Marg/Catherine: The Sexier, the Better! #3.0

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Oh and some of it just got posted in the Season 7 Spoiler Lab. Our little birdie is fast. :lol:
I agree with you, if ever they would write a Cath centric storyline in Season 7, I hope it won't be like what happened in Way To Go too, millions of viewers were turned off by that episode. And I hope that if ever they would write a Cath-centric episode, I hope they write it F-A-S-T and show it on television ASAP, i want it to be shown before Grey's Anatomy kills them in the ratings hehe. jk. :lol:
lmao Rissa. Yeah well, at least there's some buzz around her. Gotta wonder how it will work out... or if they keep it at all though. Just check the Lindsey storyline in WTG. I may be hopeful but from now on but I'll doubt everything and everyone unless I see it with my own eyes on the show.

well there's buzz around her because cath eps work. totally logical. she (marg) has the skills to pull off whatever they throw her. however i'm afraid it will be lost in the room with the big elephant and we will never see it.
If they would edit out Cath's storyline just like what they did in Way to Go they're gonna have a taste of McAngry. LOL! *hunts down that big elephant*
*Walks in and whispers* "Careful with the hints that might be construde as possible spoilers, its a Spoiler free zone." *Walks back out quietly* :)
BTW Hottie, you really need to watch The Gulf War. Marg was awesome in this two-part mini series. She didn't have much screentime (there were three storylines and a few interviews) but she was so great. I was so moved by the close relationship between her and her bother played by Steven Weber.
I agree Erica. Not only was Marg's performance great, but Steven Weber was fantastic too. I fast-forwarded through the rest of the movie to get to the Marg part - so I don't even know what the rest was about.
Hi all! :) I have been reading your posts for a while, but haven't posted before on your thread.

I believe Marg is a great actress and as the CSI storyline unfolds, i hope we see Cathrine's character develop. :)
BTW, i was watching Weeping Willows (again) and she was just amazing. I guess pretty much all of you here are in favor of Cath+Warrick relation (i am too, though not a very active shipper), but seeing her with Det. Vartan, i just thought they make a nice couple, don't they? :rolleyes:
*raises hand* PureJoy shipper here, haha! I do leave a very small bit of space for Yo!Bling in my heart, though. :D And you're right, Catherine and Vartan is OMG HOTTAYZ! As for being a couple...well, I wouldn't mind, but I don't think it'd ever beat PureJoy or Yo!Bling. LOL. I do remember that Vartan's first appearance on CSI was in Viva Las Vegas and he and Catherine were working on the same case. ;)

BTW there are C/G, C/W, and C/N fans here and I really don't think any ship takes a majority. We respect each other and have fun together because we all love Marg/Catherine. :)
FallenforGrissom Oh I do love seeing Catherine and Vartann working together as colleagues.. and without sounding too shippy.. I won't either mind if they'd be a couple. (well, well thats a surprise :lol: ) Vartann actually has chemistry with all the people he's working with, heck he even made me watch the Ecklie scenes in Season 5's Iced. ;) Aside from S5's Viva Las Vegas and Weeping Willows I also love the Catherine and Vartann scenes in Season 6's Bodies in Motion and Bang Bang. Their scenes just make you glued to the tv.. maybe because both of them are aesthetically pleasing and both are undeniably hot.
Btw, I laughed so hard when Vartann and Catherine were interrogating the pole dancing instructor in Bodies in Motion and the song "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas was playing in the background. LMFAO! :lol:
I pretty much ship anything with Cath -
PureJoy - CG (my OTP)
YoBling- though not as much since "the wife"
Cath/Doc - those two have the greateset looks between each other
Cath/Vartann - YUM!
Cath/Greg - in a mentor/pupil kind of way. (Otherwise Ewwwww!- that would be as bad as GSR)
Cath/Sara - because I love it when they play nice.
Cath/Ecklie - the thought used to gag me, but since he's become asst lab director he's mellowed a little.
Cath/Hodges - still kind of freaks me out. They've had a few little flirting scenes which are kind of cute.
Cath/O'Riley - hey, I'd even go for this. O'Riley was just so lovable. He & Cath have a greater rapport in some of the CSI books.

Shame on you, Erica! You're not up on your CSI info. Vartann was on CSI way before VLV. You didn't notice that he was in Season 4 -GVTV. OK, I'll forgive you since he was involved in "the other" case - the one with the singer's wife dead in the tub. He was in a few other S4 eps too - just not noticeable with Cath. My fave Cath/Vartann scene was in the end of s6 when they find the dead body in the office, then work together to make sure the scene is cleared. Hey, Cath draws her gun again. That makes it a great scene, right?!
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