Movie Quote Game

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Was I correct? Did I need the character's whole name? If so, I had to go to imdb because I did not remember. It is President James Marshall.
President James Marshall

Air Force One

Harrison Ford

You're right, Dynamo1, absolutley right.
Wow, I'll take that as the official okey-dokey.

Movie and characters, please.
C1: If you are well enough to do that, can you work for me?
C2: Yeah, how can I help?
C1: Milking, mabye.
C2: Milking.
C1: Yes, you know, cows.
C2: Yeah. I've seen pictures.

(C2 is having trouble milking a cow)
C1: You never had your hands on a teat before.
C2: Not one this big.
(Long pause; then C1 roars with laughter)
Harrison Ford as John Book

One of my all-time favs!!!! :cool:

Oops! Eli Lapp is the other character......played by.......Jan Rubes

Movie also stars Kelly McGillis, Danny Glover and Lukas Haas
(I always went for the extra credit in school!)
I thought about going with another Harrison Ford quote, since we seem to be having a theme, but I thought it'd be too easy, so I decided to go for one of my favs

:confused:C1: Suck my fat one, you cheap, dime-store hood.
C2: Whatdya gonna do? Shoot us all?
C1: No ***, Just you!
C2: We're gonna get you for this!
C3: Maybe you will, and maybe you won't! :p
Here's the next quote.

C1: My name is John Johnson but everyone here calls me Vicki.

I want the actors name and film.
Movie: So I Married an Axe Murderer
Actor: Phil Hartman

Man I haven't seen this movie in forever! I should rent it this weekend :)
C1: Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.

I want the name of the movie, the character, and the actor
(This is one of my favorite quotes :D I just hope it's not to obvious!)
OMG! I love this movie/quote! After he says the quote and then swims away, i like pee my pants everytime :lol:!!
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