Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude *SPOILERS*

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Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Hey, and at there are caps of 2 new articles up!
Very beautiful!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i read those article its really cool she seem to be a really nice down to earth person. i'm just mad because the journalist never ask her to give some scoop about csi miami!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I was wondering. I saw a discussion in the spoiler thread I think about NBV's house. (The poster said it was to luxurious and balbla). I must have missed that. Does anyone have any screen caps?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

we never saw her house(yet) she just mention it when Ryan was doing a crime seen near her place. We saw her street and she did help the case cause the murderer hide his gun near her house and she say she saw a car by looking at her kitchen window. But its clear that she is living in a rich place. hope i could help you.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

That's a relief. I thought there for a moment I was going dodo. :lol: AH well. Just because she lives in a good area doesn't mean she's living in a 02 bed room castle. :rolleyes:
AND Yelina's house in Brazil was kinda over nice too. :cool:I think they just want to treat us to some nice locations.

I'd like to see N's house. I bet it's modern but in a very feminine way. :)
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

I don't think I posted my thoughts (as far as Natalia goes) for Rio. The first thing I will say about it: "WOW."

Even though I'm thrilled about Natalia becoming a CSI, I don't like how they didn't give us an explanation as to why. What in the world prompted her to want to become a CSI? I'm assuming that means she no longer has the grant? What happened to it? Did the feds take it away when it was revealed that she was the mole? Or did she just simply quit to become a CSI?

I actually like watching Natalia and Ryan fight. What I didn't like was the comment he made about her ex, but the rest was pretty entertaining. I'd love to watch this go on for a while... no "kiss and make up" (NOT literally. I don't want to see those two get together.) in the next episode. I think it'd be fun to watch for a while... don't you?

When I first read the spoilers for this episode, I had a feeling it would be a difficult case for Natalia, and I think it's safe to say that I was definitely right. I mean... man. Your first case involves a woman beaten to death with the husband as the prime suspect... After all she went through in her past, how could she not be affected by that case? Sheesh.

I was also happy to see Calleigh sticking up for and helping Natalia out. I could see a good friendship forming between the two of them, which would be nice to see.

Loved the short scene with her and Eric. That small little exchange between them made me squee. :D

I hope Natalia's skills as a CSI get better fast. I'd hate to see her screwing up every episode.

Juma said:
I was wondering. I saw a discussion in the spoiler thread I think about NBV's house. (The poster said it was to luxurious and balbla). I must have missed that. Does anyone have any screen caps?
Like Veggie said, we never actually saw her house. I believe the episode was "Shattered," where the crime scene was in a very rich neighborhood. Natalia popped up in the driveway where Ryan was, he asked her what she was doing there, and she explained that she lived up the street. He was in awe, asking her again that she lived up the street in this neighborhood. She told him that it was a long story, then he said something along the lines of: "Well it can't be a bad one if it ended up in this neighborhood." She didn't respond to that, just shrugged it off and changed the subject. My guess is that it was a bad one, something that probably had to do with the ex.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

HM. Since the writers don't seem to put those little things in by chance, I bet her ex hubby :( has something to do with the house. Maybe he's back and want's the house? iik. :devil:

As for the case, I think that must've been very difficult. And Ryan sure didn't make it any better. :(

I loved how C stepped in and de - messed the situation up with the kid. :lol: :)

I kinda think that N is a CSI now because the feds withdrew the grant when she didn't want to report on the others anymore, and that maybe the lab was shorthanded with H and E AWOL in Brazil. And that's how she got to become a CSI so fast. :confused:

I wish C would tell R to me more polite.
Looks to be a great season!
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Juma said:
HM. Since the writers don't seem to put those little things in by chance, I bet her ex hubby :( has something to do with the house. Maybe he's back and want's the house? iik. :devil:
I was thinking that maybe she sued him. Took him to court, sued, and put him in jail. Then she moved out of the place they had been living in together and bought the house.

Juma said:
I wish C would tell R to me more polite.
I don't think Calleigh even knows how rude Ryan was to her, does she? Well... she was there at the beginning when he complained about her, but I'm sure she was unaware of him yelling at her after she apologized to the husband and then about the ex comment outside. Natalia doesn't seem like the type to go crying to someone when someone else says something bad/mean to her, so I'm assuming Calleigh has no idea.

Oh, well. I'm sure that Ryan will lighten up sometime durinng this season. But again, I'd really like to see their bickering continue for a bit.
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Thanks for the screencaps, Juma. They're great! :)

So who else likes CSI Natalia better than Lab Tech Natalia? ...Or am I the only one?
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

i like csi Natalia also!! she's great in both job but her as a csi means we see her more!
in the tv guide they say that she's gonna try to make peace with her ex wich now we know is named Nick Townsend. i just saw a new promo on ctv and like they said in the tv guide they show the end scene where they are at the beach and i'm kinda mad cause Nat wasnt there so i'm confused a bit cause its stupid but maybe its because we gonna have her mention her ex before he shows up next week so maybe her lawyer call her to warn her or someone else
Re: Natalia Boa Vista #1- New. Cool. Attitude

Hey peeps,

I'll just say this. I don't like Natalia at all- but Eva La Rue is just beautiful. She really is stunning. What else has she been in?
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