More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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I can never see the promos--was I right about Danny and Lindsay actually having a love scene? I figured they would...
So it would seem. :rolleyes: There were shirts coming off. (Please excuse me while I go look for my eyes, I think they came out of my head.) *waits for the teenybopper shrieking* To be completely honest, it looked like something out of a soap opera. Wonder why? :rolleyes:

Oh well, the finale looks good otherwise. Flack in casual clothes? Yes, please. :D

Flack talking to Hawkes about feeling guilty about shooting someone during the drug bust (the one in the beginning, I'd guess).
Yeah, I believe he killed someone in the mob or whatever. (And talk about stereotypes with the Irish dudes. :rolleyes:)

Ya know, this makes me wonder--is Danny, like, the anti-Horatio? Every time Horatio gets a little somethin'-somethin', the chick ends up dead. Danny goes at it monkey-style and then he gets his ass whooped. Coincidence?...
^Yeah. That was a lot more than waking up on his couch. That destiny is going to be dashed from a hundred foot cliff with no parachute. There's no drama in a happy couple.

The clip on CBS was great... it looks like all of the team gets down and dirty and are involved in taking back the lab. How many hours until Wednesday?
Faylinn said:
So it would seem. :rolleyes: There were shirts coming off. (Please excuse me while I go look for my eyes, I think they came out of my head.) *waits for the teenybopper shrieking* To be completely honest, it looked like something out of a soap opera. Wonder why? :rolleyes:

Yeah, like I said...I figured they'd show the love scene. There's been so much build up that it would seem like a cheat to the people that like it for them not to. But...

Ya know, this makes me wonder--is Danny, like, the anti-Horatio? Every time Horatio gets a little somethin'-somethin', the chick ends up dead. Danny goes at it monkey-style and then he gets his ass whooped. Coincidence?...

I'm still holding out hope that Danny has a little Horatio in him. ;) Given that Anna's schedule seems to have been cut back presumably because of her baby, it's always possible she wants off the show (or that they decided not to renew her contract). It's been great having Lindsay barely there these last few weeks, and I'm hoping that "Dindsay" (kisses to Mike Ausiello!) is going all the way so that it's a harder fall when Lindsay gets blown away right in front of an already-traumatized Danny.

Yeah, I know. Not likely. :lol: But...possible. :p Creatively it's foolish for them to go this far with Dindsay this early on, because where else is there to go for them but down? Unless they needed to rush it for some reason. ;)

Oh well, the finale looks good otherwise. Flack in casual clothes? Yes, please. :D

Flack talking to Hawkes about feeling guilty about shooting someone during the drug bust (the one in the beginning, I'd guess).
Yeah, I believe he killed someone in the mob or whatever. (And talk about stereotypes with the Irish dudes. :rolleyes:)

I wonder if this is the first time Flack has killed someone. It sounds like a promising storyline for him!
*wow* :eek: How exciting does the finale look? I was literally on the edge of my seat watching the promo, I can't imagine what the actual episode will do to me! :lol:

All I will say about the 'love' scene is that I certainly have some respect for a woman who will take her shirt off after recently having a baby. Good for you Anna! But D/L? cheapened the promo somewhat for me.

Flack was looking great, yes 'casual Flack' :devil: me likes. And my, what a big gun he had... I also liked Adam yelling the warning to Danny, at least he isn't sat cowed in a corner as I feared.

My only concern is that they are trying to fit it all into one hour, which just does not seem long enough for all the action the preview suggests.

*is excited* I think I'll go and watch the promo again... :D
Oh my god, the promo looks so wonderful!! 60 minutes full of action (well, more 45 minutes), but god, how fantastic! Really can't wait. Wondering what will happen at the end, when Mac is jumping from something. Another big blow at the end? :O
Creatively it's foolish for them to go this far with Dindsay this early on, because where else is there to go for them but down?
No kidding. And you know, I'm still trying to figure out how the same writers who do such a great job with the Mac/Peyton scenes can be total sh*t with the 'Dindsay' stuff. :confused:

Not to mention that Danny and Lindsay go from almost kissing to getting their skank on with five episodes of nothing in between. If I'm supposed to believe they're in a relationship already, the writers are sorely mistaken.

They've taken what should be important character development--through a potentially long-term romantic attachment--and used it for cheap thrills. The attention span of the teenyboppers is fleeting, and even on soap operas things don't last. This whole situation? Majorly blows.

However, I'm interested to see the scene with Flack and Hawkes--those are two characters who don't get enough interaction together. :) I'm also wondering how shooting that mob guy might affect Flack. I'm sure he knows he had to, and that there was nothing else he could have done, and that it was probably a kill-or-be-killed situation--but that doesn't mean taking a life is easy.

My only concern is that they are trying to fit it all into one hour, which just does not seem long enough for all the action the preview suggests.
Exactly. Not even an hour--only about 42 minutes of the actual show for all of that? From taking the drugs to Danny and Lindsay bopping like horny teenagers on prom night, to Danny and Adam being taken hostage, and the huge situation at the precinct with Mac and company? It's probably going to seem even more rushed than "Charge of this Post," which I felt definitely needed more time--especially once they went after Lessing.

Anyway, moving on--was that Flack toward the end that asked where Mac was and Stella said she didn't know? If so, then either Flack is at the lab before the hostage situation, or the episode ends at the lab, I guess...

