Marg/Catherine: The Sexier, the Better! #3.0

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Now wait a we're really calling her sister Nancy? LMAO. I think it's safe to say that Catherine "still" has a sister (unless she's dead :lol:) since she mentioned the old time in Spellbound...remember? When they had BBQ at her sister's? I wonder what her name would be if she really makes an appearance again...the last time was in the pilot, but we didn't know her name. If they really call her Nancy...then the writers are so reading fanfics! :lol:
I like the name 'Nancy' and Im already used to it, I hope the writers would really name her that. Its easier.
(Example: I was confused when they gave Tina's (Warrick's wife) ex-husband a name. We named him David but his name turned out to be Robert. :lol: )
Judging from her first appearance, Nancy's life seems to be pretty dull. :lol: I mean she seems happy with her life and she looks happy with her kid, Jeremy. Not good for a crime-drama show (that will eventually be a full blown soap opera). :D
they seriously didn't call her nancy ever? that just seems odd. but we do know that linds goes on sleep overs.
Her sister is officially named Nancy in Cath's bio pages in the CSI --- Companion.
Just keep in mind that TPTB have screwed up many of the other bio info from that book, so I'm guessing that if they bring the sister back, they'd somehow not remember that name.
Wow I didn't see that when I was reading the companion book. Need to read that again. :lol: But I thought the fanfic writers had named her Nancy way earlier than when the companion book was published? (See I'm looking for excuses for myself again. :D) Anyway I'm glad she's officially named Nancy. I like that name. I just hope she's as good as the name. :)
Just wanted to let you fellow Marg fans know, "Bobby Dawson" (Gerald McCoullough) from CSI dropped by for a good chat tonight at Elyse's Crime Scene Investigation board, and he mentioned Marg several times. Sounds like he has a very healthy dose of respect, admiration and affection for her. He seems to really like her alot, and it sounds like they have a lot of fun on the set together, including an impromptu jello fight between Marg, Gerald & George after a scene together with ballistics gel... :lol:
Owww thanks for the news MBGrissom!!! :D
Shane aka abc also interviewed Gerald before (last year) and Gerald also mentioned Marg quite a few times. From what I read in last year's interview, I think he likes her a lot and he never failed to mention that Marg's fun to be with.

*runs to read Elyse* (can we link back here btw MBGrissom.. so that the others will be able to read the chat too?)

Edit: *realized that everybody was there, except for me! :lol: shame* Gerald was very eloquent and was very nice and very real. Dang I missed the chat. Oh well.
I'm sure Elyse wouldn't mind you linking, but on the Bravenet which hosts her board, the threads disappear, so you'd have to read quickly, it'll be gone after a few days (although she does plan on archiving it somehow on another page). It was obvious from how he talked about her, that he clearly adores her, and even participated in her and hubby Alan's golf tourney. Gerald told Lisa, the poster who set up the chat, this am that he felt bad, he accidentally deleted some of his posts, he was having kind of a tough time of it last night, LOL, but bless his heart, he hung in there at least an hour longer than planned, so he could answer each and every question posed to him. Sure does sound like he enjoys working with Marg, he says fans have noticed that they have "chemistry", and that puts a big smile on his face. :D
I know that threads on Elyse's board will be deleted by the system after being inactive for...a few days, maybe? I think that's a shame since this is definitely something to keep. Can we ask her to copy the posts and archive them on her site?

Free boards suck. Ugh.
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