"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Once Mac got inside, he rushed to Calleigh's side. "Sweetheart, oh God, Calleigh, come on love, open your eyes, please Calleigh, come on, let me see them". Slowly opening her eyes, Mac seen the tears pour. "It hurts, it hurts so bad". "Shh...it's okay love, COME ON, GET HER OUT OF Here", yelled Mac.

Bracing her leg, they lifted her out of the hole. "We need to move her now", said the EMT, as they noticed the bone exposed from her leg. Rushing her to the Ambulance, Mac followed. "Don, get to the hospital, and get your head stitched".

Signaling to Mac, telling him to go, Don watched as the ambulance blared it's sirens. "Christ Don, talk about Deja vu for you". "You're telling me, I thought for sure, my number was up, as well as Calleigh's. "Let's get you to the hospital".

When they arrived, they took Calleigh right into surgery, while Mac called Sara. "Hello". "Sara, it's Mac, I need you to bring the kids to the hospital, Calleigh's been asking for them". "Oh Mac, is she okay"? "She's going to be fine, but I kow she'll feel alot better, once she sees her babies". Hanging up, Sara dressed the kids, and called a cab.

When she arrived Mac was waiting for her. "Daddy...were is mommy"? "She's fine Macalleigh, they are fixing her leg". "Is you okay to daddy"? "I'm fine angel, don't worry about daddy". "Dada...dada, ove's ou". "I love you to my son. Taking him in his arms, they walked into the hospital, and waited for news on Calleigh.


Danny and Flack had arrived. After being stitched up, Don headed over to where Mac and his kids were waiting. "Any news yet Mac"? "Not yet Don, but I want to thank you, Calleigh told me you held her together, I can never thank you enough, for keeping her alive".

"No thanks needed Mac, she's an amazing woman, with a will of her own, she would have made it, with or without me". "No Don...she wouldn't have, she would have died, she told me you breathed life into her, two or three times, pulling her back, telling her to hold on". Not feeling like the hero, he said...."she's family Mac, we all are, it's what family does for each other, have you called Stella and Horatio"?

"I did, they are coming on the next flight, Danny if you can, their flight arrives at 6pm.....". "No worries Mac, I'll pick them up". "Thanks Danny, Don, go home and get some rest". "I will Mac, as soon as I know Calleigh is okay".

Smiling amongst his tears, Mac knew they would all be tightly bonded forever.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

So I'm seeing Don here as Mac's younger brother, or am I wrong. I love how they stick together. H and Stella wre coming over, would've like it under circumstances, but I'll hope they stay for a while and pitch in a hand while Calleigh recovers. What's family for? ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With Gabriel asleep in his daddy's arms, and Macalleigh asleep in Don's, the doctor came out of the OR. "Excuse me, Det.Taylor"? "Yes doctor, how's my wife"? "She's resting comfortable, I need to inform you, we've had to attach a metal rod to her shin, along with several screws, your wife has a long road ahead of her, with extensive Physio". "She's alive doctor, that's all that matters, thank you for everything". "You are welcome".

Heading down to Calleigh's room, they entered to find her asleep. "Mommy....called Macalleigh, is yous okay"? Opening her eyes, Calleigh seen her children, Mac, and Don standing there, in front of her. "Macalleigh...hello my angel". "Hi mommy, yous hurt your leg bad". "It's okay angel, mommy's fine", she said sleepfully.

Placing Macalleigh in her mother's arms, Mac reached for Gabriel. "Gabriel...wake up son, mommy's here". Waking up, he seen his mommy, and reached for her. "Mama...mama, is k"? Climbing on his mommy's chest, Gabriel held her tight, while Macalleigh cuddled on her other side. Looking up, Calleigh reached her hand out to Don.

As he took it, Calleigh whispered...."thank you Don, for keeping me alive". "No thanks needed Calleigh, it's what family does, protects one another, in times of need". Still holding his hand, she smiled through her tears.

