May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

Aiden looks really pretty.

Well, interpreting your writing style I´d guess you´re female.
But why do you doubt me being a guy. Because I´m crazy for Aidens hair?
Come on...


btw: Did I tell you I would die for such hair? :)

Aidens smile might be pretty pretty pretty precious. But her hair is definitely damn holly... ;)
her hair is great...
it's like emily's hair in dark...
but i doubted you being a guy
'cause i thought you would like
to have her hair.. :lol:
No I like to kiss her hair. Emily´s hair in black: Taht´s just it!
I don´t like to have Aidens hair. I wanna smell them. Guess now your impression of me is spoiled entirely. :D

Unfortunately I have to go offline now. cu *hugs
nah, i like my hair...
I've got kinda soft waves...

aiden looking sad...
it makes me sad that she's looking sad...
it's a felony to make aiden sad..

I had to check it in net dictionary :p
it's pretty shame cos I should know that, but whatever... now I will :D
I was watching my CSI DVD last night and when I was watching Officer Blue it made me realize how much i miss aiden! She was such a good character!!