My First CSI story. CSI: Own Risk

oooh this terrible and grissom is the only one left... i want to know what happen to sara, nick, rick, greg and cath...
cocoa_girl18 said:
oooh this terrible and grissom is the only one left... i want to know what happen to sara, nick, rick, greg and cath...
Nope Nick didn't get taken, he got away from the person, but got hit in the head. Brass got to him but the person who is doing this got away. ;)
The first thought that came to her mind was that the floor she was laying on was hard. Her mind in a whirl as she tried to focus tried to think of something to clear her thoughts. Catherine Willows throught back to what had happened before she could remember no more. She remembered she had been heading down to collect Lindsey from her mother's. Catherine Willows is a CSI level 3 in Las Vegas. She is in her early 30's with shoulder length blonde hair. She is wearing black pants with a white blouse and red leather jacket. She had just pulled the car up outside her mother's house. She turned to the passenger seat and began looking through her hand bag for the keys to her mother's house. After a minute or so she found them and got out the car locking it.

She went to take a step away from the car when she caught a glance of something in the mirror. She stepped back seeing nothing but the open street behind her. As she went to turn towards the house a hand come round her face covering her mouth.In the hand was a cloth. Catherine tried to push back against her attacker but the masked figure's other arm came round holding her hands down. She breathed in deeply as the attacker was trying to push the air out of her lungs. She instantly smelt the Choroform. She struggled leaning back into her attacker. She lifted her boot up to slam it down on the attacker's foot as she breathed in again. Suddenly she felt her whole body go heavy. She blacked out slumping into the attacker's arms.

And Now her attacker had her somewhere. She could feel something in her mouth it felt like cloth. She couldn't move her hands either. She opened her eyes to see she was laying on the metal floor of a cold transit van. She glanced over her shoulder to see her hands tied behind her back with handcuffs. There was a cloth tied round her head covering her mouth. She looked out across the floor of the van to see another body. She looked closely as the van was almost completely in darkness. Her eyes went wide as she saw who it was. The limp body of Warrick brown was tied up laying across for her own. She quickly looked to the front of the van into the driver's seat there was no one there. She shuffled over to Warrick and knocked into him trying to wake him up. She bumped into him again but nothing. He must of been out cold. She put her face down on the floor of the van for a second and felt a sticky wet warmness cover the side of her face. She lifted her head up and looked down at what she had put her face in. After a couple of seconds her eyes adjusted to the darkness more and she cover see a pool of blood coming from under Warrick's head.

WILLOWS: Muhhhh!

Catherine moved forward again and kept knocking Warrick's chest with her own shoulder. She tried to call out from behind the cloth in her mouth.


She shoved Warrick hard with her shoulder. His limp body rolled onto his back. She prayed for his eyes to open but to no use. Suddenly the back door of the van opened and before Catherine could even react a shadowary figure stepped into the doorway lifting a Iron pipe and brought it down on Catherine's forhead. The blow snapping her head back as her head falls back on Warrick's chest and it all goes black.
Nooooooooooooo! Not Cath too!!! :( Who's harming our CSIs? Will Grissom find them in time??? :eek: I want an update!!!
Hmm, very interesting chapter. Details were very crisp, and I was able to visualize all of the paragraphs. I'm very anxious to find out who the kidnapper is, and why he's taking all the CSIs for a 'wild ride' so-to-speak. Keep up the excellent work! :)
Back at the labs Gil Grissom is working on the finger print scanner. The scanner is still running through the database looking for a match. He sits at the computer thumbing through some report files. Once he had found out the killer had got Catherine he phoned Nick only to hear the line cut off. He had not actually breathed until Brass told him over the phone that Nick was safe. Once he knew Nick was safe he had finished putting the glass back together and dusted it for finger prints. He had so badly wanted to go and check on Nick himself but he knew the rest of his CSI's were still at risk if not already... He wouldn't beleive that anything else had happened to them. He couldn't afford too. He had to keep his mind on the case. He had found three finger prints on the glass. The finger prints however had all matched Sara Sidle. So the glass had lead them to a dead end.

