More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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Top41 said:
Suuuuure you are.

That poor Hummer! The one mystery Horatio can't solve. ;)

We need some new spoilers in here. Please, someone tell me how the finale ends! Or at least if Flack gets to eat one of those hot dogs with everything on it that he loves.

:lol: Ahh, yes, Flack and his beloved hot dogs!! :lol:

About the discussion re Danny/Lindsey and the do-they-don't-they scenes - going back to the "destiny dashed" thing, this is my take on it (bearing in mind I take "destiny dashed" to mean Danny and Lindsay having a future together but this being totally destroyed) Danny and Lindsay have a few drinks at his place and she ends up totally ratted. I hope this means they didn't, if you know what I mean ;) He lets her sleep it off and this involves taking her shift. The "destiny dashed" comes in when Danny gets hurt - he realises he can't trust her/doesn't want to get involved with someone who would let themselves get into a situation whereby someone would have to cover for them and get so badly hurt in the process, hence goodbye Danny and Lindsay! (Ok, a girl can hope! ;))
^ I love that scenario, and if for some reason that did happen, Danny most certainly might blame Lindsay, given that she got herself so drunk that he had to be a gentleman and offer to take her shift.

I do wonder about that "destiny dashed" thing that Zuiker said. It's just not in anything we've seen, so I really do wonder if something happens in those last few minutes of the episode that tears them apart. Though, on the flipside it could be one of those spoilers that doesn't come to fruition, like the "moment" they were supposed to have in last season's finale. Here's hoping that this is one spoiler that comes through, though. ;)
About the discussion re Danny/Lindsey and the do-they-don't-they scenes - going back to the "destiny dashed" thing, this is my take on it (bearing in mind I take "destiny dashed" to mean Danny and Lindsay having a future together but this being totally destroyed) Danny and Lindsay have a few drinks at his place and she ends up totally ratted. I hope this means they didn't, if you know what I mean He lets her sleep it off and this involves taking her shift. The "destiny dashed" comes in when Danny gets hurt - he realises he can't trust her/doesn't want to get involved with someone who would let themselves get into a situation whereby someone would have to cover for them and get so badly hurt in the process, hence goodbye Danny and Lindsay! (Ok, a girl can hope! )

I love this idea. Can I hope with you???
privatename said:
About the discussion re Danny/Lindsey and the do-they-don't-they scenes - going back to the "destiny dashed" thing, this is my take on it (bearing in mind I take "destiny dashed" to mean Danny and Lindsay having a future together but this being totally destroyed) Danny and Lindsay have a few drinks at his place and she ends up totally ratted. I hope this means they didn't, if you know what I mean He lets her sleep it off and this involves taking her shift. The "destiny dashed" comes in when Danny gets hurt - he realises he can't trust her/doesn't want to get involved with someone who would let themselves get into a situation whereby someone would have to cover for them and get so badly hurt in the process, hence goodbye Danny and Lindsay! (Ok, a girl can hope! )

I love this idea. Can I hope with you???

No problem - nice to know I'm not the only one with fingers crossed!! :lol:
he realises he can't trust her/doesn't want to get involved with someone who would let themselves get into a situation whereby someone would have to cover for them and get so badly hurt in the process

I would lose any respect I had for his character if that happened. He can't seriously blame Lindsay, or anyone else for that matter, for being taken. It's not like anyone made him take her shift, either. He's just being a nice guy and letting her have a day off. Who knows if she gets drunk or not, I doubt she does seeing as how she has a shift the next day.
midnight_tiptoes said:
Honestly, if Danny blames Lindsay for taking her shift he's a huge dick.

He's her doormat, so there's no way he'll blame her. Though if he did, it's not like it would be a rational thought--my guess is that he'll have some emotional baggage from what happens to him. But I don't think that's what's going to happen. If their destiny really is going to be dashed (and really, that could be one of those spoilers that never comes to fruition, at least not in the finale), I suspect it will be something more dramatic than Danny having a snit fit and pushing her away (even if turnabout is fair play... ;) ).
Here's my take on the whole "destiny dashed and season ending disaster" for Danny and Lindsay


He's been alluded to for this entire season so my money (not that I have any, but a girl can wish eh!) is either he will wake up from his coma or he is going die.
I'm hoping he will wake up cause I think that will involve better storylines for next season, I say more Danny and Louie for season four especially since if he did wake up there is the question of will he go to prison for being an accessory to murder re: Run Silent Run Deep
But what does the fact that Louie makes another appearance, wakes up from a coma or dies have to do with Danny and Lindsay, why should that dash their destiny?

