Multishippers Sanctuary.

It's a wonder I keep them straight!

Well, lets be honest, lament - a lot of the time they're not ;)
But then, I always thought straightness was overrated :p

So, who else sees something developing between Catherine and the new DNA lab tech? :lol:
It's a wonder I keep them straight!

Well, lets be honest, lament - a lot of the time they're not ;)
But then, I always thought straightness was overrated :p

So, who else sees something developing between Catherine and the new DNA lab tech? :lol:

lol yeah cath/wendy , good one :lol:how can we call this ship? :confused:
being subtle there aren't ya sissi? :lol:

Uh, hey somebody post in the Sara/Warrick thread... I don't wanna double up on mine... seeing as how I'm the only one in there @ the moment.............. I got something I wanted to say.......
Candy? hahahah what a good name! :D

do you guys think they would ever have slash on CSI? probably not but.. you never know.
I'm addicted to shipping different ships.

Haven't you seen all the ships I ship? :lol: I usually tend to ship more in the NY section due to the fact that it's oh-so-very-easy too. ;)
being subtle there aren't ya sissi? :lol:

Uh, hey somebody post in the Sara/Warrick thread... I don't wanna double up on mine... seeing as how I'm the only one in there @ the moment.............. I got something I wanted to say.......

OH YEAHHHHHHH :lol: i really love the "candy " idea.........bittersweet idea :devil: :devil:

do we have a thread for the couple brass/sofia? :lol: