"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Mac returned home, he could have swore he heard Macalleigh laughing at Sara's voice, but how could that be, for she was dead, Mac had the locket in his hand. Walking into the den, Mac almost passed out, as he fell into the chair. "Mac....are you okay, you look like you seen a ghost".

Trying to gather his wits, he said...."how...you're...how can this be"? "Mac....what is wrong with you"? "The call, the bridge, your body, Sara, I thought you were the victim". "Sara, and Calleigh, thought Mac had lost it. "Please Mac... you're scaring me, said Calleigh.

"The call I recieved from Danny this morning, it was for a female victim, badly beaten, she was found with your locket, I thought it was you Sara". "Oh my...you found her locket"? "We did, on the female vicitm". "I'm shocked, I lost that two days ago, it must have fallen off my neck, you found it"? "I did...oh God, Danny, your parents, I have to call him".

Reaching for the phone, the girls were still confused. "Danny, it's Mac, have you called Sara's family yet"? "Yeah, they're here, right beside me, I'm just getting ready to take them in". "Don't danny, stop, it's not Sara, Sara is here, with Calleigh, and Macalleigh".

"What!!! I'm confused Mac, what about the locket"? "Sara lost it a couple days ago, whoever found it, must have kept it, she's alive, please drive her parents over here, I'll explain, when you get here". Hanging up the phone, Mac took the locket from his pocket. "Oh....my locket, Sara cried, I truely thought it was gone forever".

"Never mind the locket, said Calleigh, it would have been worse to lose you". Sara smiled between her tears. "Whys ou cry Ara"? "I cry because I'm happy, and I love you all". "Wes ove ou too", smiled Macalleigh. "Sara, I won't be able to give this back you yet, I need to have it anaylized for trace". "That's fine Mac, at least I know it's safe".

*Ding,Dong*...."that will be Danny, with your parents". Getting up, Mac took a deep breath, and answered the door.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Oh God, you gave me a scare there, but it turned out okay for Sarah. You got me hooked, esp. since I'm home alone :devil: and I'm too impatient for your updates. So I'll get up about 4 am tomorrow and check on them (whatever Jools). They are fabulous. Life is boring over here :devil:. I'm in need of .... fill in the dots. And I'll just have to shut up for right now. I'm rambling and I've said enough for one night. Night Jools, Night John-boy, Night Linda. :lol: :lol: :lol: *Scuse me for being such a bore, but I'm in need for a a family hug*
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

great updates

poor Sara. But who is the mystery woman with Sara's locket?
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Answering the door, Mac said...."you must be Mr.& Mrs.converse, please come in". "Det Taylor, can you please tell us what is going on with our daughter, first we are told she is dead, and now your detective tells us she is alive". "I know, it's been a very confusing day, please, come in and sit, I'll explain".

Walking into the den, Mrs.Converese, ran to her daughter, and squeezed the life out her. "Mom....she whispered, please let up a little, I can't breathe". Letting lose on her hold, she looked into her daughter's eyes, just to be sure. "It's okay mom, it's me, honest, please sit down, let Mac explain".

Shaking her head the mother sat down, and began talking to her daughter with her hands. Watching with surprise, Calleigh now knew, why Sara became a therapist, to help other's learn to cope and survive with their disabilities. Taking her hands, Calleigh signed her name, to introduce herself. "Hi...my name is Calleigh Tayor, this is Macalleigh, and Gabriel, it's wonderful to meet you".

Signing back, Sara's mother introduced herself to the Taylor's. "Det.Taylor...could you please explain". Knowing the father was very upset, Mac began signing and talking at the same time. "I was called to a crime scene this morning, at the NY bridge, a young woman was found, beaten and raped, wearing your daughter's necklace we gave her for caring for Macalleigh, leaving me to believe she was the victim, I'm very sorry for the mix up".

Continuing to sign, Mac continued. "When I arrived home, I found Sara here, which was quite a shock, as I thought she was murdered too, she also informed me, that she lost her locket, a few days ago, this young woman, must have found it, and kept it". Mr.Converse, took a deep breath, before getting up, walking over to his daughter, and embracing her.

