Mrs. G vs jkladis: Fight for the Banana

Just because I don't actually have female organs, it does not necessarily mean I'm not talented and able to please my man with multiple techniques. You ladies think in such limited dimensions.

And V is for Vendetta.


Hahahaha, MrsG, the old maid, lies at my feet.
That's frigging weird if you ask me. If I was Carmine I'd think some weird cloning shit went wrong. *shudders*
OMG I laughed so hard at that hahahaha. Jorja you never cease to crack me up! TEEHEE GO MRSG!
Thanks for the support, Wyoming. And thanks to all the rest of you as well. :D

jkladis said:
Just because I don't actually have female organs, it does not necessarily mean I'm not talented and able to please my man with multiple techniques.
Multiple techniques? Oh yeah, let me detail a few of these "techniques" you speak of:

1. You hide in Carmine's bushes; he calls the cops.
2. You expose your "manhood" (or whatever the hell you're packing down there) to him; he calls the cops.
3. You drop to your knees and beg to b**w him; he calls the cops.

And then just so the routine doesn't get too old -
4. You sneak into his house to sniff his boxers; he breaks out his numb chucks.

Am I missing anything, or does that pretty much cover the full extent of your "relationship"?
jkladis said:
Just because I don't actually have female organs, it does not necessarily mean I'm not talented and able to please my man with multiple techniques. You ladies think in such limited dimensions.

That's where your wrong hon. You only have your entertainment "down there". Us females, however, have something to showcase to Carmine down south & way up north, if that's what you like to say. So unless you're packing a real pair of hooters Carmine will eventually get bored of you ;).
jkladis apparently doesn't get the concept that in order to have a love child you must be intimate with another person. I think he's still in that phase in which he thinks he can have Carmine's child just by looking at him through a window.
jorja_fan86 said:
I think he's still in that phase in which he thinks he can have Carmine's child just by looking at him through a window.
If that where true I think Carmine would be in Maury, or what ever that dude's name is.
^ I can see it now...

Maury: Carmine, you say you have a man stalking you?
Carmine: It's true & I'm very scared Maury. Very scared.
Maury: I have a surprise for you. jkladis is right here. Come on out!

*out comes jkladis to a round of boos & jeers*

jkladis: Y'all don't know me! Y'all don't me! Sit your broke asses down biatch. *sits down*
Maury: jkladis, Carmine claims that he has never meet you & that you've been stalking him. Is that true?
jkladis: Maury baby that's a lie & you know it. Carmine just doesn't want our baby 'cause he don't wanna pay any child support.
Carmine: I don't have a child with you. I don't even know your name.
Maury: Let's find out if that's true Carmine. I have the results of the paternity test.
jkladis: Oh read it out loud!
Maury: Carmine, when it comes to one year old Carmine jr. you are *not* the father!
Carmine: Ooh, what now huh? What now?
jkladis: *begins to sob* No baby I didn't cheat on you. I never even left your house! Baby don't go. I love you!
Maury: Carmine, you may leave but you must saty jkladis. I have footage of the fight between you & Mrs.G. Audience. Are you ready to see a "real" man get his ass kicked by a woman?
Audience: Hellz yeah!
jorja that is some fuuuuuuuuuuunnnnyyy Sh!t!! :lol: i can jus imagine the whole thing!!
i think, jkladis's and carmine's love child consists of jkladis's tiny tears doll that he purchased on his way to LA from toys r us :lol:
Very nice Maury show, jorja. Between the paternity test proving jkladis' love child isn't Carmine's and the footage of me kicking jkladis' ass, I'd say it sounds quite accurate.
feenx said:
:lol:Mina you watch to much Maury :lol:, but that is some funny sh!t :lol:.

:lol: Maury is the best. I love it when the girlfriend makes her boyfriend take a lie dectector test to find out if he's cheating & he's all like, "baby, I never cheat on you. You're one crazy biatch!" Then Maury annouce that the guy lied & you're like, "oh, snap!"

Maybe jkladis should take a lie dectector test. That way, he can spare getting his ass kicked but once an event like this is planned there's no backing down.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Very nice Maury show, jorja. Between the paternity test proving jkladis' love child isn't Carmine's and the footage of me kicking jkladis' ass, I'd say it sounds quite accurate.

Kick ass MrsG!