from him. As to the cell phone thats easy he works for the county for CSI cleanup he could have said he had get a hold of her for reasons about a crime scene.

Actually I think she is realizing what her shrink said, when he grabbed her hand and talked about having their wedding rings still, she pulled away but he was holding her hand and she was just standing there. When he arrived at the crime scene and was talking to him, she had the air of leave me alone about her.

I think she is trying to over come the surpressed attraction and move on, she has to work with him and unless she wants that restraining order back which stops her from doing her job, she has to be semi nice to him.

But something that got me in the ep when he got the restraining order (I don't know about florida) but in ohio if you take one out and then the person calls (one they are breaking it) but if you go within the boundries of that order (you are breaking your own order) and in some cases it makes it void depending on the circumstances.

As to how she didn't know that her restraining order was expired, heck I am sure she wasn't too worried about it if he was locked up, and they were suppost to let her know when he was getting out, at which time I am sure she would have gotten a new one.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Thanks for the pictures, Nathalie_Emily! She's gorgeous. (But then again, when is she not?)

veggie said:
i loved Natalia in last night episode but damn it i think her therapist was right with the supress atraction.
Yeah, Natalia was pretty kick-a** in last night's episode. (Her and Calleigh are a pretty awesome duo, too.) I'm glad to see that she's starting to really catch on to everything.

What I'm not glad to see is how she's acting towards Nick. I'm not exactly sure that it's the "suppressed attraction" we're seeing, but you can totally see this inner-struggle she's having. First you've got the one part of her that's going back to her old mindset, where she feels that she deserves him and whatever he has to dish out to her, that she's no longer worthy of having control now that he's back in her life. (It can't be all that easy to keep that power in your grasp when the man that's controlled you for god knows how many years is back in your life. Yes, you gained control over yourself and your life again, but that was without him. And now he's back, so you feel like you have to give up that power to him. Because him controlling you is what you're used to.) And then we've got the other half reminding her that this man hurt her, that she can't go back with him. Unfortunately, I think the first part of her is winning.

Take a look at Natalia in "If Looks Could Kill." She was caught completely off-guard by Nick's return and she was angry. She finally gained control of her life and managed to gain some self-esteem after however may years since her terrifying past, and here comes her abuser out of nowhere. You saw her stick up for herself, pushing/shoving him when he reached for her hand at the crime scene. You could see that she was strong enough to show him that she didn't want to be the victim anymore. She didn't want to put up with him.

But that all went down the drain when he filed the TRO against her. He wasn't back in her life for even a day yet and he was already controlling her, making her leave the crime scene when he showed up. He told her to leave, and she had no other choice than to comply. She realized that in order to keep her job, she'd have to make peace with him, which was what he wanted her to. He controlled and manipulated her already, and there was nothing she could do about it, either.

Come "Death Eminent," she tried to avoid him. She didn't respond when he made the comment about getting dirty. When he called, she tried to get out of the conversation by telling him she was with the councilman's family. This didn't work because he was watching her, already stalking her. Needing to know her every move.

And then the second time he reached for her hand, she didn't bother pulling away. She kept it there. She listened to him. Didn't make any move to defend herself.

...But then again, that's just my theory, based off of past experiences.

Juma said:
That pic with the dog is absolutely adorable. What kind of dog is that?
I believe it's a Schnoodle. That picture is part of an article in the magazine Modern Dog, and I'm pretty sure she mentioned that "Bingo" was a Schnoodle.

Destiny said:
As to how she didn't know that her restraining order was expired, heck I am sure she wasn't too worried about it if he was locked up, and they were suppost to let her know when he was getting out, at which time I am sure she would have gotten a new one.
That'd be my guess. Why worry about a restraining order expiring while the man you have it against is still in jail?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i just went to the cbs website and on csi miami's page they put a description of Natalia and Frank last year it was only a description of the actors. and they put a very nice picture of her!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

veggie said:
i just went to the cbs website and on csi miami's page they put a description of Natalia and Frank last year it was only a description of the actors. and they put a very nice picture of her!
Hmm... I was wondering when they were going to update that. (Finally!) I saw the new pictures of the actors... they came out really nice! :D

Natalia's bio is interesting to me... Maybe I'm over-thinking/over-analyzing this, but one or two things intrigued me.

Here's the bio (word for word) from the website:
Hired by MDPD to pursue DNA on unsolved cases, Natalia Boa Vista's position was created by a federal grant that helped pay for a makeover to the crime lab. As her mysterious background gradually came to light, it was discovered that Natalia was a victim of abuse. What transpired between Natalia and her ex-husband Nick Townsend was enough to land him in jail. But they truth of what occurred may only be known by the two of them. Regardless, Natalia was ready to forge a new life on her own, and so she was eager to please.