"We thought we lost you Sara, you have no idea how frightened we were". "I know dad, no more frightened, than I, when Mac explained it too me". Turning around, Mr.Converse said..."please allow me to introduce myself, I'm David Converse, and this is my wife Lisa Converse, it's great to finally meet you, though I wish it had been under different cicumstances". "I couldn't agree more David".

"Mac...sorry to interrupt, but Sid has an I.D on the female victim, we need to get back". "Okay...Sara, I'll bring your locket back with me, and David, Lisa, once again, my full appologies", he signed. "Sweetheart, I'll see you later". "Okay...love you detective". "I's ove ou too daddy". Kissing his wife, and daughter good bye, Mac left.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

After Sara, and her parents left, Calleigh put the children down, for their naps. "Mama...I's not ired". "I know angel, but try and have a little sleep". Leaving Macalleigh's walker beside her bed, she left the room. Yawning, Calleigh decided to have a nap herself. It must have been no more than 10 minutes, when she felt someone climbing up on her bed.

Looking over, Calleigh seen her daughter, trying to pull herself up. "Macalleigh....how...when...how"? Lifting her up, she asked...."Macalleigh...how did you get out of bed"? "I's ull mama, ons my alker, uppy". Calleigh still couldn't believe, her daughter had pulled herself up.

"Macalleigh....can you show mommy how you did it"? Carrying Macalleigh back to her room, with the walker, Calleigh laid her down. "Okay angel, show mommy". Turning herself on her side, she gripped the walker, and pulled, until she was sitting up, then with a push, she stood, stood holding on to the walker.

"Oh my...oh Macalleigh, I'm so proud of you, good girl, and all by yourself". While praising her, Mac walked in. "What are you ladies up too there"? "Oh...you are not going to believe this, Macalleigh can get herself out of bed". "What...you're kidding"? "No...watch, show daddy, angel".

Laying back down, Macalleigh showed her daddy, how smart she was. "Wow...look at you sweetheart, daddy is so proud". Making her way, to her daddy's side, Macalleigh said..."uppy pease". Lifting his daughter, he kissed her pretty lips, "love you angel". "I ove ou too daddy".

Once they had her settled for the night, Calleigh and Mac, decided to watch a movie, before bed. "What would you like to watch love"? "Something romantic detective". Looking into his wife's eyes, he could see her passion, what she needed, needed from him. Without a word, he walked over, got down on his knees, placed his hands on his wife's calves, and slid her down, onto his knee.

Sparks could be felt, energy burned in their eyes, as their clothes on clothes contact, sizzled between them. "Maaac...". "Shhh....I know love, as he caressed her her whole body, as she caressed his, wild, deep, seductive caresses, the kind that sizzle and flame. Hotter and sensual, sleeker, and sexier, as they moved erotically, with clothes on clothes.

Not being able to stand anymore, Mac picked his wife up, as she wrapped her legs around him, and carried her upstairs, where he loved her, loved her so deeply, she cried, from the beauty, the passion, the sexually need, of their love.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

She's doing good. Soon she won't be needing that walker.
And mrs. Taylor, what are you up to? :devil: :lol: :lol: :lol:

*PS: you're in my mind? :confused: Spoookkkkkyyyyy!*
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

good updates
I like how Mac told Sara's father the details of the locket. It sounded just like Mac. :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Later that evening, Calleigh awoke to the cries, of Gabriel, heading into his room, she picked him up, changed him, then sat with him in the rocker, while he fed. "Hello, my handsom man, just like your daddy, aren't ya, such a gorgeous boy". Making little grunting sounds, while he fed, Gabriel let his mommy know, he agreed.

As Mac listened on the monitor, he smiled, for he had considered himself, the luckiest man alive. He had a beautiful, loving, caring, wife, two beautiful, gorgeous children, and a house full of love. Inhaling Calleigh's pillow, Mac sighed, at the content he felt, just from her perfume that lingured on her pillow.

"Daddy....daddy". Pulling him from his thoughts, he turned and seen Macalleigh standing there. "Hey angel baby, what's the matter"? "I's can't seep daddy, I's cuddle wit ou". "Sure you can angel". Lifting his daughter onto the bed, she curled herself in her daddy's arms. "Daddy....she whispered. "What is it angel"? "I's ove ou so much". "I love you to Macalleigh, sleep now".

