Multishippers Sanctuary.

I love Greg... The old Greg tho... The happy Greg... The Greggo... Gregalicious... Gregarific... Greg-garious... Leggo My Greggo... Bring back my HAPPY Greg!!!!

Ou OHKAY Wendy/Greg/Cath... It's a Greg Sandwich!!!!...
Hey!I'm a newbie on the board and don't have regular access to a PC and Internet accordingly, 'cause I'm currently sophomore in university, but I stumbled upon this thread and couldn't help myself. :) I'm so absolutely FOR freedom to ship whoever you want that I loved the atmosphere here immediately. And come to think of it I am indeed a multi-shipper myself. Figured it out when I tried organising the ships I like a few hours ago. :rolleyes:

So, I'm a relatively new CSI and CSI:Miami fan(watched only seasons 1&2 of CSI so far, in the process of watching season 3 and I started CSI:Miami with season 3), but that doesn't stop me from being completely obsessed with both the shows and the characters. So here are my ships(I hope I don't omit anyone ;)):Grissom/Catherine(most favourite, both my favourite characters, have a soft spot for them), Grissom/Sara, Grissom/Lady Heather, Sara/Nick, Sara/Greg, Sara/Warrick, Horatio/Catherine(crossover, I know, but they have awesome chemistry), Horatio/Calleigh(favourite Miami characters, need I say more :D) So far I think that's it, but it seems I'm definitely multi-shipper material. :p

By the way, I read the ships names section(I'm awful at them, can't remember them, no way :()and I saw that there are threesome ships. Now, I'm curious-how do you pull this out? :confused: I'd welcome any recommendations of fanfiction illustrating such a ship, I'm especially curious about the Grissom/Cath/Sara thing. Naughty me. :devil: And I'd welcome any recommendations of fanfiction including any of the aforementioned ships actually, so recommend away people. I love reading fanfiction, it's just not so easy to find exactly what I want.
Ask one of the ppl in your thread ooooor you could put a request in @ the DNA lab on this forum... they churn out some pretty cool stuff.. you may have to wait awhile tho
Welcome to the sanctuary NadezhdaSt and happy posting.

I love all your ships. I'm a fan of quiet a few of those myself. The threesomes are good fun. I'm a big fan of the orgy myself :devil:
do you guys think they would ever have slash on CSI? probably not but.. you never know.

I don't think they ever will... There was supposed to be a small storyline on Vegas that involved the ballistics tech, Bobby Dawson, and his partner adopting a little girl... TPTB cut it and said that they didn't want to delve too deeply into the character's personal lives. :mad: Puh-leaze... If TPTB can get into Warrick getting married, Catherine divorcing Eddie, his death, and all that jazz, then they can get into Bobby adopting a little girl. Grr...

I'm not resentful of that or anything... ;)

Hello all you new people!
I'm primarily a Brass/Catherine shipper. But I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him with Annie. They had great chemistry in "Hollywood Brass". The only thing I don't like is Brass slash. I'm only opposed to slash when it involves Brass. I don't know maybe I just can't think of my Jimmy with another man. Call me crazy, it just doesn't work for me.
hm...i didn't even realize that bobby had a life outside of CSI! ^^ but he would make an awesome dad. He's just too cute.

anyway, I am a Sandle and Grillows shipper all the wawy, man! i also like the HOdges/Greg ship. but never as much as Sandle or Grillows.
I can see Brass and Cath. Do we have a thread for them? I don't think I've posted there. hum. Yah the two of them would have a nice balance and they have a lot in common having both been married and having a daughter. It's a nice ship.

I like Brass and Sara too (well I like anyone with Sara ;) but still...) I think the two of them are just a fun together. They always have good scene together and Brass seems to care about her a lot. He's shown great concern for her in the past and it was touching.

I really like Brass. I want to see him with someone.

*Spoiler space
Hey they said that Lady Heather is coming back. How about Brass and Lady Heather? I would so board that ship!!
Like I said before I'm a Brass/Catherine shipper to the core but I wouldn't mind seeing Brass with Lady H. That would be really fun to watch. The police Captain and the Dominatrix. Can't get more opposite than that.
*Spoiler space
Hey they said that Lady Heather is coming back. How about Brass and Lady Heather? I would so board that ship!!

I'm still waiting to board the Nick/Lady Heather ship. :D
I'm a multi Sara shipper. GSR, Sandle and Jumpsuit. Hey i just want her to be happy. A girl like her should be happy not sad. ;)