"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Hey Linda, great update .It would be interesting to see Don and Calleigh get through it. I certainly wouldn't let it out, it could show how strong the relationship between Calleigh and Mac is. :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

After two hours of paper work, Calleigh was ready to head home. Calleigh I'll take you to pick up the kids, and drop you all off at home". "Oh...that's okay Don, I have my car". "No Calleigh, Mac took it to the Airport, his wouldn't start". "Okay than, let's go, Danny, we'll see you tomorrow". "Sure, night Calleigh, see ya Don".

When they arrived at the sitter's, the kids seen Uncle Don. "Uncle Don...why are you here, and mommy, where is daddy"? "He had to go to Miami, and help Lt.Caine with a case". "But daddy was going to help me with my art project". "Well I can help you Macalleigh, mommy's pretty smart". "Yeah...okay...". Calleigh knew she was upset, for this project was supposed to be "father and daughter".

"I'll tell you what Macalleigh, how about I help you, if it's okay with mommy". "Can he mommy, pleeeeease". Looking over at Don...."are you sure Don, it's a big one". "Just what kind of project is it"? "She has to make an animal from paper, glue and a balloon". Laughing Don said..."I think I can handle that, let's go".

While Don worked with Macalleigh, Calleigh got Gabriel bathed, and into bed. Heading back to the den, she seen Don and Macalleigh gluing the paper on the balloon. "Okay sweetheart, bath time". "But we are not done mommy". "That's okay Macalleigh, I can come over tomorrow, and we can work it again". "Promise Uncle Don"? "I promise Macalleigh". "Oh thank you, I love you". "I love you too sweetheart". Walking him to the door, Calleigh said goodnight.

*Ring...ring*. "Hello". "Hi sweetheart, how are you"? "Mac...great, how was your flight"? "It was alright, I just wanted to let you know I arrived safe, and how much I miss you and the kids". "Aww...we miss you too Mac, but we forgot about Macalleigh's project, so Don's helping her with it". "Damn....I'm sorry love, please tell Macalleigh daddy's very sorry, and that I love her". "I will Mac, and hurry home". "I will love, I'll call you tomorrow night, love you". "Night Mac, love you too".

After Macalleigh was bathed, and in bed, Calleigh had the rest of the evening to herself. Turning on the television, she found the movie, "Message in a Bottle", with Richard Gere, curled up on the couch, and fell asleep.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

While Calleigh slept, she had the most wonderul dream. She was on a Island, far away, being held in strong warm hands, as she turned face to face, she seen it was Don. Looking into each others eyes, they could both feel the sensual pull telling them to kiss, and as Don leaned in Calleigh awoke.

"Oh my...sitting up, she walked herself upstairs, and turned on the shower, stepping in, she allowed the spray to wash away her tears. "This has to stop, why do I keep dreaming of him"? she asked herself. Turning off the shower, she dried off, and crawled into bed, wrapping herself in her husbands pillow, as she slept.

Meanwhile...Don was having somewhat the same dream, he was on the Island, only he was there to resuce Calleigh, as she ran into his arms, and whispered thank you. Taking her face, between his hands, Don looked into her eyes, and passionately kissed her, hearing Calleigh's moan, he fed upon her, taking her deeper into his world, and as he picked her up, and laid her upon the sand, he caressed his hands, across her soft skin, causing her to cry out in pleasure and pain.

"Christ.....shit Don, not again". Sitting up, he rubbed his face, stood up, went into the washroom, and wiped the sweat from his body, as he looked in the mirror...."what am I going to do, how am I ever going to forget her"? Turning off the bathroom light, Don headed back to bed.

Over in Miami, Mac was having a hard time sleeping himself, he was feeling really guilty, for forgetting about the father/daughter project. Picking up the phone, he called Horatio. "Caine". "Horatio, it's Mac, I think I need to head back to NY, I hope you can understand, I've made a promise to my daughter, and I just can't go back on it".

Horatio understood how important it was. "That's fine Mac, you go ahead, we'll be fine, if you happen to finish before we catch the guy, you are more than welcome to come back". "That you can count on Horatio, thanks". Booking the flight home, Mac packed his bag, and headed to the Airport.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Goshy, things certainly get interesting around here. Can't wait to find out where this is leading. :rolleyes:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As Mac boarded the plane, he could hardly wait to get home, and surprise Macalleigh.

Looking up he seen the seatbelt sign come on, buckling in, he waited with the other passanger's for the plane to take flight. As they left the ground. ******BLAST******.

Calleigh was up feeding the kids, when Horatio called her. "Calleigh....sweetheart". "Horatio....how are you, how's the case going"? "Listen to me sweetheart, I'm sorry, so sorry to tell you, Mac has died, the plane he boarded this morning, blew up as it took flight".