I'm looking forward to seeing how Adam and Danny interact in the hostage scene--nothing quite compares to seeing the actors really performing. And those are two great actors right there. :)

I do find it interesting that, out of all of the 'action' in the finale, the only action Lindsay got was taking off her clothes. To echo Elsie, kudos to Anna for stripping to her bra after having a kid--I won't do that now, and I've never had one :lol:--but much like when Danny took off his shirt in "Mrs. Azrael," it strikes me as gratuitous. If it's supposed to be about Danny and Lindsay, fade-to-black would be sufficient, but they felt the need to actually show them doing the dirty work? That changes it from romantic moment to cheap thrill. A romantic moment would have more build-up anyway. *sigh* Oh well, one can at least hope that the writers are planning to do things better next season. They are obviously already thinking about it, so let's cross our fingers that they're planning things out well this time...

(Oh, by the way, with all of that damage, are we going to see a new lab again next season? Or will the damage just be miraculously fixed? :p)
Just saw the promo and am really wishing I hadn't had KFC for lunch. It was greasy going down and positively vile coming back up. :lol:

The promo looks awesome with the exception of the horror that is Danny/Lindsay. The upshot is -- where do you go with that storyline from there? I say she takes a bullet to the head by the end of the episode.
Looks like Flack is going to have a pretty strong plotline in the finale!

Story line? No, a story line would be where we would see the shooting, the circumstances concerning it, and the aftermath of Flack dealing with it. This sounds like a comment made between Flack and Hawkes during the main story line (the hostage situation; the raid at the lab).

Flack certainly brings the pretty to the show, but for me it's no longer enough. I'm done watching the Gary Sinise show.
The promo looks intense, although I'm thinking I won't really be able to follow it all. Why, you ask? Well, Danny and Lindsay may not be drunk when they have sex, but I'm gonna need to be completely tanked to watch them get it on. ;) :rolleyes:

ETA: Actually, I think I'd be better off in the long run if I just call my doctor and see if he can prescribe some anti nausea medication. :D
I'm downloading the promo right now... I'm freaking out after I saw some icons that I hadn't seen. Holy cow holy cow... my DL shipper in my is bouncing off the flippin walls. Thanks for the link!
Faylinn said:
was that Flack toward the end that asked where Mac was and Stella said she didn't know? If so, then either Flack is at the lab before the hostage situation, or the episode ends at the lab, I guess...

Yeah, I noticed that too. From the previous spoilers I had read I assumed that Flack was at the warehouse. I'm guessing this means that, as suspected, the lab really is the main focus of finale and the warehouse part is like an added extra, probably just to give Lindsay something to flap about. :p If they are missing Mac at the end then maybe there will be a nice cliffhanger for us, or as is more likely, Mac will heroically save the day! *yay for !Marine Mac*. Oh, but don't forget that Flack is the NYPD kick ass detective, so I bet he's in demand. Being so good he's probably hostage negotiating and then helping take down the bad guys at the lab. My inner fangirl is loving it. :lol:

Lindsay and Danny, I agree, from here the only way is down. Or they could go for the full on soap opera approach of having sex once and getting pregnant, now that would make for one hell of a season 4. :lol: But that's forgetting about 'destiny dashed' of course, which I'm still hoping refers to their ill conceived relationship. ;)

As for the lab, they certainly appear to have made a big mess in there. Of course it will be rebuilt perfectly by September, they'll probably have just moved back in. It's like all injuries, regardless of their extent, they always take the length of the summer hiatus to heal. That's the magic of television. I do hope that will have upped security though, don't want any more bad guys taking back their stuff. :rolleyes:
Elsie said:
Lindsay and Danny, I agree, from here the only way is down. Or they could go for the full on soap opera approach of having sex once and getting pregnant, now that would make for one hell of a season 4. :lol: But that's forgetting about 'destiny dashed' of course, which I'm still hoping refers to their ill conceived relationship. ;)

I know that you're kidding, but I have wondered if they'll go the whole Natalia/Delko road and at minimum have a pregnancy "scare." :rolleyes: The CSI franchise has been known to repeat storylines amongst the three shows, sadly.

TPTB better not even entertain the idea of a pregancy. Anna Belknap might kick their asses. I mean, they hid her real life pregnancy and now that she's literally worked her ass off to get back in shape and shows some skin they're gonna make Lindsay pregnant? No jury in the world would convict the woman for going postal. :D
OMFG The promo looks intense!
I'm just so excited! Adam's scream to Danny and the whole Lab thing! It looks incredible! i'll be on the edge of my seat!
Flack in normal clothes and then a bullet proof with a big gun! Woohee!!
See how I haven't commented on the D/L thing much - if I don't mention it, I haven't seen it!! Did leave me with a nasty taste in my mouth. Nice one Anna though for getting back into shape. She's a braver woman than me.
TPTB better not even entertain the idea of a pregancy. Anna Belknap might kick their asses. I mean, they hid her real life pregnancy and now that she's literally worked her ass off to get back in shape and shows some skin they're gonna make Lindsay pregnant? No jury in the world would convict the woman for going postal.

This is a reason why I don't think they're gonna do a pregnancy thing. Anna would kill them, and I wouldn't blame her. That would be cruel and unusual to do that to her.
oh my god how good does the finale look, can't wait till next wednesday, being a d/l shipper loved the little bit in promo, danny with no shirt yes please, lovin casual flack as well,

is it wednesday yet????

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