Mrs. G vs jkladis: Fight for the Banana

chelliyah said:
oh come on!!! :lol: who the heck is voting for jkladis???? we know he gonna get his ass beat!!!! :lol:

I wanna know too. Come on people, We gotta know who's on his side so we can set up a tiny little area for his fans. :rolleyes:
jkladis said:
You're dillusional. :lol: I'm definitely getting sugar from my man, you just can't bring yourself to accept my state of receivership.
Much like a CSI, I deal in evidence and you, sad stalker, have provided none.

I'm twice the woman you could ever hope to be.
This is true. My balls are far bigger than yours and your ta-tas are bigger than mine.

The sad part is that I haven't even voted yet. My supporters seem to have a knack for choosing the winning side.
Who are your supporters? Notice that not a single soul has fessed up to voting for you. Seriously, man, the way you had your mom, grandma and dog log-on to vote for you is just too pathetic for words.

jkladis doesn't have a chance in hell. I know for a fact that he actually cried and fled to LA not for Carmine but because a pregnant woman threatened to beat his ass over his selfish, territotial, and dare I say stalkerish ways when it comes to Carmine.
:eek: That's right! This isn't the first time jkladis stood in fear of an ass beating from a woman. I believe you scared him so badly the 1,500 mile distance between you wasn't great enough to allow him to sleep at night without wetting the sheets everytime the wind blew. He had to double the distance and go live in some dude's bushes just to feel safe. How sad. :(

no wonder jkladis wears little girl panties. Flowers or butterflies?
Let's just say there's a reason I call him "pansy." ;)

I bet he won't even show
And let me win the keys to "his" man's heart by default? :eek: Not a chance. He's far too protective of his romanticized delusions to let that happen. He actually will show up, only to have his butt kicked and his fantasy shattered. :(

I guess while everyone is outside waiting for the rumble to begin I'll be inside with Carmine waiting for you to join me.
I'll be there. ;)
Oh, everyone, look at the big girl perpetuate her idle threats. Bring it on, Sister. :lol:

You seem to forget that I'm the one currently living at the Giovinazzo residence, I'm the one whose mothered Carmine's love child and I'm the one who knows what the inside of a Danny/Flack sandwich feels like.

Votes mean nothing. Spilled blood, however, does. Your's will paint the pavement on the night of vendetta.

For love!!!
jkladis said:
You seem to forget that I'm the one currently living at the Giovinazzo residence
Since you can't even tell us what brand of cat food Mookie eats, I'm doubting this.
I'm the one whose mothered Carmine's love child
So you really are twice the woman I am. At least one part of your story checks out -- your obvious lack of dude parts.
and I'm the one who knows what the inside of a Danny/Flack sandwich feels like.
For the first time ever, your psychotic ramblings actually interest me. Details???

Votes mean nothing. Spilled blood, however, does. Your's will paint the pavement on the night of vendetta.

For love!!!
For love. For love. You're such a pansy. Guess what, skirt-boy? Carmine doesn't love you. In fact, if he's reading this thread, I guarantee you're creeping him out just a little bit. ;)
wow, this is almost better then sitting and watching hott boys fight for a 3 inch wide hockey puck - and coming from me, thats saying alot... wow, this is so much fun... its getting violent and all I want is for it to get even more violent... :) you tell 'im Mrs. G.
It is getting quite violent in here. I love a good smack down. I also love a nice ass whoopin', such as the one jkladis is going to get in just over a week. FYI: Just so you all know, the actual date for this event is next Friday, the 17th. Pics will follow shortly thereafter for those unable to attend. :D
I can see it now...

jkladis is lying flat on the mat, badly beated & defeated. There stands Mrs.G with huge victory a heel dug in jkladis back. If you look closey you can see jkladis heart panties sticking out. *shudders*
*sqrunches face up so she can see jkladis panties...* woah!!! they smell pretty gross... ick *sits back in chair, wipes hand in front of face to get rid of smell* ick!

I can see it to, Mrs. G , proudly fixing her makeup in a handy-dandy compact... and jkladis is wriggling beneath the heel thats jammed up his a$$. ... oh boy, good times.
the 17th? Ah man, that the day I go to camp...well with the time difference, I'll probably be more like Saturday, so I'll definately be at camp...well, I'll just have to hear all of Mrs G's victory stories when I get back to my inflateable couch on the Sunday

woo! Go Mrs G! You got this!
jkladis said:
I'm twice the woman you could ever hope to be.

Does that mean you have twice the boobs, twice the ass & twice the starts with a v?

That's frigging weird if you ask me. If I was Carmine I'd think some weird cloning shit went wrong. *shudders*
^ He's definitely got twice the T & A. As for the V, well, he does claim to have had Carmine's love child, so apparently he has a V as well. :eek: