May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

I got the DVD's for X-mas and I pretty much just sat down yesterday through all 17 hours of them. I -really- miss Aiden.

I am still totally in angst mode that Danny has like, blown it with Mac -several- times, and he gets a little talkin' to, but that's it. Aiden contemplates planting evidence, but doesn't, and she's out the door lickety-split. Hopefully they'll at least have Mac finish up her rape case and have her come in for one last good-bye. Oh, or better yet, they could end up killing her character entirely in a murder case, leaving the rest of the team to deal with the aftermath and drama that follows. Not that I want Aiden dead, but I've pretty much accepted the fact that she's not coming back full time. I'm not giving up hope, though... just accepting what CBS wants me to accept haha.
You´re right. I remember these scenes, their so funny. Danny claiming he doesn´t pay for such things. Or his bird-joke in "The Fall." :)
so funny...
aiden can get pretty mad...


yeah, Aiden has that attitude that you dont ever want to get on her bad side, like remember in Officer Blue when the man was checking her out and she yelled at him! :lol: I love that about her!
that was so cute....
they always had that scene
in our german csi ny comercials
and it was one of the reasons
for me to watch it... :D
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeespect for that picture. :) Is it only an impression or is Aiden a little hesitating in this picture? I mean the expression on her face...

I remember Officer Blue as well. Maybe Aiden talked back to that guy. However finally she gives in - on way or the other.