More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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I think there were bodies at the warehouse and Adam was helping Danny process them when they got taken hostage. Adam is the lab guy, but he's been to the scene to process a few times now. They probably want him to do it because he's very qualified, and maybe having him collect and process the evidence would look good in court?...It makes you wonder, but nevertheless the spoilers indicate that Danny and Adam are taken hostage in a warehouse. I'm sure there's more to the story that we don't know, though...
I'm thinking that if (and I am speculating here) the cases are linked that Danny and Adam are taken hostage as insurance incase anything goes wrong with the heist at the lab.
CBS posted a behind-the-scenes clip for tomorrow's episode, *here*

Just a little interview with John McEnroe, and a few sound bytes from Carmine & Melina and a few scenes as well.
^^ Txs for the tip allstar! That was awesome and pretty long too...over 2 minutes behind the scenes stuff... :)

John McEnroe seems to have really enjoyed himself and he's not only playing himself, but also a John McEnroe look-alike...And Stella's coat is back! :D

Too bad that it's just like the last part of the clip is missing...or perhaps was too revealing...the voice over says: "season 4 seems to be shaping up rather nicely already..." and then is cut off in (what sounds like) the middle of his sentence...
Thanks really for the clip allstar!

Yeah really long but it could have been longer IMO..No Interview is too long especially Melina and Gary are in there.. :D
I like also the coat Melina/Stella wears, she looks so cool with it. :)

It sounds like the middle of the sentence but I think it isn't so it's just the end and they've shielding nothing more.
Interesting link, thanks allstar!

My two main reactions to that clip were:

a. Isn't John McEnroe tall?
b. Aren't they all wearing a lot of make up? :lol:

And I don't think anything was cut off from the end, sounded like a natural break to me....
The season finale sounds amazing!! Except me have one little problem I am in South Africa and we are only seeing season 3 in AUGUST! Aaaarrgghh! Sob!
^ Txs so much! It looks like it's definitely going to be another action packed finale...explosions, fire, water, people getting hurt, people missing...WOW I can't wait for this one :D...and it looks like Lindsay is definitely not gonna sleep on Danny's couch... :devil:
It's up on CBS now......thanks for the heads up.....

dutch_treat said:
and it looks like Lindsay is definitely not gonna sleep on Danny's couch...

I feel ill....... Seriously, it looks like a hell of a ride (no pun intended...yuk..really)
Danny, baby!! :eek:
Flack's looking rather commanding and HOT!! :devil:

As for wet Mac, dripping wet Mac....THUD :p.....Well, all I can say now is you lucky lucky people.
I have to wait a coupla months yet :( :(
Did you see Danny go down? :eek: I hope he's gonna be OK and that he and Lindsay will do so much more.... :lol:
Does anyone have the clip of the Season Finale showned on CTV? It was AMAZING. It was a tiny bit different from the one of CBS.

It looked like Mac & Stella were playing hide and seek and at some point she was about to say something but Mac covered her mouth and grabbed her to hide because the bad guys were coming for them. Then at someone point they come face to face with them and turn around and start running.

I'm so excited. I wan't wait. It's going to be AWESOME!
I can never see the promos--was I right about Danny and Lindsay actually having a love scene? I figured they would...

EDIT: Just managed to see the promo! I did call it. Man, they're probably headed for a big fall. :lol:

My CBS affiliate showed a clip from the finale, too, but it was of Flack talking to Hawkes about feeling guilty about shooting someone during the drug bust (the one in the beginning, I'd guess). Looks like Flack is going to have a pretty strong plotline in the finale! :eek:
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