"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Really sweet updates. They are so cute

Are they going to get a puppy?
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

They should, this is such a loving story, there's room for one more, or not? :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

After dinner, Mac asked Calleigh to get the kids ready for an outing. "Where are we going daddy"? "You'll see sweetheart". With coats on, the Taylor family headed out to the car. "Dada...dada..". "What is it son"? "Ov's ou", he giggled. "I love you too my Gabriel". Buckling in, Mac put the car in drive, heading out to the pound.

When they arrived, Calleigh knew what Mac was up too. "Are you sure about this detective"? Looking at his wife, with endless love, Mac said..."yes love, I'm positive". Lifting the kids out of the car, while Calleigh grabbed Macalleigh's walker, she knew, as she could hear the barking.

"Oh daddy...we's getting a puppy"? "We are love, are you excited"? "Yes daddy, I's love you, I's can'ts wait". Walking into the pound, Mac was greeted by the staff member. "Good evening, you must be Det.Taylor"? "I am, have you got them lined up"? "I do, come with me".

Opening the door, Macalleigh, and Gabriel seen all the puppies playing. "Oooohhh's, looks at them daddy, they's all so cute". Barking and yapping, the puppies jumped at the kids, to play. Giggling away, Gabriel sat, as the puppy jumped into his lap.

As Macalleigh looked around, she seen a pup about a little over a year, just sitting. "Scuse me, why's that puppy not plays"? "Well sweetie, she was in a accident, and it left her hurt on her back leg, so the owner's brought her here, because they could no longer care for her".

Walking over, Macalleigh held her hand out to the puppy, stroking it, as it licked her hand. "Daddy....I's want this one". "You do, why Macalleigh"? "Cause she's ike me, I's wants to care for her, and help hers walk again likes me". Calleigh stood with tears, as her daughter continued to stroke the little pup.

"What do you think sweetheart"? "I think we should take her, and maybe the one Gabriel is playing with too". "You want two"? "Yes detective, I think the kids should each have their own pup". "Okay...we will take this little black lab, and the brown shepard".

Paying for the licence's Calleigh asked. "What are you going to name her Macalleigh". Looking at her lame pup, that walked with a limp, she said...."Dani-Lynn", I's likes that name". Smiling, Calleigh couldn't agree more. "Okay guy's, are we ready to take our new pups home"? "We are daddy, thank ou so much". "You..are welcome angel, as he kissed her.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Great update Linda, only I slippery 'Stella". Maybe you can still edit. If not, we know who you mean.

"Yes love, I'm positive" :lol: and who's gonna get the dog walked every day? Hope it stays dry for a while. :lol:
Two dogs? Calleigh is losing it :devil: Aaww... poor Mac. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Off topic: I almost missed ye'r wall, it's bea-ti-ful!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Great update Linda, only I slippery 'Stella". Maybe you can still edit. If not, we know who you mean.

Opppps.....to many stories, crap....thankies :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they got home, with the dogs settled, Macalleigh, and Gabriel played with their dogs. "Dad...what are we going to name Gabriel's dog, he keeps calling it doggy". "Hmmm.. I'm not sure love, Gabriel, what name would you like your puppy to have"? "Doggy". "Yes son, he is a doggy, but what is his name"? "Doggy, dada, doggy". Knowing Gabriel wasn't understanding, Mac named the pup for his son.

"How about Harley"? "Arley dada, Arley". "Okay, Harley it is, now how about bath and bed". "No bed dada...I's no seeps". "You have to sleep son, so you can grow big and tall, like daddy". "Noooooooooo....noooooooooo". "Gabriel, that's enough, let's get your bath, come with mommy". Following mommy up the stairs, Gabriel helped put his toy's in the tub.

"I's gets in now mama"? "Mmhmm...mommy help". Taking her son's hand, while he climbed in, Harley laid on the floor watching. "Well hello Harley, how are you"? As the pup rolled on his back, she scratched his tummy. "Arley funny mama, looks at im, he's funny".

Downstairs, Macalleigh had her dog on her lap, talking to her. "Do you know what Dani-Lynn, I was likes you once, and stills am, buts I know together, we cans get better". Licking her nose, Dani-Lynn agreed. "Macalleigh, mommy would like you for your bath now". "K daddy, I'm coming". Pulling herself up, she headed upstairs.

"Come on Dani-Lynn, you can comes". Limping slowly behind Macalleigh, the two of them made it up the stairs together. "Hi mommy, Dani-Lynn wanted to come with me". "That's fine angel, hop in". Grabbing onto the bar, Macalleigh lifted her right leg first, and then sat down. "Mom...do you think Dani-Lynn will get better"? "I do love, just like you will soon".

