Marg/Catherine: The Sexier, the Better! #3.0

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hey everybody, just stopped by to say that i i found a funny CSI parody (mainly making fun of Gris and Cath :lol: ). i know i can't link the video directly (i can't, right??), so you'll just have to click on it yourself to get it started :p
Thank you for the clip :lol: It's too funny. And the actress who acted Catherine is really similar to Marg :p At least when the camera is far from her face. :p
Oh the Cath/Sam scenes are always highlights for me! But the limo scene is my fave out of them all. But all of their scenes are brilliant.

About the limo scene... she was rude, yep. But kind of understandable. It makes me think that she was rude/ugly to him because she could be. I wonder what she would have done if Sam had given up on them. (Thankfully he didn't.)
exactly. catherine was acting just like a hurt child. she was pressing his buttons just to see how far she could go. it wasn't about a murder. any murder. but about how he was her dad and didn't tell her. and sam promptly put her in her place with his "if you weren't my daughter..."
Oh damn right, he did! Gotta love that about Sam, though. I have a feeling he's known about him being her father all along because after all, he did stick around from the beginning. I mean he's known her since she was a child. Maybe Lily knew it too, just kept it a secret and Sam followed suit. Or... Lily asked him not to tell her.

It's interesting though because there are still quite a lot of things we didn't hear anything about. Like... where is/was Lily's husband, aka Nancy's father. Or.. where's Nancy? Does Catherine still have a sister at all? And how come she's not causing trouble, like everyone else in Cath's family? :lol: She's prolly boring so they left her out. And it's also interesting how we never found out how Catherine dealt with her mother after she found out about Sam being her father.
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