My First CSI story. CSI: Own Risk

(Thanks again for the comments and hello to new readers LadySaraButterfly and GSRfan_4ever. Your comments mean alot to me and help me. I am a very big watcher of CSI and Miami too. So am trying to do my best getting into the minds and thoughts of each of the characters. Thank you again and hope you enjoy the next scene.)

The Labs. We see Nick Stokes working through the evidence. He pulls out a box and reaches inside pulling out a brown bag he opens it and pulls out Greg Sandlers CSI jacket. He has already given the swab of blood off the jacket and from both hand prints aswell as the single blood pool on the floor to DNA with the fibres in the wound. The metal fragments he had given to Hodges when he has come back in from the crime scene Grissom had gone to the Morgue shortly after the body. Nick took out a magniflying scope and began to look over the whole of the jacket front and back. He then began to tape lift the whole jacket. He was working as quick as he could.He was half way through taping lifting the whole jacket when he glanced over his shoulder and saw the baseball bat tagged up in a bag. He turned round wishing he has another CSI helping like Warrick or Sara. He froze as he thought it. Thinking of Warrick and Greg. Where was they? What was happening to them? When him and Grissom had got the call from dispatch all he had wanted to do was get to the scene. It finally sunk in. They where gone. Nick Stokes leaned back against the table his head in his hands. How had this happened? Why had it happened? Nick prided himself on knowing the answers to anything that was asked but his mind couldn't search for the answer.

He was so busy thinking he didn't even hear the knock on the door. Someone speaking suddenly brought him back as he looked over at the door. It was David Hodges from Trace. He was almost the same size as Nick in height but quite thin. Hodges was in his late 20's and was wearing black shoes dark blue pants and a long blue lab coat with a sky blue shirt under it. His brown hair brushed over to the right. His blue eyes almost searching for something on Nick's face. He is holding a couple of peices of paper. Nick stared over at him waiting for him to speak.

HODGES: Am looking for Grissom. You haven't seen him have you?
STOKES: Hodges Grissom is at the morgue. Are those the results of the tests?
HODGES: Yes. I might as well tell you as your the only CSI here.

Hodges walks in his last words cutting into Nick as Nick gives Hodges a glare for a minute then lets it go. Hodges steps across from Nick on the other side of the table taking out a peice of paper and handing it over to Nick. Nick begins to read through it as Hodges speaks.

HODGES: The metal flakes you give me are mostly lead based. The graph your looking at shows it is infact what i believed it was after checking it under the microscope. They are lead flakes mostly likely from a lead pipe. Which was used between the 1900's through to 1984 where Lead pipes where replaced because of the dangers of lead posioning through water pipes. However the search ends there.
HODGES: Because any building built before 1984 has lead pipes in it. Which gives us a search radius of over half of Vegas. Also with those Lead flakes that rules your baseball bat out as weapon of choice. I also checked those fibres for you.
STOKES: I give those to DNA?
HODGES: They kicked them back to me. The fibres are from a Nylon-poly weave i crossed refenced it and found it come from a 1999 Dodge black jacket. Also i am DNA's messanger boy. The blood from the hand print on the table matches your victim. However the blood from the hand print on the wall, the blood pool on the floor and the blood on the back of Greg's jacket is all from one person.

10 minutes later Grissom is walking down the corridor into the labs when Nick Stokes comes out the evidence room and walks over to him with a file.

GRISSOM: What have we got?
STOKES: The weapon is a Lead pipe the metal flakes give us that. The footprint is a size 10 running shoe but dead ends there. The baseball bat was a dead end too. The bloodly hand print on the table matches the victims blood and fingerprints. The fibres we got from the wound are from a Black 1999 Dodge Jacket. And the fingerprint i got off the backdoor handle give us a suspect. Teavor Bone A.K.A Tbone. He was arrested in 1986 for attempted robbery and second degree murder but the case was dropped. The CSI at the time was David Dacson. I was just heading to get you.
GRISSOM: Why does that name sound familar? What about the Bloodly hand print on the wall, blood on the back of Greg's jacket and the blood pool?
STOKES: They all match one person the same at the fingerprints in the bloodly handprint on the wall. Grissom it's all Warrick's Blood!

Grissom just freezes looking at Nick Stokes. He takes the file off Nick Stokes looking through it. He finds the page for the blood tests. It is a perfect match at the top of the page is Warrick Brown's in the subject's name box.
Can you remind me again what ep that was, the Tbone thing? I don't remember. Anyway, good work, please update soon.
Really good chapter, I enjoyed it very much. I really liked how you held back the information until the very last moment, so that the reader is compelled to keep reading. Great job. :D
A Large open neighbourhood. There is a bunch of young men hanging round one of the houses. They are a street gang. All the houses in the single area all on one floor with no upstairs. They have metal fencing round the small graden they have at the front of their houses. There are five men in the group outside the house. Down the street come two police patrol cars with a black Land Rover in between them. The police cars and Land Rover turn and pull up along side the kerb.

One officer gets out the front car with Jim Brass and two officers get out the back patrol car as Nick Stokes gets out the driver's door of the Land Rover and Gil Grissom gets out the passenger side door. the young lads all begin talking as the officers come over. Jim Brass looks over at the young lads. There is a man on the other side of the metal fence he is in his 30's and looks odd with a young of lads this young. The man is wearing jeans and a vest top. All the lads are wearing baggy jeans and hoodies. Jim Brass steps forward.

BRASS: Teavor Bone?

One of the young lads steps up in front of Brass. Trying to get in his face. Brass just stares the lad in the eyes.

