Multishippers Sanctuary.

Heh, sorry... I've been shipping in the Stargate Community...

LOVE the avvy Aggie... Gillian is gonna be on one of those Masterpiece theater thingies...
It's okay Aggie. I already have the syndrome of shipping just about everyone. I start looking around the talkcsi shipper forum and realize I am either posting in half of the ships or at least lurking in them. I mean I found myself posting pictures in the Nick/Catherine thread the other day to help out. I look at it his way however. When you multiship you really can't lose when you watch the show. One of your ships is bound to sail eventually that way. Tee hee. That way you are always a happy shipper. :D :lol:
LSB, couldn't have put it better myself! :D Yeah, it's like making sure that at least one ship IS GOING TO HAPPEN!

And yeah, Gillian is one hot lady! :devil: I love this pic, one of my faves!
I think mulites are really the ultimate optimist... Or bordering on schizophrenic, well at least I am...
Ohh I used to be schizophrenic but we're all better now. :D

Ships are supposed to be fun, not competitions. Sometimes I wonder if that is lost on some people. Oh well. At least I'm always happy when I watch an episode... or maybe that's just the pills... hmm...
Ships are supposed to be fun, not competitions. Sometimes I wonder if that is lost on some people.

There are some who are just hopelessly devoted... Me, I'm a slut :p.

I only ship the ones that are 'natural', not 'forced' or the ones that are 'trying to hard'. & now we're 'done' w/the 'quoting' "Austin Powers" 'style'.
Kinda like that joke from the wedding date movie:

"I hear from my gynecologist more than you."

"You have more than one gynecologist?"

"Yeah, you have to play 'em off one another that way...

ah, I forget... but it was funny :p
- Warrick/Sara
- Nick/Catherine
- Nick/Greg
- Warrick/Nick
- Grissom/Nick
- Nigel/Nick....just kidding, i only said that because i would give anything to see George Eads and Doug Hutchsion pasionately making my bedroom xDDDDDD

CSI Miami:
- Horatio/Ryan (lmfao)

CSI New York:
- Mac/Lindsay
- Mac/Aiden
- Mac/Danny (or the other way round *wink*)
(I always ship the weirdest ones xDDDD)
Alright - tired passifistic multi-shipper checking in for some rest-bite in this sane corner of the board. ;) Is it wrong to like DnA and D/L? *sigh*

I really don't get how worked up people can get about 'ships on these shows. CSI revolves around plot, not characters. We get drips and drabs of character development here and there (probably the most on Miami, though we now no more about the Las Vegas team by default 'cause they've been around longest). But it's this very fact that makes 'shipping so fun! You have room to PLAY! So frankly, I don't care if my favourite 'ships get together or not - partly because my favourite 'ship changes depending on the cycle of the moon, or the how hungry I am, or what side of the bed I got out of... you get the idea - but mostly because having them apart gives us fanfic-ers and vidders and artists etc so much creative scope and much, much, much more of a challenge. Plus, once a couple get together, it's just so difficult to keep it fresh! I almost ALWAYS get bored with a 'ship once their canon. So long as the writers provide us with a scene every now and again to get us buzzing I'm happy! It sparks off a little creativity, sends me off to write some fanfiction - gives me a little rout out of the world for a couple of hours while I do so. That's all I need. It's why I watch CSI! Besides, IT'S A TV SHOW! Where, exactly, is the point in getting upset or, even more ridiculously, hurting other people who's feeling on the subject differ slightly from your own? I'm always open to debate and conversation, but flaming and b****ing and crap is just stupid.

So yes, sorry for the rant, but I felt the need to vent. Shall I list my ships, just to top it off? ;)



New York:
Aiden/Lindsay (alright, I know, they've never met and are unlikely to, but I just couldn't resist! Aiden's so cool and smart and Lindsay's so sweet and niave! I swear it could work! :D Plus, I'm a liiiiiitle bitty kinky when it comes to femslash *doesn't go any further for fear of being whacked by PG-13-o-meter*) ;)
Hey Gnimaerd, ever thought of coming out of lurking mode in the slash-thread of Cath/Sara?? Come on over there.. we dismantled the PG-13-o-meter!! :devil:

*runs from mods* Shoot! I should've whispered that last sentence!