Multishippers Sanctuary.

i have no clue who sara should be with...maybe that one dective...not o'riley or the mexican one but the other one.

Vartann! He's so flipping hot. Oh my God, the hotness. The hotness, people! If I were Sara I'd randomly call him in the middle of the night.

Sara: Vartann, I have a 2-6-9!
Vartann: I'll be right there, Sara!

And then when he gets there she could be all, "Thank God you're here! I can't unhook my bra."

Vartann: ... hook's in the front Sara.
Sara: Oh my God! Heh. Oops. Um, can you still get that, though?

Yeah, baby!

wow lol!!!! :lol:
I found a new ship for Las Vegas: Nick/Kelly Gordon.
I'd totally dig him falling in love with a woman that he first despised.
Fabian I like the idea. Too bad Kelly already OD'd before their ship could develop.

I already posted my ships here ill just add these cuz im also liking:
Cath/Wendy- i call it CaNdy
Warrick/Lady Heather- ruzila and LadySaraButterfly calls it CoolWhip
Wendy/Hodges- coolcatz calls it Wedgies :lol:
I already posted my ships here ill just add these cuz im also liking:
Cath/Wendy- i call it CaNdy
Warrick/Lady Heather- ruzila and LadySaraButterfly calls it CoolWhip
Wendy/Hodges- coolcatz calls it Wedgies :lol:

Hahaha, Wedgies and CoolWhip :lol:
I already posted my ships here ill just add these cuz im also liking:
Cath/Wendy- i call it CaNdy
Warrick/Lady Heather- ruzila and LadySaraButterfly calls it CoolWhip
Wendy/Hodges- coolcatz calls it Wedgies

Those sound like something a desperate housewife would say *runs off to start new thread*
Although its a long shot, Im kinda liking the dynamics and I see the potential of relationship between those characters, and the ship names are er.. cool? lmao! :lol:
Vartann! He's so flipping hot. Oh my God, the hotness. The hotness, people!

*hoses down midnight_tiptoes* I think you are in serious danger of over heating with all that hotness, midnight ;) :lol:

Can I also say how happy I am that we have another f/f ship in town - woot! :) *runs off to post there*
Okay if I'm not gonna get snickers I'd go for Sartann! He is H.O.T.

Oh I also like Candy! Awesome name LMAO.

Oh man coolwhip :lol: that would be burning!
I'm going to just jump on in here. Hi all I ship...

Sara/Aiden (ducks to avoid possible flying objects) I don't why. I've been rping Aiden and yet I've on a Sara kick lately so I guess somewhere in my mind they got all mixed up. But I don't know, somehow I think it would work. Plus I'm not into m/m slash.