Movie Quote Game

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I know the movie, but with my lousy memory, I forgot the character and actor. Don't want to cheat by going to IMDB so I will pass for now.
Sweet. Alright, here's the new quote. You know the drill :D:

C1: C2, are you hungry?
C2: Uh no, I already ate.
C1: Okay, I make you something.
yay i know this one! *hopes no one is answering at same time*
my big fat greek wedding, maria portokalos (sp?) and ian miller!!
woo woo!!

c1: just wishing i could do the job for you, sir. id give her a ha! and a hi-ya! and a ooooouuuu-ah! and id kick her, sir

one of my personal favourites!
Anastasia! Wooh I love this movie.
And the character is Bartok. I <3 him. Im not sure what the voice actor is.. or do I need to answer that. Ill go search it anyway.
Hank Azaria..? lol.
OMG is that from Pocahontas!!! I'm not sure, if it is C1 is John Smith and C2 is Pocahontas
Here's my quote:

C1: We should stay at home.
C2: You are the only home I ever had.
C1: This is so corny
C2: What? That took a lot for me to say!
C1: I bet. Why did I have the marry a sentimentalist? You're ruining my life.
C2: (to their newborn baby) Your mother's teasing me.

I need the two characters, the actors who played them and the movie please.
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