More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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allstar12 said:
JenP said:
Where can you see the pictures of the final ep??? I know I'm not very up-to-date with the internet (I just don't have the time to do it), but I really would like to see them. Thanx!

Right here in the Picture Thread. Just scroll down the page a little bit ;)

Thanks! :D
You're welcome :)

I don't think it's something anyone's actually seen evidence of.
Nope, it's just something someone would like to see happen. And I guess the French site saw it and decided to run with it.
Ooh I'm sorry for the confusion...but in that post I underlined I think and I put SPECULATION in capitals! :rolleyes: And I don't even like to see it happen; we were just speculating how the season could end. ;)
I saw the TV Guide special on the NY finale. Honestly, they revealed nothing. They had Hill saying it's the biggest episode they've ever had and characters will be in danger and he tried to make it even more dramatic by saying a lot of actors are re-negotiating their contracts right now, like they're thinking of killing some characters off or something. But come on, we know no one's leaving. Nice try, Hill.

Other than that, nothing. Except it's gonna be big. BIG, I tell ya! BIIIIIG! YOU WATCH THIS EPISODE, GODDAMN IT!
^If Lindsay gets killed off, I'll totally give Hill my allowance. Not that I get one anymore, but it's the thought that counts, right? :lol: ;)
The Miami segment was more impressive, though it was all about the Eric/Calleigh romance. The NY people didn't even say anything about Danny/Lindsay. They didn't say anything, period! I thought they'd at least talk about Mac's storyline. Nothing. Nada.

Give me that minute and a half of my life back, Hill!
It's hard to blame Hill--the man needs a storyline, stat! If I was him, I'd talk about daisies before waxing poetic about Mac and his kewl Rambo skills or Danny and his drama.
The solution is simple: nudist strike. I say Hill goes naked until Hawkes gets a good storyline.

All those in favor: aye. All opposed: <
I'm in favor! :D The wet black shirt in the finale is a step in the right direction, but he's still got a ways to go. He should just start taking off his clothes when Danny has his huge meltdown that is no doubt coming next season. And then when Danny whines about it, he should say, "Turnabout is fair play, bitch." :lol:
:lol: Hey, you thought it, too.

That Hummer is going nuts! Is it equipped for that?
I'm defending the man's honor.

The Hummer isn't even a year old and already it's had multiple suspension failures. Horatio kept having to send it to the shop but the problem persisted and no one knew why. Finally, he had it replaced with a new one, but it's having the same problems. It's very suspicious. We're looking into it.
Suuuuure you are.

That poor Hummer! The one mystery Horatio can't solve. ;)

We need some new spoilers in here. Please, someone tell me how the finale ends! Or at least if Flack gets to eat one of those hot dogs with everything on it that he loves.
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