Mrs. G vs jkladis: Fight for the Banana

^ :lol: Yeah, the dude (yes, that's roughly what he is -- male, more or less) needs to put down his crack pipe and face reality.
Mrs.G - if jkladis does put his pipe down ... you need to pick it up and shove it up his ass along with your stiletto :lol:

Jorja fan86 - we don't get Maury here in Australia, but we did get Jerry Springer, so I imagined Jerry in place of Maury. It was hilarious, just what jkladis needs to kick him back into reality cause he ain't livin'in it.
yeah, to be honest, I had no idea who Maury was, but when I read the scene, I imagined it was someone along the lines of Jerry Springer, because as tiara4carmine said, we don't get Maury down here. But reading that scene was hilarious! Though I wonder who was the father of Carmines not-so-love (non)-child ;)
Yeah, and Dewey defeated Truman.
jkladies, judging by the picture of you, you really are old enough to remember this event when it happened, meaning you're the "Old Maid" and MrsG's the young virtuous maiden. :lol:
^I think I just broke a rib laughing! :lol: :lol: ;)

Less than a week to the showdown to end all showdowns!!! :eek: :lol:
*Hopping on plane so I can be there for the match*
Is there room up front? I really wanna see this.

Maury is excellent and jkladis would get a shock if he went on there he's have to own up to lying about the (non-existent) love-child!!

Go Mrs.G
There's still plenty of front row seating available. Don't miss this one, ladies. I'll teach this super freak that no one gets exclusive ownership of our Italian stallion ... especially not a dude (unless it's Eddie ;)).
MrsGiovinazzo said:
PrettyEyes said:
MrsG's the young virtuous maiden. :lol:
Have you been puffing on jkladis' crack pipe? :lol: :lol:

No, I've been sucking Carmine's pipe while you and the other woman were trading insults. :devil: And excuse me, but if I'm young, then you're young, darn it!!! :mad: :lol: ;)
*hands plane ticket to rachaelm* You can have my spare ticket. The best thing about it is the plane takes off whenever ya want it to so you'll have plenty of time to get to the Deathmatch arena!!