"I's hope so mommy, cause I wish I could run like the kids at school, they runs fast, I's watch them at recess". "Angel...what do you do, at recess"? "I's watch mommy, and my new friend Carrie watches with me". "Doesn't Carrie like to play"? "she does mommy, but she's like to stay with me, and we talk lots, about our dolly's and toy's we have". "Well, she sounds like a wonderful new friend". "She is mommy, she's the bestest".

Helping Macalleigh out of the tub, she dried her, wrapped the towel around her, and carried her to her room. "Come on Dani-Lynn, follows us". Pushing herself up on three good legs, Dani-Lynn followed Macalleigh to her room.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The following morning, Calleigh got the kids ready for school. "Mommy....do you think Dani-Lynn, and Harley will be okay alone todays, whiles I'm at school"? "Yes love, they'll be fine". Heading downstairs for breakfast, Mac, and Gabriel found a wonderful gift for them. "Poopoo dadd.. puppy went poopoo", he giggled. "I see that Gabriel".

Putting his down, Mac cleaned up the mess little Harley had made on the floor, looking around for more, Mac noticed his good black slipper torn apart. "God damn it... lifting the slipper, at the same time Calleigh walked in, she laughed. "Oh my detective, looks like someone was hungry".

"Very funny sweetheart, makes me wonder what kind of trouble he's going to get into while we are at work". "Hmm... we should have bought that puppy cage, we could have left it in there". "Well Calleigh, that's an idea, I'll pick one up today, in the meantime, we will have to block off the rooms, and keep him contained to the unfinshed game room".

With the pup locked up, they could hear him crying. "awww.. daddy that's mean, we can't leaves him crying, maybe we's should puts Dani-Lynn in with him". "Are you sure angel, you don't mind"? "No...I don't mind, do you mind Dani-Lynn"? "Woof, woof". "She don't mind mommy, put her in with Harley".

When they arrived at school, Calleigh watched until Macalleigh was safely on the playground. "Okay Gabriel, your next". Arriving at the Daycare center, Calleigh informed Lisa they may be a little late picking up Gabriel. "That's fine Calleigh, as long as it is before 6pm". "It will be, thanks again Lisa". "You are welcome".

When Mac entered his office, he found a package waiting for him. "Hmm..what's this"? Opening the package, he found a note attached to a granade, that read.....

Det.Taylor, you have twenty four hours to find the bomb, if you do not find it, you can say good bye to NYPD, if I was you Taylor, I'd start now, times wasting....".

Putting down the letter, Mac called the Chief and informed him of the situation. "Damn Mac, what the hell is going on, do you think it's terrorist's"? "I don't...this bomber knows my name, by the note, this is not a joke, this is someone, who means what he says".

Walking into NYPD, Lindsay was grabbed from behind, dragged, down to the shower area, bound and gagged with duct tape, and bombs, bombs that covered her whole body. "How does it feel Miss Monroe....are you comfortable, let's just hope your Det.Taylor is smart enough to catch me, before the twenty four hours is up".

Watching the sadistic bastard leave, Lindsay said to herself...."I love you Danny, for she knew, this may very well be, her last thought.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As Mac his team, and all the NYPD detectives, and officer's searched the floors, one of them yelled...."Hey...down here guys, hurry". Running into the shower area, everyone stopped cold, for there was Lindsay all roped up, with Tnt wrapped all around her.

"Lindsay....yelled Danny, oh no". Looking over the set up, Mac asked everyone to leave except for the bombsquad. "No...I won't leave Mac, I'm staying, yelled Danny. "Then stay out of the way Danny, understood"? "Understood Mac". While Mac looked Lindsay over, he couldn't find any switch. Searching a little closer, Mac said, "Hold it guys, he's playing with us, they're not real. Removing the tape from Lindsay, Danny ran over and embraced her.

"Are you okay Linds, I'm so sorry this happened to you". "I'm okay Danny, don't worry, I'll be fine". "Mac... it's for you". Taking the phone from Flack, Mac listened.

"Detective Taylor....did you like my little game, would you like to play again"? "Listen...when I find you, and I will, I'll.....". "Det.Taylor, you still don't understand, there is another bomb, and trust me, this one is real, according to my watch, you now have 23 hrs to find it, *click*.

"What did he say Mac"? "We have 23 hours to find the bomb, I need everyone to search, vents, cells, toilet's, anything and everything, even if it takes all night". Splitting up into teams, everyone started searching for the bomb.