I also think that if something bad still is suppose to happen it will be in the final moments of the finale, because there's no indication that there's any 'trouble in paradise' before that...
I'm not really for the Danny/Lindsay thing that NY has going on, but they have never officially said that Danny and Lindsay are dating. He just went to Montana we never heard about it again so I’m only assuming that the finale will be the 1st time they actually say “hey yeah these guys are dating” but then they will break them up in the same episode?? What crap is that? If that how they are going to write that relationship then thank god it will be over very soon. I am not against romance on the show, I love Mac and Peyton, but the whole D/L thing really pisses me off for that reason. They will get them together and break them up all in one episode. That freaking ridiculous.

I have a question about the finale though. I have read a lot of spoilers for the finale, but I don’t really get what going on. I know that Danny and Adam (I believe) get held hostage over drugs or evidence, and they get very hurt (Danny especially) and then there a gas leak at the lab and Mac and everybody stuck inside.

But what I’m having trouble with is I read in TV guide I believe that the drug guys take over the lab to get their drugs back, but I read on this site somewhere that Danny and Adam get held hostage in a warehouse so which ones true. Do they get held hostage in the lab or a warehouse?

What will be the main focus of the finale, the gas leak or whatever at the lab or the hostage situation? Because even though Mac the “main” character the hostage situation seems like a bigger storyline than some gas leak. Doesn’t Flack offer to switch places with Danny so he obviously gets very very hurt and that just doesn’t seem like something they would just blow past right??
I don't think it's that the hostage situation is necessarily a bigger storyline, just that we know more about it. If anything, the two are probably evenly dividing the episode time, although I expect that there might be more with Mac, Stella and Hawkes than with Danny, Adam, Flack (and Lindsay?). We have a lot of info about the hostage thing, but I'm not sure just how much time that would take up...

People try to take over the lab to get the drugs back, which is what Mac, Stella and Hawkes are dealing with. I believe that Adam and Danny are at a warehouse elsewhere, collecting evidence when they are taken hostage--I'm assuming that the two situations are connected, but I don't know for sure, so don't quote me on it. So the lab and the warehouse are both part of the episode, with a different situation going on in each one. :)

I hope that makes more sense. Overall, though, it's a bit confusing to everybody, I think. :lol:
Danny and Adam is in hostage situation, and Mac Stella and Flack is in the lab with the bad guy...
OMG the final is so amazing!!!!
hi i just think there really isn't any other reason for Danny to be distracted from being with Lindsay than having your brother who is facing a lengthy prison sentence if he were to ever wake up, I mean family is family I can see Danny being torn from wanting to keep his brother out of prison or if it goes the other way, how hard will it be to lose a brother if he died, that would definately mess up (oops no pun intended) Danny's head. I just think if the writers are going to put a temporary hold on the D/L relationship, and torture all the D/L shippers out there (yes I confess I am one of them) I think Danny's mind on Louie could be a reason. I'm thinking that this will probably be in the final moments of the finale possibly leading into season four.
Anyway that's just my opinion I mean who knows what the writers have in store for the finale I'm probably going to be wrong anyway***
Oh bugger
time to go to work!
Though, I still wonder how Adam fits into the "finale" picture. If he is together with Danny at some random place OUTSIDE the lab, how did he get there? I mean, he is the lab geek, ya know, never leaving the place.

So I rather expect Danny and Adam getting caught because they are the early birds at work or do some extra work or whatever... I think, the whole story line is taking place at the lab.

Oh and I totally agree, that this won't be a bigger story line. I still trying to figure what will be the cliffhanger, though. They can't make somebody fear for his/her life again... That would be ridiculous... but I can't come up with another scenario... Anybody wanna throw light on it for me? At least... speculating on it?
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