Nothing but silence could be heard. "Calleigh....Calleigh, answer me love". "It can't be, he just called me last night, I don't understand, what was he doing on a flight"? "He was coming home to Macalleigh, he was feeling really guilty for missing her father/daughter project, I'm sorry Calleigh, Stella and I will be bringing home his badge".

Now she knew it was true, for Mac would never leave his badge behind. "Ummm...*crying* how am I supposed to tell the kids, or his team, how am I supposed to survive"? "Sweetheart, listen to me, Stella and I are on our way, we will help you tell the children, okay love, just hang on, we are on our way".

Hanging up the phone, Calleigh fell into the chair and sobbed. "Mommy...what's the matter, mommy, please don't cry, mommy". Looking up at her daughter, she embraced her in her arms, and cried.

*Knock, knock*

"I'll get it mommy, please stop crying". Running to the door, Macalleigh seen Uncle Don. "Uncle Don, mommy won't stop crying". Walking into the den, Don seen Calleigh crying. "Calleigh...Calleigh, what is it, what's the matter"?

"Mac's...Mac's..."Macalleigh, go see your brother". Leaving the room Macalleigh ran upstairs. "Okay Calleigh, she's gone, what happened"? "Mac's dead, he's gone Don, he's never coming home, how am I supposed to survive, how are the kids.....".

"Calleigh calm down, what do you mean Mac died"? "He was flying home to Macalleigh this morning, and the plane blew up just as it took flight, Horatio just called me". Don was stunned, as tears built up in his eyes, he wasn't sure, he couldn't believe it.

"Are you sure Calleigh, are you sure he's dead"? "YES...Horatio told me, they are bringing home his badge, that's all that was left, oh Don, I can't, the kids, how.....". Pulling Calleigh up in his arms, he held her as she cried, soaking his shirt.

"It will be okay Calleigh, I'll help you and the kids through it, I promise, we will all help you through it".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

OMG, I had to catch up on 4 chapters

4 chapters...I missed nearly 4 pages :eek:

I'ved missed loads... First Sarah nearly dies then Flack and Calleigh nearly die then Mac does die :eek: :eek:

Kleenex was needed plenty of times through out that :( But I'm really looking forward to Flack helping Calleigh :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

:eek: I'm blown away! I figured you would take a turn, but this???? I'm stunned, speechless! Girl, how do ya expect me to get some sleep tonight... wondering over this story... waiting until tomorrow... argh.... :( I'm struck.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

While Calleigh continued to cry in Don's arms, he seen the children come downstairs. "I told you mommy was crying Gabriel". "Mama...is ou okay"? Releasing herself from Don's arms, she picked up Gabriel, took Macalleigh's hand, and sat them down beside her.

"Sweetheart's, mommy needs to let you know something.....something about daddy", she sobbed. "Please mommy, what is it"? Trying to catch her breath, holding back her sobs, she said...."daddy's plane was in an accident, and......I'm sorry, I can't do this", she cried.

Sitting down beside Calleigh, he put Macalleigh on his knee, and held Calleigh's hand. "Listen to me Calleigh, you can do this, I'm right here with you, I won't let go, or leave you, and the children alone".

Calleigh knew Don was right, but how could she tell her kids, what she couldn't believe, didn't want to believe. *Knock,knock*. Getting off Don's lap, Macalleigh answered the door. "Auntie Stella, Uncle H, what are you's doing here"?

Stella's eyes were swollen with tears, and as she looked at Macalleigh, she realized Calleigh hadn't told them yet. "Horatio......". "I know love, I know". Walking into the den, Horatio seen Calleigh looking into the fireplace, while Don had Gabriel on his lap.

"Don....if you'll excuse us". "Sure Horatio, would you like me to take the kids upstairs"? "Please...that would be a good idea for now". Taking the kids out of the room, Horatio walked towards Calleigh, turned her, opened her hand, and placed Mac's charred badge in it.

Looking down at it, all that could be heard was her scream.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo........", as she fell on her knees, Horatio wrapped her in his arms, while Stella poured tears from her eyes, as she heard Calleigh saying over and over, "no, no, it can't be, please, please, not my Mac, please God, give me back my husband".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When the children heard their mother scream, they ran downstairs. "Macalleigh....Gabriel...". "Mommy...mommy", as they ran into her arms. "Please mommy, what's wrong"? Stella walked over, sat down, and tried to compose herself, for she knew, this was going to the toughest thing Calleigh would ever have to do.

Still holding her babies tight, she whispered...."I need you both to listen to me carefully, daddy isn't going to be coming home". "We know that mommy, he's over in Miami". "No Macalleigh, daddy's plane was in an accident....". "Go on Calleigh, we are all here for you".

