Movie Quote Game

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OK then... How about:

Character 1: Would you... like to be upgraded?
Character 2: I had in mind something a little more radical.
Character 1: What... what seems to be the problem?
Character 2: Death.
Batty and Tyrell in Blade Runner!!!

Here's one:

Character: With all due respect, I'm the young, hip one, you're the hip replacement.
You're right!!! I love Saving Grace!!! SO FUNNY!!! Your turn :)

I'm really good at recognising quotes. My friends think it's creepy. We were in the theatre today seeing Brokeback Mountain and during the credits they would point at an actor and be like "what else have they done?" and they never managed to stump me. I LIVE on IMDB. i'm proud of my movie knowledge. It'll help when I'm a famous actress.
I think its from The Island but if it is i can´t remeber the character´s name!!!
ETA-wait i think it was McCord that said it but i´m not 100% sure.
Yay..I got it right.. well here goes:

C:We´ve become a race of Peeping Toms"

Just need the name of the film cos i can´t remmeber the character´s name myself!!!lol
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