"Mac...I'm going to leave, and pick up the kids, I'll drop them off at the sitter's and come back". "No Calleigh, you take them home, stay with them, we can handle it". "I said I'll be back, don't worry, I'll be fine". "Listen Calleigh, the kids need one of us, if we both get injured or hurt, who would care for the kids".

"If we lose you detective, how will we survive"? "Listen love, I promise I'll be home, don't worry, we will find the bomb". Leaving the station, Calleigh had a bad feeling, that Mac, wouldn't be coming home. Getting into her car Don stopped her.

"Calleigh....I promise you, I'll take care of him, he'll come home safe". "I hope you're right Don, because the children and I need him, as much as he needs us". Touching Calleigh's face softly, he looked into her eyes, and said..."it will be okay Calleigh, understand"?

Feeling his caress, and hearing his words, surprised her, for no other man had ever touched her. "Take care of him Don". Pulling out, Calleigh headed over to the school.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Once she had the kids safely home, she called Sara. "Sara it's Calleigh, could you come over and watch the kids for me, I need to get back to work". "Sure...I'll be right there Calleigh, is everything okay"? "It will be I hope, just hurry okay". Hanging up the phone, Calleigh pulled her and Mac's Last Will and Testement from the safe, looking them over, she seen that everything was in order, Horatio and Stella, recieved their children.

Closing the file, she placed it on the table, where Sara could find it. "Listen Macalleigh, mommy has to back to work, I need you to help Sara, watch Gabriel, okay"? "Yes mommy, we'll watch him". Kissing her daughter sweetly, along with her son, she opened the door.

"Hi Sara, thanks so much, the kids haven't eaten yet, so I left money for pizza, I'll be home as soon, as I can. "Sure Calleigh, take your time". Leaving out the door, Calleigh told the children how much she and daddy loved them. Watching her pull the car out of the driveway, Sara wondered, what was going on.

Arriving back at NYPD, all the news caster's were there, yelling above each other, trying to get the story first. Honking her horn, Calleigh had them all move, as she parked the car, and ran into the station. "Hold it Mrs. you can't go in there". Flashing her badge, she told him..."move out of my way now".

Moving aside Calleigh ran in, and found the place empty, except for two bomb squad officer's, and Flack. "Excuse me maam, you can't be in here". "I'm a detective, and also Det.Taylor's wife, now where is he"? "Calleigh...yelled Don, they are all outside, we've defussed the bomb, and are just waiting on clearance to allow everyone back in, now let's go, I'll walk you out".

"Thank-you, she said,as she ran down the stairs with Don, to get out the back door. "BLAST****, as everyone duct, they seen the building blow. "Christ Mac, I thought you defussed the bomb"? "I did Danny, there must have been another one". Running up, Mac could see nothing but dust and debrie flying around. "Mike...did your men get out"? "No... they were in there when it went off, but I have worse news for you Mac, your wife and Don were in there with them".

Silence could be heard, as Mac tried to comprehend what he was being told. "I'm sorry...that's impossible, my wife is at home, with our children". "Afraid not Mac, my guys informed me, she was heading out the back, when it blew".

With his eyes full of tears, he began digging with his hands, yelling Calleigh's name.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Ouch, a few days gone and so much catching up to do. I've been walking backwards in the mornings. Too much partying going on these days :lol: Tjank heaven's Carnaval's over.

Gabriel's so cute. Of course it's a doggy Mac :p
Aw and the bath with MaCalleigh. Good thing her dog didn't jump in. That would've been a real water ballet. :lol:
Poor Mac, watya gonna do with one slipper? Feed the dogs in time!
Oy, and then it got serious. Christ this is getting angsty. Explosion? Calleigh? :eek: She's better made it. Can't wait for your next update.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As Mac continued digging, Danny pulled him off. "Mac...Mac, you got to stop, Mac...you're not helping". Looking at Danny, Mac could feel the blood drip from his hands and knuckles. "I can't do this Danny, I can't relive 9/11, not again". "I know Mac, but you have to keep the faith that Calleigh, and Flack are alive, think of your children, this isn't just about you this time, you have your children who are going to need you, no matter what the outcome".

Knowing Danny was right, Mac sat on his knees, and watched, as the Firefighter's began digging through the debrie.

"Calleigh....Calleigh, answer me, come on Calleigh", called Don. "Mmmm....ouch....I can't move my leg, it hurts Don, where are we"? "Under the stairs, the blast blew us down, dropping the upper staircase, blocking us in". "I can hardly breathe Don, we have no air".

