Movie Quote Game

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Wow, finally one that I remember. That was in Rear Window and was said by Thelma Ritter as Stella to James Steart as Jeffries.
any day now dynamo
Well, excuuuuuse me. I work nights and sleep days. If the acknowledgement came earlier, I might have been able to post a response earlier. Anyway, here is an easy one:

C1: Got 'im! I got 'im!
C2: Great, kid. Don't get cocky.
Star Wars

Mark Hamill as Luke Shywalker to Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

Excellent scene!

And mellow out, poncholives. We're all in different time zones here.
"Stupid Steelers! Grrr..."

Let me guess. Al Bundy? Sam Malone? James T Kirk? Harry Callahan? Bandit and Cowboy?
Bleh. Steelers. Grrr.

OK, here we go. It's an easy one:

"I am Jack's raging bile duct."
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