As he was thumibng through the reports he stopped to read one part and thought about it for a moment. He took off his glasses holding them for a moment thinking about it. Then he put his glasses back on and put the report down next to the computer. He took the mouse cancelling the search on the finger print. He then clicked a tab and typed in Police profiles. He clicked search again and took the report back up reading some more.

Nick Stokes walked back into the CSI labs. As he walked through the front area a couple of people talking turned round looking at the back of his head. He had a white plaster covering the lower left hand side of his head. He quickly walked round heading over towards Grissom's office. As he passed the room Grissom was working in he looked inside through the glass and seen Grissom reading the report. Nick walked over to the door and opened it heading inside. Grissom looked up as soon as Nick entered. Grissom took off his glasses and stood up to face Nick.

GRISSOM: Are you ok?
STOKES: Yeah. Am fine. Just tell me we have something on this guy?
GRISSOM: Nothing yet.
STOKES: How about the glass?
GRISSOM: All the finger prints i found on the glass were Sara's.
STOKES: So we have nothing!

Nick leans down looking at the computer screen as the finger is still running through. Grissom looks over spotting the plaster on the back of his head.

STOKES: He was in the room with me Grissom!
GRISSOM: It's ok Nick. You did what you could.
STOKES: But I should of had him Grissom!
GRISSOM: It's not your fault Nick. How's your head?
STOKES: It's fine.
GRISSOM: Did the medic clear you to work?
STOKES: Yeah. She did. So what is with checking the Police profile database?

Suddenly the computer screen comes up with a match. Grissom quickly sits down as the computer begins up the persons file. Nick Stokes leans in closer to look. The match matches a David Dacson. Grissom reads as he speaks to Nick Stokes.

GRISSOM: When you read the report to me before you mentioned the name David Dacson.
STOKES: Yeah. He was the CSI who worked on Teaver Bone's case.
GRISSOM: Well i thought of trying the Police profile database to be sure and his finger print matches the one we took from Sara's phone.
STOKES: So he's our killer!
GRISSOM: It mentions that he worked as a CSI in Miami before coming to Las Vegas. I'll ring up Miami and see if they have a file on him.

Grissom gets up quickly heading over to his office to give the Police in Miami a call.
Haha, does my nose deceive me or do we have a LV/Miami crossover, ladies and gentlemen? *pulls a mediocre Horatio moment and pulls out sunglasses, placing hands on hips* Too bad I'm a girl, else I'd be a spittin image! Haha, update soon! I like the twists...very nice
:eek: Very interesting! Keep up the great work, you have me very interested to see what happens next. ;)
(It's ok GRSfan_4ever. I will pull the pose for you. But i don't look like Horatio. I look more like Tim Speedle oh and Speed_Cochrane Supernatural is great. I have only watched first half of season 1 tho.)
:D ouch Grissom calling Miami, after what William (Petersens) opinion of them are this should be good. Nicely done putting in what was going through Catherines mind in the van.

Strong story and steady patient keeping it on track, doing great, remember time lends to what you want the people to see, if you don't take the time, you loose something in the translation, so far you are on track and keeping with that. :)
(I will not be able to add New York to this as i have only ever watched two episodes of it. So i don't know the characters well enough.Sorry.)
There is a set of stairs heading up through the Las Vegas Police Station up to the roof. Both Nick Stokes and Gil Grissom are walking side by side heading up the stairs towards the top. The stairs way goes down four floors however they had took the lift up to the third floor after speaking with Jim Brass. Brass had headed off with a copy of David Dacson's file to try to find out where he lives. Grissom steps forward just getting ahead of Nick as Nick spoke.

STOKES: Right so now what do we do?
GRISSOM: Miami has sent over two of it's CSI's to assist us in this case.
STOKES: Why send Miami CSI's over to here? Why not just send the information?
GRISSOM: Well as far as i know they have no cases on going at this time. Also one of the CSI's coming worked with David Dacson in Miami before he came to work in Vegas.
STOKES: Right!

