Multishippers Sanctuary.

Sophie's Choice. Isn't that a book? I think I was supposed to read it when I was high school...

It might make an interesting fic... Brass and Sofia in the book instead of the characters... ;)
It's a book and a movie (starring Meryl Streep) - the plot is so far removed from these two characters - it was just the first thing that popped into my head when I though of "Sophie"

Told you it was lame...
*shuffles off again*
So, I'm totally confused as to how to spell her name. Is it 'Sofia' or 'Sophia'? Well, whatevs I still dig her. Lombard rocked her scenes last nite, 'cept you could totally hear her fighting her accent, that's the only thing that bugs me 'bout her.

& the only OTHER time I cried watching CSI was 'Ellie'. So, yeah, Paul Guifoyle, YOU ROCK, cos I NEVER cry while watching TV.

Well, I guess the point of this post is YEAH I totally like Brass/Sofia/Sophia however you spell her name...
Ah, okay. Thank you for clearing that up :D That's cute tho, 'Sophie'. btw did I mention I LOVE Brass? Know of any place I can get him in an avvy?
Apparently, it's Sofia
typo. Bad me.
Nah, don't worry. I've read so many things that I was all confuzzled as to what her name was...

So, anybody got any new ships? I'm waiting for the interaction b/w Hawkes & the new chick... *taps fingers on table top*
so there is my list:

and sometimes warrick/sara
oh and i forgot one : det vartann/sara :p
:lol: Vartann and Sara are le love.

I read a S/V fic yesterday, but she ended up with Grissom and poor Alex ended up with a broken heart :(.
:lol: Vartann and Sara are le love.

I read a S/V fic yesterday, but she ended up with Grissom and poor Alex ended up with a broken heart :(.

ah oki :lol: arf thats too bad :( i personaly love his character, he could be nice but he could be bad too :rolleyes:
I think I'm going to start shipping Eric/Ryan. I saw a little bit of Miami last week and finally remembered to watch a whole episode tonight. I'm thinking they would be cute together, but I'll have to watch a few more eps to be sure. :D