Multishippers Sanctuary.

You dismantled the PG-13-o-meter? :devil: ooooooh... hehe. :D I might just scoot on over. But first, I must go and revise the collapse of the Weimar Republic of Germany in 1933, for I have exams all next week! Oh, joy is me... ;)
I found a new ship for Las Vegas: Nick/Kelly Gordon.
I'd totally dig him falling in love with a woman that he first despised.

So that makes my LV list:
Nick/Kelly Gordon
Hey Gnimaerd, ever thought of coming out of lurking mode in the slash-thread of Cath/Sara?? Come on over there.. we dismantled the PG-13-o-meter!! :devil:

*runs from mods* Shoot! I should've whispered that last sentence!

You dismantled the pg-13 meter? How did you do it....I've been trying to do it since forever on the SMACked thread heh.

PS: I LOVE your icon. Catherine reminds me of Kramer there with the hand gestures heh.
Hey Gnimaerd, ever thought of coming out of lurking mode in the slash-thread of Cath/Sara?? Come on over there.. we dismantled the PG-13-o-meter!! :devil:

*runs from mods* Shoot! I should've whispered that last sentence!

You dismantled the pg-13 meter? How did you do it....I've been trying to do it since forever on the SMACked thread heh.

Here are the attributes you need:
- a hot pic of Sara/Cath on a thread, to distract it.
- a screwdriver
- a picture of a meter that says 'PG-13' to glue over the real meter that would say 'Way beyond PG-13' to keep the mods away

Now.. connect the red and the blue wire and just get rid of the black one.. I didn't see a reason for that wire staying there anyway.. I think that one was there to produce smoke when it went over PG-13. Do I make sense?? :D

PS: I LOVE your icon. Catherine reminds me of Kramer there with the hand gestures heh.
Thanks! Isn't it just cute.. I love the way she tried to speak French there :lol: and also the reaction Ellen gives: "Oh no.. he didn't say that, did he?" That totally cracked me up.
Here are the attributes you need:
- a hot pic of Sara/Cath on a thread, to distract it.
- a screwdriver
- a picture of a meter that says 'PG-13' to glue over the real meter that would say 'Way beyond PG-13' to keep the mods away

Now.. connect the red and the blue wire and just get rid of the black one.. I didn't see a reason for that wire staying there anyway.. I think that one was there to produce smoke when it went over PG-13. Do I make sense??

:lol: perfect sense! Right, *grabs screw-driver* time to start reeking a little havock in the DnA and D/L threads... :devil:
hi. Here is who I like on each show.



Miami is just one pair so I won't post it on here. lol


Who was it that once said that one the hardest things of being a multi-shipper is the want to satisfy everyone?

I just keep wanting to make a little something for every one of my ships, and for one I just cannot find the time for it! Grrrr! :p

And I like more ships every day! My recent one is Grissom/Brass, for which, by the way, is there a name for??
My recent one is Grissom/Brass, for which, by the way, is there a name for??

Grass? :lol:

Hi HCfanforlife1982 (I'm nicknaming you HC okay? ;) ) Welcome to the board *waves* If you like both Grissom/Sara and Sara/Nick, you should also check out the GeNiuS threesome ship- best of both worlds :D
Heh Grass that's cute.

Hmm I don't think I've ever been here before. Right now I ship Nick/Sara and Gil/Cath. But I can just ship Cath with anybody. I can see her with Warrick, Greg, and Brass. She's just this one hot lady that has awesome chemistry with a lot of people. As for snickers, I can't multiship that. :D
I ship Brass and Catherine mostly (I do have one Brass/Annie Kramer under my belt) but I'll also ship Brass/Sara and Brass/Sofia. I'll pretty much read Brass with anyone though. I just love me some Brass ;)
I'm prety much only for Nick/Greg (yow! :devil:) but i guess i could see catherine/grissom or catherine/warrick (but he had to go mess that one up :rolleyes:) i have no clue who sara should be with...maybe that one dective...not o'riley or the mexican one but the other one.
i have no clue who sara should be with...maybe that one dective...not o'riley or the mexican one but the other one.

Vartann! He's so flipping hot. Oh my God, the hotness. The hotness, people! If I were Sara I'd randomly call him in the middle of the night.

Sara: Vartann, I have a 2-6-9!
Vartann: I'll be right there, Sara!

And then when he gets there she could be all, "Thank God you're here! I can't unhook my bra."

Vartann: ... hook's in the front Sara.
Sara: Oh my God! Heh. Oops. Um, can you still get that, though?

Yeah, baby!
Vartann! He's so flipping hot. Oh my God, the hotness. The hotness, people! If I were Sara I'd randomly call him in the middle of the night.

Sara: Vartann, I have a 2-6-9!
Vartann: I'll be right there, Sara!

And then when he gets there she could be all, "Thank God you're here! I can't unhook my bra."

Vartann: ... hook's in the front Sara.
Sara: Oh my God! Heh. Oops. Um, can you still get that, though?

Yeah, baby!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

her and Vartann and Her and Cath rock!