Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

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Well,I agree with all of you,Italians are very smart giving Marg an award.:thumbsup:

I hope she comes back.At least they should give her character a proper ending.I want to see her realized as a career woman and in a solid relationship with her daughter and Vartan as well.
Marg's going to Italy? Means she's going to get a tan...but with her skin complexion she'd probably burn. That's not good. Make sure you wear a lot of suntanning lotion, Marg. I don't want the leading lady of CSI coming back looking like an strawberry.:lol:
^^^ But AFIS, the way you're describing it (strawberry etc.) makes it actually sound pretty nice to me! :lol:

What A Pair! posted Marg's performance with Diana Harris from 2007. It was the first time Marg and Diana sang together, but OMG it was so hot and so sexy. You don't want to miss it. Seriously! <3

My Daddy Rocks Me...
^^^ But AFIS, the way you're describing it (strawberry etc.) makes it actually sound pretty nice to me! :lol:

What A Pair! posted Marg's performance with Diana Harris from 2007. It was the first time Marg and Diana sang together, but OMG it was so hot and so sexy. You don't want to miss it. Seriously! <3

My Daddy Rocks Me...

Hmm...Marg would look pretty hot as a strawberry. I don't think she'd be able to pull that look off but knowing Marg...she probably could.

Marg can sing? OMFG, OMFG, OMFG!:eek::eek: Is there anything this woman can't do? She could probably take out the trash and it would still be sexy.:lol:
Anyone caught Marg's radio interview on LA's Retro 1260 AM earlier? It was such a loooong interview, but it was soooooo great! Marg laughed several times, and she basically talked about her entire life so far! :lol: And from what she said about CSI, I think it's for sure that Catherine will be in season 11. It's just Marg will need to decide whether it's going to be her last about halfway through the season. :)

You can listen to the interview here. Warning: it's almost 50 minutes. :lol:

ETA: The radio station has the interview for you to download now. You can get it over here. :)
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Just downloaded the interview. Thanks for the links, EricaSJ. I didn't even know Marg had an interview scheduled.
Thanks for the interview ,Erica .It was long but worth it.The best news is that looks like Marg if staying.Even if she leaves eventually ,there would be time to wrap her story nicely .The empty nest storyline is perfect for her.So things look good for us.:)
HELGIE!!!!!!!!!! <3

This news made me realize how much I wasn't ready to see her go. LOL I am glad that this gives the writers a chance to give her a decent exit should she choose to leave.
I just read about the interview. I haven't had a chance to listen but it sounds like Marg is staying on next season. :thumbsup:

That's good news indeed. I love the 'empty nest' part that was mentioned. Another good storyline to wrap up to give Catherine a good exit. :D
HELGIE!!!!!!!!!! <3

That's such a great nickname! I hope you don't mind if I start using it, K-Bug. I used to call Marg, don't laugh, Margarine. I thought it was kind of cute.

Has anyone thought about what they're going to do if Marg leaves CSI? Are you going to keep watching or not? I know I'll probably stop watching if the writers decide to keep the show going after she leaves unless they bring another female lead to the show.
^^^ Helgie is such a cute nickname. I love it too. :lol:

I probably won't watch the show after Marg least not regularly. Having watched it from the beginning, I must admit that the plots have gotten old to me and that I'm enjoying some newer, more refreshing shows than I do CSI. I still like it to a certain level, but there's no way I'd give up other plans for it every week if it weren't for M. She's the reason that I'm still watching. :)

The RomaFictionFest opened on Monday. M was there, and she was stunning. Here's a nice video clip of her on the "orange" carpet at the opening night: Click me.

She was so nice. Even spent time signing autographs for the fans and chatting with them. I <3 her! Oh and I don't think I've seen anyone that can pull off leopard print better than M does!
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There is always good news on this thread.Thanks for posting,Erica.:thumbsup:

I LOVE this show so I am going to watch until it ends.If she leaves ,I am sure going to watch but is not going to be a not to miss show.I can not even imagine CSI without her.I will probably watch like I do with NY an Miami.
I'm glad to know she's coming back. I was pretty sure she would, even for part of the season. Like I've said, there were too many undone story lines for her not to come back.

Helgie is cracking me up. :lol: And you know I can't stop staring at your avie K. ;)
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