"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Oh boy, a new baby. Fun :lol:
I think Don needs more than a glas of water, how about a cold shower :devil: Shame on you.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The following morning, Horatio woke the kids, and got them dressed for the hospital, while Stella started breakfast. Running downstairs, the pup tripped Gabriel on his bum. "Hay's Arly, is not nice, I's falls downs". Licking his face, Gabriel yelled for help. "Elpssss, elpss me, Arly as me". Entering the room, Horatio picked up Gabriel, and carried him to the kitchen.

"You okay son"? "I's fine Uncle Oratio, ank ou". "You're welcome son, what woulf you like for breafast"? "Somes cereals, and oasts". "One bowl of cereal coming up, along with toast". "Morning Uncle Horatio, where's Auntie"? "She's laying down still love, she's not feeling to well this morning".

"Why not....is she having another baby"? "Ummm...". Horatio was trying to figure out, why she would guess that. "What makes you think she's pregnant love"? "Cause mommy used to throw up every morning like Auntie, so is she"? "Yes sweetheart, Auntie is going to have another baby".

Coming down the stairs, pale as a ghost, Stella asked for a glass of warm milk. "Sure love, I'll get it". "Are you happy with being pregnant again Auntie Stella"? "Huh...how di you know"? "I hear you throw up in toilet, like mom used too". "Wow...aren't you a smart girl". "Yup...mom says I know to much, for my own good". "Hmmm... she's right about that".

After the dogs had been walked, they headed over to the hospital to see their mom. "Mommy.....we's ere, yelled Michael, running to her. "Hey baby, how was your night with Auntie, and Uncle"? "It was funs mama, and Uncles Oratio, had to clean puppy poop", he giggled.

Looking over at "H", Calleigh tried desperately not to laugh. "Poor Uncle, what else happened"? "Auntie got pegnants, and is aving nother baby". "Pardon....did you say Auntie was having a baby"? "Uhuh...shes puking in the toilets". "Stella...do you have something to tell us"? "I guess we do now, Horatio and I, are expecting again, in about 7 months".

"Oh my God...oh..that's wonderful, congrats, oh, this is amazing, come here, let me hug you both". Hugging Horatio, and Stella, she cried. "Calleigh...what's the matter sweetheart"? "NOthing...I'm just so happy for you both, so very happy". "Thank you love, we're happy too".

"What's with all the hugging in here"? "Well Mac, HOratio and I....are having another baby". Looking stunned for all of two second, he said...."Well, I'll be damed, good for you, another Caine, please make sure, this one is male". "Male...why male"? "Cause there are enough females in this family, it's time for another male".

Laughing Stella said...."I shall do my best". "That is all I ask Stel, smiling sinisterly.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Cute, smart kiddo, and ehrr... women overule :lol: Don't you love it? :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The follwing week, Calleigh was resting at home, while Horatio, Stella and Katerina headed home. "Sweetheart, I'll be right back, I'm just going to run the Caine's to the Airport". "Okay Mac, drive careful, I'll be okay". Heading out the door, Mac ran into Don.

"Hey Don, how are you feeling"? "Good Mac, "H" you heading home with the family"? "I am, I've been away to long, I need to make sure my Lab is still standing". "You have a safe flight, and take care of your family". "I always do Don, I always do".

After Mac left, Don asked Calleigh....."how you feeling Calleigh"? "Better thanks, it looks like your head healed nicely". Sitting down, Don wasn't sure what to say, he all of a sudden felt ackward around her. "Don...are you okay, is something bothering you"? "Hmmm...no, I'm fine, just a little tired I guess".

Trying to push herself up on her crutches, she leaned forward to far, as Don grabbed her in his arms. "Thanks... that's twice now you've saved me, should we try for three", she smiled. Looking up, Calleigh couldn't help but feel the heat hit her cheeks, as Don stared into her eyes.

"Don....she whispered". Taking his hand, he caressed her cheek, "I hope Mac knows how lucky he is, to have you". "Oh Don...please don't tell me, oh this isn't good". "I'm sorry Calleigh, I can't help what I've been feeling since we were trapped". Sitting back down, Calleigh wasn't sure what to say.

At the Airport, Mac gave Stella, and Katerina their hugs, before they boared the plane. "Take care of yourself "H", and give me a call when the new Caine arrives". "I will Mac, I will". Watching the flight take off, Mac headed home to his beautiful wife.

Pulling into the driveway, he seen Don's car still there. "Calleigh...I'm home love". "In here Mac, did they get off okay"? "They did love, is everything okay here"? "It's fine Mac, Don and I were just catching up, it's been a while". "That's nice, would you like to stay for lunch Don"? "No thanks Mac, I've got some cases that need my attention".

Knowing his and Calleigh conversation was on hold for now, he left. "I'll see you later Mac, take care Calleigh". "I will, you too Don". "What was that about sweetheart"? "I'm not sure, he's still having a hard time with the blast, and needed to talk". Kissing his wife, Mac headed into the kitchen to make lunch, while Calleigh thought of the best way, to help Don.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Did I miss something? Weren't you ending the story? :confused: But I'm glad you're still hanging on to it. :lol:
It certainly was akward with Don and Calleigh. I wonder where you're gonna take this one.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I know, but as I reread it, I realized I forgot to end some things, so I changed my mind, and decided to continue.

God I hate being blonde :confused: :p
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

After Flack left, Mac sat down to lunch with Calleigh. "Sweetheart, are you okay, you are aweful quiet". "I'm fine detective, just a little tired". "Would you like me to carry you upstairs for a rest"? "That would be nice, thanks".

