Multishippers Sanctuary.

HA! Aggie I love the pics!

*Wears her sailors hat with pride and boards her mother ship.*

Feel free to have fun racing and competing with your ships but as for me, I'll just be cruising and relaxing.

(Stealing the quote from Carnival Cruises-)
"Welcome to the fun ship" The USS MultiShip
The good 'ship CaRWash is falling behind! Quick, we need a tug-'ship! A 'ship that removes rivals to said 'ship so as to give our 'ship a boost... let's see... Eric/Natalia? Nope, don't like them... (no offense, just haven't gotten a 'feel' for Natalia's character yet)... Ooh, Horatio/Yelina! Yay! *grabs tug* right, attaching tug 'ship to ailing 'ship and... we're away! Come on, guys, keep up with the fleet!

Yes. I'm bored.

Um query: Can my ships from other fandoms have a go in herrrrre? Cos than I'd have more than a fleet, it'd be an armada.... Uh, are armada's bigger than fleets?
midnight, i think that an armada is a fleet of warships - sounds a bit aggressive when it comes to ships of love :lol: :p And why do you want a bigger fleet - don't you know it's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it? :lol: :devil:

*ahem* sorry, couldn't resist ;)

Sure, add you other fandom ships onto your fleet - I'm sure it'll be a mighty Armada. I myself am having problems in that department. Xena and Gabrielle are aided by Xena's superior sailing skills, so they keep sailing well ahead of the other ships, while Angel can't go on deck during the daylight hours, so poor Cordy is left to sail by herself all day :(

Meanwhile, Grissom has to keep leaping from ship to ship, from the goodship GSR to all the slash ships I ship him in. Mind you, it means that Sara has time to slip away to sail with Cath :lol:

Who said sailing isn't good exercise? :lol:
Well, I'm certainly keeping Danny on his toes right now - he keeps having to jump from the good ship DnA to DeLicious and back again! Then Aiden makes thing more difficult by sneaking off to Stella - and Lindsay keeps following her! Jeez, how do I control a fleet when my characters keep trying to slash-fic me?! :lol:
Oh, man poor Cordy. Somehow Angel on a ship makes me think SINBAD. Personally I did Xena/Herc. I dunno why, think I was overtaken by the musculature of the duo. And to think watching those two shows were part of my homework assignment for an honours history class.
Clearly I am taking the wrong history course. :D

Do you multi-ship Stargate Atlantis, too? I feel like the only person in the world who 'ships Sheppard/Weir and Sheppard/Teyla. (Your avatar is cute, by he way.) ;)

Hmmm, now Calleigh keeps jumping 'ship and heading for Telleigh... and Ryan keeps heading over to drag Eric into the water... I don't know whether he wants to beat the crap out of him or snuggle... :lol:
Clearly I am taking the wrong history course. :D

Do you multi-ship Stargate Atlantis, too? I feel like the only person in the world who 'ships Sheppard/Weir and Sheppard/Teyla. (Your avatar is cute, by he way.) ;)

Hmmm, now Calleigh keeps jumping 'ship and heading for Telleigh... and Ryan keeps heading over to drag Eric into the water... I don't know whether he wants to beat the crap out of him or snuggle... :lol:

hehe, yeah history kinda sucks.... Dude, they died. It's over for them. Move along... Move along. You don't need to see his identification.

SGA OU YEAH!!!! I found me a fellow sci-fier(is that a word?) Well, I ship Sparky and Spanky (tho I've not seen s2, but JM is just HAWT, plus he's from where I'm from too, so gotta show the love to the local boy HA-Y-N!) and more of a 'friend'ship for Teyla/Shep: ie 'Home' she be a drinking buh-dee :cool:... Plus what was w/that 'assault' in Conversion? DUDE! NOT COOL! Plus they Kirk Shep out too much :rolleyes: Thanks for the avvy comp... My FAVE moment, well, not cos what they say, but they just look like they're on a first date and have NO IDEA what to do next. tee-hee. SQUEEEEEEEE

Yeah, the boys in Miami need a good whumping. Then we can have a girl fight Valera/Cal vs. Snake... altho' either could go at her solo, I'm diggin the 'girl-power'... Ya know snaking Valera's job, then her man.... Then Cal's man... Yeah, SUPERBRAWL MIAMI :lol:
Try throwing some mud on there too! :D MWAHAHAHA!!! Chick-fight! (And before anyone says anything, I'm a chick, so I can say such things. ;) ) Mmmm... that gives me an idea. Calleigh/Velara... sweet... :D
I'm a multishipper(sorta, do two ships make me a multi?) I'm into Stella/Hawkes(Stawkes,I think it's called right?) and also Danny/Hawkes slash. Danny/Hawkes slash is very new and very rare, I've only read one story that uses this pairing(my beta belongs to this fansite and she e-mailed me the story). In fact it's such a rare pairing that it doesn't even have a name yet.(Privatly I've been calling it Something Fishy since it was the episode Dancing with the Fishes that got me thinking about Danny/Hawkes slash in the first place.)
'Shipping any one character into more than one 'ship is classed as multi-shipping - it's a fun, fun place to be. ;)

What's happening to this thread? It used to be a pretty lively place. Eh, oh well. I'm just going to open a can of worms a wrecklessly hurl them all over the walls to ask (in a strictly non-contensious way) which of anyone's 'ships they like the best.

For instance - if I had to choose, would I only ever read DnA fic ever again or D/L...? :devil:

Eep. Even I can't choose... :lol:

But, what's interesting, is that though I 'ship Calleigh/Speedle and Calleigh/Ryan, I can honestly say that I prefer Calleigh/Ryan stuff, despite having 'grown up' in CSI fandom with Speed, and despite Talleigh being my first ever Miami 'ship (earning itself a special place in my heart forever more).

I have no idea why, but the CaRWaSh relationship really works for me. Not that I feel any less love for Speed (I do, I really do, I wept at his funeral, I really did), or for the Talleigh 'ship in general, I just somehow find Ryan and Calleigh 'shippyness to be more interesting. It could be that I find that slightly older woman/ younger guy dynamic interesting (harks back to my Lord of the Rings thing with Arwen and Aragorn ;) ) or just that I have the hots for Jonathon Togo *swoon* or... something else. I dunno.

So yeah, have you guys got one 'ship in your many multiples that you honestly love over all others, or would choosing be impossibly painful?
I'm torn between Cal/Eric and Talleigh
I have written all my fanfiction on Cal/Eric but I post on the Talleigh thread so, indecisive is me.