"What kind of accident mama"? "A plane crash Gabriel, daddy died in a plane crash this morning". "Mommy....not daddy, I don't believe it mommy, I won't believe it", screamed Macalleigh, as she pushed herself out of Calleigh's arms, and ran upstairs.

Calleigh knew she would have too deal with Macalleigh, but right now, she was more concerned for Gabriel, for she knew, he didn't understand. "Gabriel...sweetheart, do you understand what mommy has told you"? "Yes mama....daddy's gone to eaven, to be an Angel".

The family knew, Gabriel was to young to understand what death meant, to Gabriel, everything that went away, became an Angel. "He's not understanding Horatio, and I need to check on Macalleigh". "Okay love, okay, you go ahead, we'll stay with Gabriel".

Don was standing at the door watching, he wanted to take Calleigh, and her children in his arms, and protect them, but he also knew, the rest of the team needed to be told. "Don...where are you going"? "I need to inform the rest of the team, let Calleigh know, I'll be back".

Listening at Macalleigh's door, she could hear her talking to Dani-Lynn. "Daddy's not gone Dani, he's not, daddy promised me he would never leave, ever, you understand, daddy will be coming home, right Dani-Lynn"? "Woof". Opening the door, Calleigh walked in.

"Hi sweetheart, can we talk"? "I don't want to talk mommy, I don't believe it, I don't, daddy will be home, you'll see, he will be". "Macalleigh....come here, I have something to show you". Walking over, Calleigh opened her hand, and showed Macalleigh, what was left of her daddy's badge. As she looked at it, she held it, she cried, "but mommy, if daddy's dead, where's his ring, daddy told me he never takes it off".

Horatio informed Calleigh, that they were still sifting items, and remains, from the plane. "Well sweetheart, Uncle Horatio told mommy, that the people are still looking for the victim's important items, Macalleigh, please understand, daddy isn't coming home".

Finally starting to accept, she held her daddy's badge close to her heart, wrapped herself in her mommy's arms, and as they held each other tight, she heard her whisper...."I love you daddy, and now you are my Angel".

Crying harder, Calleigh knew, Mac would never be calling Macalleigh his Angel again.

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Linda that chap was so sad :( Now I know what it feel like to be on the firing end of such a fic!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Macaleigh and Calleigh, headed back downstairs, they seen the rest of the team had arrived, along with Sid. "Calleigh...teared up Sid, as he nestled her in his arms, it will be okay Calleigh, we will all take care of you and your children".

Looking over at Danny, Calleigh could see how distraught he was. Letting go of Sid, she walked over and embraced him...."I know Danny, it's okay". "It's not okay Calleigh, this shouldn't have happened, none of it makes sense". "Shhh....as she cried along with him, rocking him.

Macalleigh was still holding her daddy's badge, looking at it, hugging it, as Don walked over, and picked her up in his arms. "It's okay sweetheart, you keep that badge close to your heart, that way you will know, daddy is always with you". *Crying*....whispering....."I know that Uncle Don, but who's going to hold mommy close, when she cries"?

"Well sweetheart...you and Gabriel, Uncle H, Auntie Stella, myself, and her whole team". "But who's going to hold her at night, mommy is so sad, she's still crying". "I know Macalleigh, mommy will be okay, I promise, we will all be okay".

"Sweetheart....I've just recieved the call, they found Mac's wedding band, they knew it was his by the inscription inside". Knowing now it was all true, there had been no mistake, Calleigh collapsed. "CALLEIGH.......". Running over, Don picked her up, and laid her on the couch.

"Get me a cold cloth, hurry". Coming back with the cloth, Don placed it on her head, while calling her name. "Calleigh...come on Calleigh, wake up, don't do this, your children need you". Slowly waking up, she curled herself up, and cried.

"Mommy...mommy, uppy pease". Opening her arms, Gabriel and Macalleigh snuggled in, holding their mommy tight. "It's okay mommy, we will take of you, we promise mommy, we love you, please don't cry no more, pease mama".

"Stella, I'm going to wait for the Carrier, I had Eric send it over express, it should be here shortly". "Okay...I think maybe we should allow the Taylor's some privacy, how about I call you all, once Calleigh's made the arrangements".

"Sure...sounds good". As everyone left, Stella seen Don ready to leave. "Don...I think you should stay". Looking Stella in the eyes, he knew, she knew how deep his feelings went. Walking back in, he sat down, and thought to himself, what a tough year it had been so far, for all of them.

*Ding Dong*. Answering the door, Horatio accepted the package, looking at it, he noticed how heavy it was. Opening it, he found Mac's gun inside, charred, but still together, and as he pulled out the ring, he noticed Eric had left it as he found it. Looking inside, he seen the inscription, what he could make of it, the only part that hadn't been damaged...." To my Detective"
