Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

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Damn you, Clooney. The rest of us can only imagine touching Marg while you got to touch her in real life. Several times.:eek: If you weren't hot yourself Clooney I'd hate you but since you are hot I'll just strongly dislike you.
Thanks for the videos and the interview.I was crazy in love with George since I started watching ER reruns.And I was so obssessed with Doug and Carol that I hated everyone that interfered with the ship.But I loved Marg as Karen.I did not know she was a prostitute in China Beach.I will HAVE to go to YT.:lol:
I'll have to check out those videos.
I was more of a Carol/Doug shipper myself as well. But I also remember Marg's character with Doug being very hot.
. . . you got to touch her in real life. Several times.:eek:
Marg wears a toe ring to commemorate the occasion.:drool:
I can't remember the interview where she said that but it's out there somewhere.
Marg with a toe ring...ooh, that's kind of hot image. Who am I kidding that is a hot image. Maybe Marg will get something to commemorate her fans when CSI ends? Like a belly ring? I'd like that.:drool:
Any Italian fans here? Cause Marg is going to Italy!

Roma Fiction Fest 2010 will take place from July 5 to 10, and the Lady will be there on July 9 to receive the Award of Artistic Excellence which is a special recognition given by the festival. I <3 Romans. They know dang well who deserves the award. :D
Italians are very smart. No wonder they are giving the Lady that award. And July 9th, that's my parent's anniversary. <3

That's pretty close to when CSI starts filming again. Maybe someone will ask M whether she is coming back or not. Though I have a feeling that even if they do, M will give them the run around. :lol:
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