When Calleigh returned to the room, she seen Macalleigh nestled in her daddy's arms. "Looks like we have a visitor". "We do...our daughter was lonely". Climbing back into bed, Calleigh cuddled into her dauhgter, while Mac wrapped both of them in his arms. "Detective". "Yes love". "We've made a Taylor sandwich". Laughing at his wife's playful words, they fell asleep.

The following morning, they awoke to jumping on the bed. Opening her eyes, Calleigh seen her daughter bouncing on her bum. "Hi mommy, is morning, imes to get up". Looking at the clock, it read 6am. Pulling her daughter, back down into her arms, she said...."listen my beautiful angel, how about you lay quietly for another hour or so, than we will get up, and make pancakes". "K mommy".

Laying quietly, Macalleigh began tickling her daddy's chest. "Is that my Macalleigh"? Giggling...."es daddy, is me, I's wake, ou's wake"? "I am now angel, why don't we get dressed, and make breakfast for mommy". "K daddy". Sliding off the bed, Mac watched his daughter, push her walker out the door.

"You know, she's been awake since 6am". "I know sweetheart, but that's okay, you sleep a little longer, I'll start breakfast with her". Kissing his wife, Mac threw on a shirt, and headed out of the room. "Is ou ready daddy"? "I am angel, as he picked up his daughter, in one arm, and her walker in the other, carrying her downstairs, to start breakfast.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Taylor sandwich :lol: she's quite a bundle of joy in the mornings. Where did she get it from again? :lol:

Off topic: Ehrr... we've got a MIA. Nat.... where are you? :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As the years came and went, Macalleigh had finally turned four, ready to start her first day of school. Her progress had been good, but she still needed the aid of her walker, and her muscle control, in her left side, was still average, leaving little Macalleigh, leaning towards the left. Calleigh was very nervous this day, as she wasn't sure how other children would connect with thier daughter, or if she'd be teased, or shunned.

With the morning light, shinning through the window, Calleigh awoke to Gabriel, giggling in his bed. Now being two, he was walking, saying little words, and getting into all kinds of trouble. "Mama...mama, mamam, mama". "Good morning Gabriel, how's mommy's boy". "Uppy mama".

Calleigh couldn't believe the changes in Gabriel, he had Mac's chisled looks, her gorgeous blonde hair, and Macalleigh's turqouise eyes, but the thing that drew everyone to Gabriel, wasn't his eyes, it was his mouth, that pouty shape, that screamed Mac. After getting him dressed, Calleigh went into Macalleigh's room, to wake her for school.

"Oh Macalleigh, wake up angel, it's time for your first day of school". Waking up, she yawned, smiled, and opened her beautiful turquoise eyes. Oh yes, Calleigh thought to herself, she was her through and through, except for the hair, Macalleigh's hair was the color of Mac's, that light chestnut brown, that made you focus, on her beautiful eyes.

"Mom...do you think that the kids will like me, and I'll make lots of friends". "You know what love, they will, are you excited"? "I am mommy, what time do we leave". "After breakfast love". With the kids dressed, Calleigh helped Macalleigh down the stairs with her walker.

Calleigh was finding hard, without Mac to help her through the days, as he was still in Miami, helping Horatio, with a very important case. "Mommy...when does daddy come home"? "I'm not sure sweetheart, I hope it's soon, I really thought he'd be back in time, for your first day". "Me too mommy, Gabriel, no throw your food, not nice".

After cleaning up the mess, Calleigh put the kids in their coats, and headed out to the car. "Mommy, you forgot my walker". Running back in, Calleigh grabbed it, and placed it in the trunk. "Okay...we are all ready, shall we go". Just as they pulled out, Mac pulled up. "Daddy....yelled Macalleigh, your home".

Parking the car, Mac got out, opened the door to Calleigh's car, and said..."hello sweetheart, hello kids miss me". "We did daddy, I heard mommy crying every night, cause you weren't here". "You did, and did you keep mommy company"? "I did daddy, we gave her lots of hugs, and kisses, and Uncle Don came over lots, to make sure mommy was okay".