LAD: That is Tbone to you!
BRASS: Oh yeah right Tbone. And what is your name?
LAD: My friends call me Apax!
BRASS:Ok Apax. Now why don't you move out the way before we take a little trip to the station and i'll ring your parents and tell them why your there?

The young lad steps back and over to his mates. Brass heads over to Teavor Bone with Grissom and Stokes behind him.

BRASS: Am Dectective Jim Brass with the Las Vegas Police. This is Gil Grissom and Nick Stokes with the crime lab. We would like to ask you a few questions.
BONE: So ask them already!
BRASS: Where have you been tonight? Mr Brown.
BONE: I was in my house watching a film!
BRASS: What time was that?
BONE: Must of been from 8 till 10:15 maybe 10:30! Look what is all this for?
BRASS: We are investigating the death of a Mr Lee Paulson in his home just off Plaza strip.
STOKES: You know him?
BONE: No can't say i do! So if you don't have any other questions shove off!
STOKES: We don't have time for this?
GRISSOM: Look we found your finger print on the back door handle of his house. If you have a good reason for your print being there then tell us?
BRASS: If not your coming down to the station to be charged with murder!
BONE: I robbed his house.
BONE: Three days ago.
BRASS: Officers! Your under arrest for burgerly. And we still need to have a chat about Lee Paulson.

Brass steps forward and puts the handcuffs on Teavor Bone. He takes him leading him over to the second patrol car and puts him in the back as the two oficers get into the patrol car Jim brass heads over to the other officer. Nick Stokes turns to Gil Grissom.

STOKES: Grissom if he's not the killer. It's another dead end. What do we do?
GRISSOM: I.. I don't know!

Both Nick Stokes and Gil Grissom turn watching as the second patrol car starts up and heads past them down the street. In the back sits their only lead they have left. After Teavor Bone they have nothing.
This is very good. Again very well written.

I hope it's not another dead end. *whines* I wanna know what happens. :D Haha.
Good chapter.

The structure was very good, and the story continues to be extremely interesting. I really liked near the end when Grissom doesn't know what to do. It shows the amount of stress and concern her has for his comrades, and that even he doesn't know what to do sometimes. He does fall like everyone else. Good job. :)
Back in the small apartment. The whole apartment in almost darkness. The front room is quite dark. The only light coming from a small lamp siting on a desk. Sitting in a nice comfy chair sits Sara Sidle. She has hold of the report from Los Angeles. Her focus is completely on the writing as she reads carefully. She is still wearing her pajama pants and tank top she wore for bed before. Most of her body has sunk into the chair as she continues to read through the report. She had begun reading on page 16 and was already up to page 41. She was a fast reader. She had completely forgotten about the nightmare she had before. She was to busy reading the report. She thought to herself. Some of the tests they had been performing in Los Angeles would seriously help alot of cases get made with brand new evidence methods. However the board for crime scene investigation techniques had yet to give the go ahead or denie the working test methods yet. There needed to be alot more practices before they would allow the tests into the boards. Sara however had read some of the cons aswell from the tests. The tests were not 100% effective and needed more testing and practical results first.

She turned the page reaching over for her glass of water. She grabbed the glass of water and took a sip of it. She placed it back on the table. She just begun reading the next few lines at she phone started to ring. She glanced over reaching for it. The name flashing on the screen was Gil Grissom. Suddenly a cloth comes over Sara's mouth as standing behind the seat is a masked figure all in black standing in the shadows. He places his other hand over her chest trying to stop her arms moving. Sara tries to breath but smells the choroform on the cloth over her mouth. She struggles with all her might. Her legs kicking the table over sending everyting falling to the floor. In the same movement she throws her arms back pushing the masked figure away from her. She falls foward to the floor free of the masked figure's clutches. She hits the floor seeing her phone has flipped open automaticlly answering the call. She screams.

SIDLE: Grissom! Help!!

Back at the labs Grissom is heading down the corridor with Nick Stokes. Grissom has his phone to his ear. He is giving Sara Sidle another ring. The phone had rang twice when he heard a click. He had called out Sara twice but got no answer Nick Stokes had stepped closer to the phone as Grissom had held it out wondering why she hadn't answered. Then they both heard it loud and clear. A muffled bang and then Sara screaming "Grissom! Help!!". Both Grissom and Nick Stokes looked at each other. The horror on both their faces showing the agony of what they had heard.

Back at the apartment. Sara gets straight onto her feet looking round her apartment. She spots her Beretta on the bed side table and begins to run into the bedroom for it. The figure charges after her. Just as she gets into the bedroom the masked figure tackles her to the floor. She falls hard landing on her elbows. She screams trying to pull herself up.

SIDLE: Ahhhhhh!

A hand quickly comes over her mouth. She smells the choroform again on the cloth. She tries to not breath. She reaches out trying to reach for her Beretta on the night stand only a few feet away from her. The smell is so over powering. She takes a deep breath reaching again. She is trying to kick out with her legs but to no use. The smell becomes to much for her and her eyes close. Her whole body goes limp as her head drops down to the floor.
Come to think of it, I kinda expected something to happen with her from her last I have visions of all of them eventually getting taken and then working together to escape.

Please update soon.
Excellent chapter, thanks for posting it!

I can't wait to read what happens next. You have a real knack for suspense. ;)
Gah! Okay, I didn't really see that coming, but now that I think of it I should've. So now they have Warrick, Greg, and Sara. And only Grissom and Nick to do anything about it. Where's Catherine again?

But this is amazing. So please update soon! :D
(Catherine has had a family emergancy and has had to take the night off. Am glad am keeping the suspence high. I wonder if Nick and Grissom will be quick enough to save Sara?)