At the Airport, Danny seen Horatio, Stella, and Katerina coming down the tunnel. "Uncle Danny...."she yelled, as she ran into his arms. "Hey...there's my Katerina, all grown up". "I's not grown up, I'm only tree". "I know, but very beautiful for three". "You's silly Uncle Danny".

"Hey Danny, how's Calleigh"? Embracing Stella in his arms, he told her, she was doing good. "How you doing Horatio"? "Good Danny, thanks, though I'll feel alot better, once I see Calleigh". Heading out to the car, with Katerina in Danny's arms, they caught up on happening's in each other's lives.

When they arrived at the hospital, Katerina ran into the room. "Auntie Calleigh, I's here". Looking at the little girl in front of her, Calleigh teared up, for she had such red hair like Horatio, and Stella's beautiful complexion, and curls. "Hi Katerina, such a big girl, look at you". Climbing up beside Calleigh, she hugged her. "I's miss ou Auntie Calleigh, ere's Macalleigh"?

"She should be back anytime, she went downstairs with her daddy". "Oh's kay's". "How you doing sweetheart, kissing her cheek". "I'm okay, in alot of pain, but okay, and how are you Stella"? "I'm great Calleigh, though I hope we've seen the last of the Taylor's bad luck". Laughing Calleigh couldn't agree more.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Mac and the kids got back to the room, Macalleigh seen Katerina. "Kaaaaat...you is here, I missed you, give me hugs". "I's miss yous too Macaeigh". As Stella looked at Macalleigh, she could see Mac, through those piercing eyes, she had. "Wow...you can tell she is yours Mac, look at her". Embracing her in a hug, "I know, that's my girl, how you doing Horatio"?

"Great Mac, let's have a look at your son, it's been to long, has he ever grown, taking him in his arms, Horatio held him close, as Gabriel stared at him. "Hello son, I'm your Uncle Horatio". "Oratio...he smiled, with a wide grin. "I can't believe how much he's changed, so where is our hero"? "He's at the nurses station, talking with his lady".

Coming back to the room, Don seen Horatio and Stella. "Stel...my God, look at you, still beautiful as ever". "Thank you...and another thank you for saving our Calleigh". "No thanks needed", he smiled. "yes, there is, if it wasn't for you....". "I know...Mac, I spoke with the Cheif, he said it's going to at least a month, before we gat back into the station, all damage was to the left side, with the lab being completely destroyed".

"Wow...looks like someone will be getting a new lab", smiled Stella. "How's my office Don"? "Not to bad concidering, just mild water damage, so we'll be using the building the building across the street, until our's is re built". "Hmm...should be interesting".

When Mac turned around, he noticed Calleigh was sleeping again. "I think we should leave, and let Calleigh rest". "I'll tell you what Mac, let Horatio and I take the kids, you stay with Calleigh for a bit". "Are you sure, you do know we have two dogs at home". "Nooo..when did you get dogs"? "A few days ago, one's a pup, they are very well behaved". "Should be fun, okay troops, let's go home".

"Daddy...I stay with you and mommy, please". "Listen sweetheart, mommy needs rest, so how about you go home, with Auntie, and daddy will bring you back tomorrow". "Fine...can I give mommy a kiss"? "Of course you can love, she'd like that". Kissing her mommy good bye, they left.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Lordie Lordie, souns like vacation time to me. Feels like a dejavú. Wonder how H and Stella will handle 3 kids and 2 dogs. Should be fun with H. *mind the slippers* :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

You think this is exciting, my new story is even better, I killed off Lindsay :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyways, thanks for the FB guys, I'm really glad you enjoy "Macalleigh". I'll try and update shortly ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

S**t...sorry Mod's, just realized I double posted. :eek: :eek:

When Horatio, and Stella arrived home they were greeted with a mess from the pups. "Ewww...look Auntie, Harley pooed", laughed Macalleigh. "Hmm...I see that, shall we clean it. "Uhhh..not me Auntie, come on Katerina, I'll show you my dog, and my new dolls". Running into the room, with Gabriel, they left their Aunt and Uncle to clean the mess.