"He did, well that was nice of Uncle Don, wasn't it". "Yes daddy, and now can we go to school"? "We can love, pulling out of the driveway, Mac headed over to Macalleigh's new school. "So...Don stopped by love"? "He did, he just wanted to make sure we were okay, he's very sweet". Smiling, Mac had to agree.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I like the little jump you made, and it's nice to see the family is doing so great. She'll connect, who wouldn't love such an angel. Great writing! Good on you Linda.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they arrived at the school, Mac took Gabriel by the hand, while Calleigh helped Macalleigh. "Oh mommy, it's so big, I knows, I wills likes it here". "I'm know you will too angel. Walking into the school, they headed down to room #7. "Good morning, you must be Macalleigh"? "I am, are you my new teacher"? "Mmhmmm...would you like to come in, and say hi"? "Oh yes, thank you".

Watching at the door, while Calleigh talked to the teacher, Mac knew she would be fine, as she had already made one new friend. "Calleigh....look love, she's playing with that little girl". "Oh my....that was fast, shall we leave then"? "You may, and don't worry Mrs.Taylor, Macalleigh will be fine". "Thank you, I'm sure she will, see you at 3pm".

As they left, Mac noticed Calleigh was crying. "What is it love, are you worried"? "No...I'm just happy you're home, I've missed you so much". Wrapping her tightly, in his arms, with Gabriel between them, he passionately kissed her. "Ewww...ucky mama". Laughing, they headed home to put Gabriel down for his nap.

Just as Mac got in the door with Calleigh, and Gabriel, the phone rang. "Taylor". "Hey Mac, welcome back, how was Miami"? "It was insane Danny, and very time consuming". "But you got the guy eh"? "We did, what did you need"? "Well...there are four cases here, that need your sign off, and the Chief is becoming impatient". "Okay, I'll be right there Danny".

"Let me guess detective, back to work you go"? "I'm afraid so Calleigh, I'm sorry, I promise to make it up too you, tonight". "I understand, you go ahead, I love you, and stay safe". "I love you too sweetheart". Pulling out of the driveway, Mac sighed, "hasn't anyone ever heard of quality time".

Arriving at NYPD, Flack was waiting for him. "Hey Mac, how was Miami"? "Busy, and insane, also lonely without my family". Don looked at Mac, thought to
himself.. "somethings just not right". "Listen Mac, are you okay"? "I'll be fine Don, as soon as I get back home to my family". Leaving Don staring, Mac walked into his office.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

She connected real fast. Bummer for Mac, hope he gets home on time. Don should investigate a bit. :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With the cases signed, Mac headed home to his family, who he had missed, while in Miami. As he pulled into the driveway, he seen Calleigh and the kids, pull up behind them. "This is getting to be a routine detective", as she kissed him. "You are so right love, and Macalleigh...,how was your first day of school"? "I loved it daddy, we played, and painted, and I made new friends".

"You did, how about your teacher, is she nice"? "She is daddy, we alls like her". Carrying his daughter into the house, he tickled her with his whiskers. "Daddy, yous needs a shave", she giggled. "You are so right angel, but you know what daddy needs more"? "What daddy"? "Your kisses, and hugs".

After putting his daughter down, he picked up his son, and cuddled him. "How's daddy's boy"? "Dada...oves ou daddy". "I love you too son". Putting him down, Mac grabbed his beautiful wife, and held her, while he whispered..."I missed you so much love, it's been a very painful month". "I've missed you too detective".

Not wanting to let his wife go, Mac held her a little longer, while continuing to whisper naughty thoughts in her ear. "You are a devil detective, and I shall expect you to live up to everything you've just mentioned". "No worries there love, as he seductively bit her neck, causing her to grind against him.

"Mmmm...I think I better start supper, before we get into real trouble". Letting his wife go, Mac headed into the den, to check on the kids. "Look daddy, see my picture I made, it has our house, you, mommy, Gabriel and me". "Wow... and what is that"? "That's our puppy daddy". "But we don't have a puppy". "I thinks we shoulds daddy, don'ts you". "I'll tell you what....let daddy think about it". "Ohhhh....honest daddy"? "Honest Macalleigh".