That new life was going pretty well until the CSIs learned that she was planted by the feds as a mole, assigned to help build a case against Horatio Caine and his team. Once her double-agent role was exposed, she made amends by trying to convince them she reported no wrongdoing. But she immediately lost the respect and trust of those who accepted her as one of their own.

Now training as a CSI in the field, Natalia finds herself walking on eggshells, doing everything she can to prove herself, thereby negating the past. But she finds the past isn't easy to wash away as she would like, as her ex-husband reappears in her life, getting a job with Crime Scene Cleanup to ensure she's never too far from his gaze.
"Regardless, Natalia was ready to forge a new life on her own, and so she was eager to please." -- Eager to please. Makes me think of her interactions with Horatio (When she willingly/eagerly agreed to run the rapist's DNA in her unsolveds; when she approached him with the file about his NY case that had been put on her desk and he asked her to do something with it, to which she responded: "Whatever you say."), her interactions with Eric (Tee!), the party she invited Ryan to...

"But the truth of what occured may only be known by the two of them." -- Hmm. This caught my attention. I'm not sure that I can put what I'm thinking into words... It almost makes me think that something more happened, something that could possibly put a twist on things, that we don't know about. I'm interested.

Any thoughts?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

we are gonna meet someone called Anya Boa Vista she is supose to be played by a actress named Natalie Morales its her second acting job according to imdb so if its true we wont know much about it since she's new in the acting career.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Hey guys. Just wanted to say I love Eva (ever since AMC) and I think she's a great actress, and Natalia is starting to wear on me.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Anya Boa Vista? Hmmm. My guess is that she'd be Natalia's sister or cousin. While I can't find any pictures of the actress, I saw the trailer for the movie that she was in... If I remember correctly, she's blonde and looks fairly young. (I'm hoping this would be her sister or cousin. The actress certainly isn't old enough to be her mother, and I'd rather not have her turn out to be Natalia's daughter, or something. 'Cause that wouldn't be too much fun. Eeeeeeeeep.)

iheartnickcath said:
Hey guys. Just wanted to say I love Eva (ever since AMC) and I think she's a great actress, and Natalia is starting to wear on me.
Welcome to the thread, iheartnickcath! Glad to see another who likes Eva/Natalia. :D

I never watched AMC (I never really watched any soap opera... except for about two months when I had Meningitis five years ago, but that was OLTL) so I was introduced to Eva on CSI: Miami. She's a phenominal actress and is probably one of my heroes in the acting world. (I'm an actress and in the past have have some difficult times developing my characters/portraying them/etc., and she just does an amazing job with that. IMO.)

Glad to see Natalia's starting to grow on ya. TPTB put her in a position that makes it difficult for a lot of people to like her, but it seems like they totally switched up her personality for season five. (And I like it better than the season four personality. So far, anyway.)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I agree its probably a cousin or sister

Thanks for the welcome.

She was really good on AMC [with ex husband] she played Maria.

I like that she's gotten a great personality for this season then last one. I didn't really like her, but I gave her a chance cause of Eva.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

iheartnickcath said:
She was really good on AMC [with ex husband] she played Maria.
I'm sure she was great on AMC. She's an awesome actress to begin with, and then her and John fell in love on screen and off, right? Their chemistry must have been phenominal.

iheartnickcath said:
I like that she's gotten a great personality for this season then last one. I didn't really like her, but I gave her a chance cause of Eva.
I'm glad that you gave her a chance. I've said this before, and I'll say it again--I really think that everyone needs to give her a second chance. (I was saying this last season, before the fifth even started! 'Cause this was right after we found out that Eva was staying and being added to the opening credits and everything, so everyone was... err... to put this nicely, complaining.)

In my opinion, the character's personality has changed a lot between seasons four and five. I can't help but wonder if she hadn't been on last season at all and instead came in this year as a brand-new CSI with this personality, if everyone would still have their same feelings towards her.

(I totally apologize if none of that made sense. I'm running off of less than four hours of sleep [damn those college essays!] and I'm too lazy to check my grammar. :p)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

"Yes, Natalie Morales is playing my sister in an episode that mirrors the real life story of my sister Nika, and her run in with the convicted murderer and one time photographer, William Bradford. The episode will aire on Nov. 13th, and Nika will be playing a small part as a reporter. The whole thing has been very surreal, but cathartic, with the best part being that they are going to do a public service announcement at the end of the show to use the 20 million viewers help to find the still missing girls, and hopefully bring some closure or hope to their families."

So that settles the "which relative of Natalia's is Anya?" question.

Should be an interesting episode. I'm also diggin' the fact that they're going to do a PSA, too. I really hope that this episode/PSA will help with the search for the missing girls.
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