"Aren't you glad you decded to bring the kids home love". "Funny hun, now you clean up the mess, while I start supper". "Stella...ummm..Stella". Walking into the kitchen, with a smile on her face, she left her husband to clean the mess.

With the floor cleaned, Horatio walked into the kitchen, grabbed his lovely wife around the waist, and whispered...."thanks love, that was intersting, remind me not to get a dog". "Macalleigh, Gabriel, Katerina, supper". "Coming Auntie". Sitting down the dinner, Gabriel stared at his food.

"What's the matter Gabriel, don't you like lasagna"? "No Auntie, Gabriel won't eat anything red, mommy always makes his plain". "She does, how come he don't like red"? "I don''s know, he just don'ts". "Hmmmm....what would you like than Gabriel"? "Pissa...I's ave pissa". "Macalleigh, does mommy have pizza"? "She does Auntie, in the freezer, they's are the plains ones, with no sauce".

"No sauce, how can you make a pizza without sauce"? "Mommy uses a special oil, and sticks the cheese on thems". Getting up, Stella tossed one of the pizza's into the microwave. "Here you go Gabriel, enjoy". Biting into the pizza, Gabriel ate it all.

After dinner, Stella put on "The Lion King", while she did the dishes, and Horatio took the dogs for a walk.

Meanwhile, Mac was watching Calleigh sleep, deep in thought, he thought about the tough year they had had, with Macalleigh's accident, the intense therapy, and the pain, she went through. "Mac....are you okay"? "Hmmm...yeah love, I'm fine, how do you feel"? "Okay, in a little pain, but it's not to bad, where are the kids"? "They are at home with H and Stella". "Oh...okay".

Knowing Calleigh was upset, for she missed the children, he crawled in beside her, and wrapped her in his arms.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

luvingmyHoratio said:
You think this is exciting, my new story is even better, I killed off Lindsay :lol: :lol: :lol:

^^ Really :confused: sounds interesting

I didn't mean to post such a short reply, my computer froze for a few :mad:

Anyway, I'll check out the newest one after I catch up on this update
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With the kids finally in bed, and the dogs asleep, Stella, and Horatio, had some alone time. "How you feeling love, the flight wasn't to much on you and the baby, was it"? "No...we're doing fine, I just wish we could have told them". "We will love, tomorrow, it just wasn't the right time, to tell them we are expecting again".

Laying her head on her husbands shoulder, she closed her eyes, while he played with her curls. "Horatio....how long can we stay this time"? "I'm not sure, I guess for alittle while, but if a case comes up, we'll have to go back". "I know, and I understand, but it's just hard, we don't see each other enough, and I really miss Calleigh". "I know love, I know".

Back at the hospital, Calleigh awoke screaming. "Nooooo.. help me, I can't breathe Don". "Calleigh....wake up sweetheart, it's okay, you're okay". Opening her eyes, she seen her husband rocking her. "Oh Mac, it was aweful, so hard to breathe, I thought I'd never see you or the kids again". "It's okay Calleigh, you are safe, trust me love, I've got you tight".

Inhaling his scent, Calleigh fell back into sleep. "Is she okay Mac"? "She's fine, just a dream". Checking her vital's, the nurse left her room.

Meanwhile...Don was having a hard time falling asleep, he kept thinking back to almost losing Calleigh, and trying to fight the feelings, that he felt while they were trapped. "Christ Don, what are you doing, she's Mac's wife", he whispered.

Closing his eyes again, he seen Calleigh, they were back in the station trapped, only instead of breathing life into her, he was kissing her, kissing her with deep passion, as they thought it would be their last moment together, needing each other, not wanting to die, without feeling love again.

Opening his eyes again, Don got up, went to the kitchen, and poured himself a glass of water.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Stella and H expecting again... Nice

Don, what are you up to? But when Calleigh blows him off, I'll take him. :lol: ;)