Movie Quote Game

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Nope, that's right. We never actually learn Norton's character's real name in the film. Damn I love that movie. :)

You're up!
No one has been on this thread for three + days so I'm going to get it running again with this quote:

"I went to bed in my shithole apartment and I woke up in an actual shithole."

Need the character, actor and movie
now this one i actually know! adam said it in saw (i love this movie! i know, im twisted) the actor who plays adam is leigh whannell

eta: damn! you must type faster than me! :lol:
OMG, that was fast, but you are so right joja fan! Awesome movie saw, saw 2 was great also. Your turn
Let's just say a little friend helped me ;)...I've never seen Saw before. Anyhoo, here's the new quote. Just the character and film is needed this time.

C1: I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

This should be an easy one.
sorry for not responding, I was stressed with a play I was in at school but that's done now, so I'll answer again some other time.
Character and movie. If you remember the actor's name, I'll double the prize of virtual cookies.

C1: You're making me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
Well, I know it was in the TV show, but was it in the movie? If it was, then it's David Banner (as played by the usually wonderful Eric Banna) in The Hulk.

Do I get cookies?
Yep. You get the cookies. Bana/Banner said it at the end. But it was the original name, Bruce Banner, like the comics. The TV show was Bill Bixby playing David Bruce Banner, as seen on the gravestone.

Your turn.
Oops. I forgot about this. Sorry.

OK, here goes:

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Oswald was a fag."

Movie, character, actor please. :)
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