"Listen Calleigh, this is no time to panic, I need you to breathe normal, understand, the more we talk, or get excited, the more air we use". Knowing Don was right, Calleigh tried her best to relax. "My babies....she whispered, what about my babies"? "Shhh...come on Calleigh, be strong".

Looking at Don's face, Calleigh could see the blood dripping from above his eye. "Don...you're bleeding, we need to apply pressure". "Never mind about me Calleigh, just relax, and let me check your leg". Lifting her pant leg, Don could see the stairs, were cutting off the circulation to her leg.

"Calleigh...I need you to stay very still, do you understand, your leg is good and trapped. "I know, I can feel the numbness to my hip, this isn't good Don", as she started to fade. "Stay with me Calleigh, keep those eyes open, don't go to sleep". "So tired Don, closing her eyes, Calleigh passed out.

"How much longer"? yelled Mac, becoming impatient. "Mac...you need to calm down, why don't you call Sara, and see how the kids are"? Still not listening to reason, Danny shook him. "THIS IS ENOUGH MAC.....SNAP THE HELL OUT OF IT". Grabbing Danny by the jacket, Mac pulled him against him...."DON'T you ever tell me, this is enough, this is my wife, and your friend in there, this is the mother of my children, God this is just like 9/11, well this time, I'm going to my wife, understand, I'm going to find her".

Sara turned on the TV to watch the news, and as she seen the police station, and the explosion, she inhaled deeply, as she heard the newscaster say...."It is believed that there were two officer's, and two detectives inside the building, as it exploded this afternoon. Missing are Det.Calleigh Taylor, Det.Don Flack, Officer Davis, and Officer Stand, there is no word yet, whether they are alive, stay tuned, more to come".

Picking up the phone with tears in her eyes, Sara called Mac.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

WOW more excitment
I hope Calleigh is okay and Mac can get to her.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Gulp... :eek: At least they're both alive, but they don't have much time. Hope they'll be rescued soon. I'm as worried as Mac.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As the Firefighter's finally got inside the building, Mac ran in behind them with Danny. "Calleigh...Calleigh, he started yelling through the building. "Listen...Calleigh, do you hear that"? "Calleigh...looking over at her, Don seen she was little blueish around the lips, knowing he had no choice, he began breathing life into her, "come on Calleigh, breathe", with a couple more breath's, Calleigh began coughing.

"Thank God, stay with me now Calleigh, listen, you can hear Mac calling. Trying to stay awake and listen, she could faintly hear Mac calling her. "Maaaac....she whispered". Yelling as loud as he could..."Mac....Mac...we are here, Maaaaac".

"Mac...you hear that, it came from the basement". Running to the area, Mac, and Danny seen the stairs, covering that area. "Calleigh...Don...can you hear us"? "Mac...yeah, Calleigh's really bad, her leg is stuck under the stair, we need help now, and air".

As Danny took off, to get the Firefighter's, Mac yelled..."Don are you okay"? "I'm fine Mac, just a small cut, but Calleigh's leg is really bad, her circulation is being cut off, we need air now, tell them to hurry". Breathing deep, Don could feel himself, becoming faint.

"Hold on Don, Don....Don...". Not being able to talk anymore, due to lack of air, he looked at Calleigh, and seen her crying. "Shh..come on Calleigh, they are going to get us, please stop crying". Brushing her hair, with his hand, Calleigh closed her eyes.

"Don....I don't want to die like this, I'm so scared". "I know Calleigh, knowing she was Mac's wife, and Mac was his best friend, he was desperately trying to keep her alive for Mac, for he knew, if he lost her, he'd be devastated.

"Don...what's wrong, Calleigh whispered, you look upset"? "It's nothing Calleigh, don't worry I'm fine". Gasping for air, Calleigh tried to breathe...."Dooon....I can't....". Touching her lips again, knowing he had no choice, he began breathing his life into her again, "come on Calleigh, damn it". Gasping deeply again, she inhaled.

"Caaaalleigh.....Caaaalleigh, Mac called through the hole, they had made, sending in air. Hearing Mac's voice, she whispered. "Maaac...I'm here, Mac". "Calleigh...I hear you love, hang on, we are getting there, I need you and Don, to close your eyes, and Don, cover Calleigh, while we break through the stairs".

Feeling the stairs, releasing from her leg, and the rush of blood, as it began flowing through her veins again, she passed out.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

This is oooo sooo goood!!!! Excitement all over. Darn, that was one great way of writing this scene Linda, compliments, I'm stunned. *aplauds*.

Can't wait for you next update :devil: