Movie Quote Game

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ok, im just gonna go :)

c1: what part of georgia are you from? south central?

movie, character, and actor please :D
_CSI_Junkie_ said:
*tiny cough* "I think i got the black lung, pop" :lol:!

Haha, I love that part to. And the whole blemic scene.....that's hilarious! "well matlida, alot of people throw up after every meal." I just love that movie.
allmaple you were right but you already knew that didn't you? :p

Oh I know that quote! It's from Robin Hood Men in tights and Achoo says it and the actor is Dave Chappelle!

You know what's funny is that I was looking up quotes from this movie to use for this game and that's how I knew right away :lol:
i love this movie too! and i was so excited to have a quote that wasnt on :lol: but youre to smart for me! :p
Next quote :D
C1:What was that for?
C2:Because you have always been so kind to me, and I won't be seeing you again since I'm killing myself once we reach the honeymoon suite.
C1:Won't that be nice. She kissed me.
ive got this one!!! :D

c1 is the king and c2 is buttercup in the princess bride!
i love love love this movie! have fun storming the castle!
A little off topic but, I just had to throw this one in:

"Well, Matilda... How many Abadigionals do you know that are supermodels?"

:lol: Zoolander cracked me up too!
if youre going to throw in a quote you should at least get it right Baba :p

you shouldnt try thinking too hard after youve visited the nick pic thread, it messes with your head ;)
BabaOReilly said:
^^^ Whaddaya mean?

the quote is 'how many abidigonals do you see modelling?' you were just a little off Baba :p

and the characters are robin wright and willoughby gray :)

back in a bit with a new one!

eta: got it!

c1: all the people i deal with are scum. im a little scummy myself. you are not scum. that worries me.
c2: i take exception to that. i come from a long line of scum. my dear husband was one of the summiest men to walk the face of the earth.
c1: my apologies.

the usual please :D
c1: all the people i deal with are scum. im a little scummy myself. you are not scum. that worries me.
c2: i take exception to that. i come from a long line of scum. my dear husband was one of the summiest men to walk the face of the earth.
c1: my apologies.

the usual please :D

That sounds like a Tarantino movie.
c1: O-Ren
c2: Uma's character
Kill Bill: Vol 1?
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