Marg/Catherine: The Sexier, the Better! #3.0

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I'm not sure it's the final version of the poster. It might be only temporary. It looks nice but I want Marg on it too. :p Doubt she will be but a better poster still wouldn't hurt. [/negativity]
hehe, is it just negativity day today?

as for the poster i think there are two others that would be on it before her, but still, she's fourth in the credits, not bad.
I am trying to find that clip of marg singing on ET, but i cant go onto where else would it be posted? i know im VERY late at this, lol, but i would appreciate it if someone could help me out. thanks so much!
Hey, I'm new here. "Don't Call Me Marge", Marg's A&E Biography is supposed to be on the Biography channel today and tomorrow. Does anyone know where I can find clips or can someone who has the Biography Channel tape it for me and contact me? I'm dying to see this but I don't have the channel.
CSI_F_F yup try visiting that link that coolcatz gave you, the ET episode is there.

sandfossg heya! :) Yup coolcatz is right, maybe the Marg websites have it (i haven't checked because i haven't been to marg sites lately).. :D and I'll go looking for someone who will record it for you. (oops she doesn't have the Biography Channel either :( )

Oh cool Marg's name is on the Mr. Brooks movie poster.. I hope it will be the final and international poster.
Oh yeah CFF, you so need to go to our cozy corner and have fun with us. :D

sandfossg, try to watch Marg's A&E Biography. It's awesome and you're so going to love her more after you watch it. Now, don't say it's impossible for you to love her more. Been there. :D Oh and Marg sings druing the interview. :lol:
It's times like this I hate not living in the US. I've never seen Marg's Biography and would love to see it, I found a very short clip from it but couldn't find the whole thing.
CSI_Fan_Forever said:
I am trying to find that clip of marg singing on ET, but i cant go onto where else would it be posted? i know im VERY late at this, lol, but i would appreciate it if someone could help me out. thanks so much!
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