Multishippers Sanctuary.

Aw, crap. Why'd ya have to go and ask a question like that Gnimaerd? Why make me choose? It's almost impossible. Like one of the 8th wonders of the world. *whispers* What?! there's only 7? Meh.

Sooooo um to actually answer the question: The ONE ship I would have to choose would be the one that blooms out of NATURAL PROGRESSION. Now, not saying that we should all have an orgy :confused: Wait we already do... SEE I CAN'T ANSWER THIS QUESTION!!!!!

Okay one more try: Whichever ship comes to fruition out of NATURAL PROGRESSION would be the one I would go with. Por ejemplo: I would prefer Snickers over GSR *ducks* WAIT!!! Listen... Because, IMO the latter seems forced over the former. Yes there is tension b/w Sidle/Gil, however it seems to be an angsting Sidle meets a confused Gil, say it A-W-K-W-A-R-D. But if you look at the OVERALL picture who would be the one to completely complement the other? Who would be the couple to show a MUTUAL support and admiration of each other? Which ship would be COMFORTABLE and you would/wouldn't squirm/squee in your seat from seeing? One with mutual reciprocation. An honest give and take.

Now compare Snickers to Checkmate(W/S) With either one there is a NATURAL comfortable rapport with either man. BUT which one sees the vulnerability of her? Mostly it's been Nicky *pets him* ie:BFY, GD, GD2. I can sooooo totally ship Warrick w/Sara cos like they are of TEH HAWTNESS, but beyond that TPTB haven't really given us the mutual understanding/character interaction development we NEED... hence FANFIC!!! (Support your FANDOM)

That's how I, anyway look at it. I could use other ships from other fandom IE: Mulder/Scully & Scully/Skinner *shudders* OR Shep/Weir & McWeir & Shep/Teyla. but I'll spare the blabbering.

*notetoreader: I went the Sara route, cos I LURVE her character, not to pick a fight. Send all hate mail to: midnightsun @ ninenineninenevermind kthnxbai.*

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

To ship or not to ship, that is the question. Methinks I'll ship ;)
Who suggested Aiden/Lindey cause that's starting to sound good to me too. Got room on that ship for one more?
:) We should just get all the girls together from all three CSI and have one big cuddle party. Who needs boys! Though the looks on their faces when they walked in would be priceless. LOL

Someone need to write a Aiden/Lindsey story.
Idea for new girly slasher!

I recently saw the movie RENT and loved it!!! So I did a photomanip and I just ended up pairing Sara with Mia because that's what fit best for the pictures I had, but I just think that would be a fun ship.
Whoo! I'm all for the multi-girl cuddle party! And that is one abulous photo-manip, Athena! :D
Thanks a lot guys. I'm happy people like it. I'll have to do more photomanips soon then.

And I agree with you there Gnimaerd I'm all for the girly cuddle party! Where do I sign up for that!!
Its great to find a place for multishippers :) Im a multishipper yea... I mostly ship Snickers and Sandle but lately added two new ships to my obsession namely Greg/Wendy and Sara/Wendy.
Oooh, new ship! <Aggie squeees> Sara/Wendy? Me likey. :D
I don't think we've had that one yet.
So what about a name then?

I don't know why but I've suddenly got Venus stuck in my head for the girls...
Sara/Wendy? Me likey :D the more femme/slash pairing the better, as far as I'm concerned :)

Speaking of femme/slash, I've written my first SalSa fic - its kinda NC-17, so I can't link to it, but it's over on my lj for anyone that's interested ;)

And I'd like to announce that my conversion to The Love is complete. lament has shown me the way (not to mention some awesomely hot fan fiction) and I am now a devoted Nick/Greg shipper :D