Multishippers Sanctuary.

I don't know about these other ships. lol. I guess beacuse I don't do M/M or F/F stories or even read them but I was wondering who is Wendy? I don't remember who she is or what she does on the show. lol. Oh and forensicsgirl I love the nickname of HC. lol. Thank you for giving me a nickname. lol
Did you see the show where the new lab-tec says that back in her old job they started every day with a hug, then offers to take Catherine out to lunch? THAT'S Wendy. ;)

Edit: The ep name is 'Secrets and Flies'.
I ship Brass and Catherine mostly (I do have one Brass/Annie Kramer under my belt) but I'll also ship Brass/Sara and Brass/Sofia. I'll pretty much read Brass with anyone though. I just love me some Brass ;)

OMG, has no one made a Sass thread yet??? *looks around*
Aww Sass! Brass is so much fun and you can really tell he cares about Sara. It's so cute. I love it when he stole her fish. Good fun.

I love Sass. (but what else is new. it would probably be easier to list the ships I don't sail.

erm.... I'm drawing a blank...)
Athena you have a veritable FLEET of ships, pretty much all captained by Sara if I'm not very much mistaken. You should hold a regata! *bounces up and down getting excited* I'll help you organise it, and we'll all dress up, and...

Okay, I'd better switch to decaf - I'm getting over-excited... :lol:
Ha! I do have a fleet. And I'm a fan of YoBling, Grillow, and Cowpokes too. Just a time issue when it comes to posting there. ;)

Whoohoo! Let's take these ships out to sea!
I'm a fan of GSR & Snickers! Can't Sara just have both? I know I would! LOL
*puts finishing touches to fleet* Whooohoo! All aboard! I'm not so much into racing as sailing sedately up the river and blowing rasberies at all the slow-coached single-shippers... ;)