Multishippers Sanctuary.

Greetings to all the newbies and welcome.

Discussion topic...?

Do you multi because you just can't decide which pair you want or do you really want to see them all on the show in one form or another?
I multi because I like who I like together.... And some days it's one couple and some days it's another. Though I know that I'm not gonna see any of my couples on the show in any way shape or form, so yeah... ;)
Do you multi because you just can't decide which pair you want or do you really want to see them all on the show in one form or another?

Yes. :D

But seriously, on a show like this where supposedly 'inter office relationships' is NOT the focus it's the eternal optimist in all of us multies that make us ship... Look @ SG-1 & SGA por ejemplo, we're soooo not supposed to be all shippy in that world either, but yet HERE WE ARE!!!! So um, yeah, I ship to ship... To like not really answer the question, meh... I'm just eternally confucious say...
I multi because I like who I like together.... And some days it's one couple and some days it's another. Though I know that I'm not gonna see any of my couples on the show in any way shape or form, so yeah... ;)

yeah just like me!!! it depends of the day and of the epi which aired :lol:but im still a multishipper for CSI until one of my ship will happen...... :rolleyes:
hey guys, i'm a multi-shipper too. I ship Snickers, Cath/Warrick, Cath/grissom for LV.

and Danny/Aiden, Aiden/Flack, Danny/Lindsay, Mac/Stella for NY :)
Okay you know what Shipping is like being @ a buffet... You have all these options & you can sample a lil bit o' everything or make a meal out of one dish... Hmmm.. I don't think that made sense... :confused:
hey there, quoth_the_raven. Great to add another multi to the ranks ;)

However, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to chose between your banner and the text in your signature. According to the board rules, you can have one or the other, but sadly not both. Many thanks :)
Yah a buffet is a very good comparison midnightsun except if it were applied to me I be three time my current size hehe. Although with all the chocolate and jello in the orgy room I don't know how I'm not already huge. And they sex their no calories in sex... yah right.

Hey QTR glad to see you hanging out here :D welcome and happy posting. Love your ships. Greetings Snickers and wendy.
Well, I'm already fat so like there wouldn't be much of a diff in that analogy :lol:...

Heh, I know it kinda doesn't really fit in this CSI thingy cos it's a SGA quote.. but I changed my siggy cos I ROFLMAO when I read it... It's an homage if you will to all the shippers floatin' out here in cyber-space & how freaked out the actors must be by us ;)
Bumpity bump for those shippers who ship more than one couple! If you ship more than one couple, who are they??
Wow, it resurfaced... I should really pay more attention to these thingys on the whatchamacallit... Oh, and I changed my siggy so I'll post what the PREVIOUS one said, so that I don't sound like a bubbling idiot... what?... oh, it's too late for that.

I did my first convention this weekend and found this adorable group of girls - I think they call themselves 'shippers' - who have this thing about Weir and Sheppard and them having sex in closets... It's very weird! ~ Torri Higginson
I'm not sure if I metioned this already but I recently became a Danny/Lindsay shipper. Now I like them along with SMACked, Snickers, DnA and Yo!Bling.
Hey what happened to everyone in this thread? Come on, multishippers, where are you?? :confused:

I've recently discovered that the more I watch of CSI, and it doesn't matter whether it's new episodes or repeats, the more new couples I ship! Soon i'll be shipping everyone with absolutely... everyone!

I think I need help! :p :D