They get to the top of the stairs and open the doors. There are four police officers standing there as out on the middle of the roof is a Helipad. A large white and blue police chopper is just senting down on the large H painted on the pad. The noise from the rotor blade is tremendous as the wind blowing is kicking up dust off the roof. Grissom lifts the folder to his eyes slightly to cover the wind and dust flying round. Nick puts his hand up covering his face.

Grissom looks into the chopper through the chopper windows a few seconds before the pilot sets the chopper down. He see's the outline of a man sitting on the back chair. The man is turned away speaking to someone who Grissom cannot see. As the helichopter's legs touch the ground Grissom looks over and after about two seconds the back side door opens of the chopper and a man in a dark blue suit steps out. The man has light red hair that is over to one side. He has black shoes and a black shirt. The shirt has it's top button open and a pair of expensive sunglasses rest there. The man turns back into the chopper. The man is in his late 40's. Another person steps out as Nick Stokes looks over. It is a young woman with long blonde hair past shoulder length. She was wearing a pair of black pants with white pin stripes. She also wore a white blouse with the top two buttons open and a grey waist coat buttoned up with black boots. The woman turned around to look over at Grissom and Nick. Nick thought the young woman was in her mid 20's. She wore her badge on her belt like the man in the suit did.

The young woman said something to the man in the suit and they both walked over to Grissom and Nick. Nick thought to himself that this was the woman that Warrick had gone on about for a couple of weeks after the Police Cheif case. As the man in the suit and the young woman got to them. The man in the suit extended his hand out to Grissom. The man was Horatio Caine. They have to shout as the chopper blades begin to slow down.

HORATIO: Gil Grissom! Am Horatio.....
GRISSOM: Horatio Caine. Your the Miami Dae shift supervisor.
HORATIO: Indeed i am. How.....
GRISSOM: I took the liberty of reading your profile.
HORATIO: Well i didn't need to read yours. Even in Miami we have heard of your skill with insects.

The sound of the Helichopter blades has gone quieter now as the young woman coughs a little. Horatio turns rounds looking at her then back at Grissom and Nick.

HORATIO: I'd like you to meet Calleigh DuCaine. She's the ballistic's expert on my team.
CALLEIGH: How do you do?
STOKES:Am please to meet you.
GRISSOM: This is Nick Stokes.
HORATIO: That's a nasty head wound you got there Nicky.
CALLEIGH: Are you ok?
STOKES: Am good.
GRISSOM: If you would like to follow me please.

Grissom and Horatio both step forward first and head over to the door and head down the stairs with Nick holding the door open for them and Calleigh. Calleigh smiles at Nick as she heads through the doorway. Nick follows walking along side Calleigh.

HORATIO: So David Dacson is behind all this!
GRISSOM: We believe so. We found his finger print on a mobile phone at one of my CSI's house's.
HORATIO: So far what has he done?
GRISSOM: Well he has kidnapped 4 of my CSI's and also we beleive he is killing to try to set up traps. Nick was quick enough not to get caught in the last trap.
CALLEIGH: Is that how you got your injury?
STOKES: I didn't duck quick enough. Yeah.
HORATIO: Any pattern with the killings?
GRISSOM: None that we can find.
CALLEIGH: So any idea where to go next?
STOKES: Well we have been through all the evidence but i didn't finish processing the Mayor's crime scene.
GRISSOM: Me and Horatio will finish processing the Mayor's house. Nick as soon as Brass gets a address on David's home i want you and Calleigh to head over there.
HORATIO: Sounds like a plan.

Grissom stops halfway down the stairs and turns round to look at Nick and Calleigh. Horatio stops the next step down and turns round looking back at them.

GRISSOM: And remember both of you watch your backs.
STOKES: Sure thing Grissom.
CALLEIGH: It's alright i'll keep an eye on him.

The group continue to head dowstairs as Grissom and Horatio get ready to check out the Mayor's house again. Nick and Calleigh walk behind them getting ready to go and find Brass.