Picking his wife up in his arms, he carried upstairs, and placed her on their bed. "Comfortable love"? "Mhmmm... perfect thanks". Laying down beside her, Mac massaged her toes. "Calleigh, love, your toes are cold, are you getting enough circulation through that cast"? "Mhmm... it feels fine Mac, try not to worry to much".

Looking at his wife with heated passion, he said..."I'll always worry love, as he kissed and cuddled her in his arms, while she fell asleep. Watching her breathe, Mac thought to himself something was wrong, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Leaving the bed, he headed downstairs, getting ready to pick up the kids from school.

Upstairs, Calleigh was having the most horrible dream, she was trapped with Flack, running out of air, back in that horrid place, that almost lost both their lives. As she fell deeper into the dream, her and Flack were talking, talking about never seeing her husband, or her kids again.

"Come on Calleigh, it's going to fine, they'll find us, trust me, we will be rescued". "I hope you are right Don, because my babies, and Mac need me, like I need them". Caressing her face, "trust in that Calleigh, all will be fine". *Crash*....they could feel the rubble crumbling around them, cutting off all circulation.

"Flack...I can't, I don't....". "I know Calleigh, hold on, please, just hold on". Giving her mouth to mouth, Calleigh fell into his heated lips, thinking of Mac, of his kiss, Calleigh began kissing Flack, passionately, feeding off his breath, needing it, for her survival.

Waking up in a cold sweat, Calleigh gasped for air. "Oh God, this can't be happening". Touching her lips, she could feel the burn, the energy, the unwanted passion, that now played on her mind.

Realizing she may have put the thought into Don's mind, she knew, she had to straighten it out and soon.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I'm glad you decided to continue this

I have to catch up on a few chapters :D
I wasn't ready for this to end yet ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Believe me, so am I, I just didn't feel comfortable, there is still something missing, before it's complete.

After Mac returned home with the kids, Macalleigh ran into the den, and hugged her mommy.

"Hi mommy, did you miss me"? "I did love, this much", she said spreding her arms wide. Kissing her mommy, Macalleigh ran to see Dani-Lynn. "Mama...I's ave fun at chool, we's doing a new play, you's come see it"? "Of course mommy will come to your Nursery school, and see it, I wouldn't miss it".

"Sweetheart, what would you like for dinner tonight"? "Whatever you feel like making, Mac...before we start dinner, can I talk to you about something"? "Of course love, what is it"? "I think you should have seat, this is going to be a long story".

Mac sat quietly, for he had waited patiently for Calleigh, to tell him what was on her mind. "When Don and I were trapped under the stairs, alot of things played through my mind, of me never seeing you, or our children again, not being here to watch them grow, and thrive as young adults".

Taking a deep breath Calleigh continued. "Well...when I thought I was going to die, when Don had to breathe life into me, to help me survive, I thought of you, I seen you, pulling at me, telling me to come back, well I kissed you, kissed you passionately with my dying breath, only when I came back, it wasn't you, it was Don".

Calleigh looked over at Mac with tears, "I'm so sorry Mac, I never meant for that to happen, deep in my heart, I thought he was you". Getting up, Mac embraced his wife in his arms. "Shhh....I understand Calleigh, please don't cry, our love is strong enough to survive anything that life throws at us, do you understand"? Shaking her head on her husbands shoulder, he said...."is there more Calleigh"?

"There is....when Don came over today, I almost fell off my crutches, and he caught me before I did, but I could see the confusion in his eyes, as he looked me, I think he remember's what happened in that few moments, and it may have effected him more than I thought". "Have you talked to him about it"? "Not yet, but I know I need to soon".

Placing his finger's, under his wife's chin, he raised her tear stained face to his, and said...."It's okay love, I'll be here for you, and for Don, I trust you, just as much as I trust Don, you will both work through it". Kissing her passionately, Calleigh knew the time had come to talk to Don.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

After dinner Calleigh gave Don a call. "Hi Don, how are you"? "I'm fine Calleigh, how are you and the kids"? "We're great, listen, I was wondering if you could come over, I think we need to talk". "I know we do, I'll be there shortly". Hanging up the phone, Don put on his coat, and headed over.

"Is he coming love"? "He is, he's on his way". "Okay, I'm going to take the kids to walk the dogs, we'll be back soon". Kissing Calleigh good bye, Mac left with their kids. As Calleigh waited, she was becoming nervous, she knew she had nothing to be nervous about, she just hoped, she had worked everything out in her head.

*Knock, knock*. Answering the door..."Hi Don, come on in". "Thanks Calleigh, where's Mac"? "He took the dogs for a walk, with the kids, shall we have a seat in the den". Walking into the den, Don sat in the chair, and waited for Calleigh to begin. "I'm not sure how to start". "Calleigh....is this about the day we were trapped in the lab"? "It is, I've been thinking back to when I couldn't catch my breath, and you gave me mouth to mouth, and I kissed you, passionately on the lips".

Don had hoped this would come out, he had been waiting, for his dreams of Calleigh were very vivid, and he was feeling really bad, for he knew Calleigh loved Mac. "I understand Calleigh, what happened, happened under dire stress, but I will be honest, I felt something in that kiss, something I've never felt with another woman".

"Please Don, let me finish". "No...let me finish Calleigh, I know you and Mac share a passion, and love beyond reality, and I would never come between that, for Mac is like a brother to me, and I value him to much for that, but I will tell you, if I ever had a chance, if we had met first, I can honestly tell you, I'd have no problem being with you forever".

"I understand, but I'm still very sorry Don, I never meant to put you or I through this, and you are a wonderful man, who is going to make a wonderful husband and father one day, and you may be right, another time, or place, it may have been different, but deep down, I don't think it would have, for when I first met Mac in Miami, it was just there, the passion, the friendship, the energy that surrounded us, it was more than kissmit, it was love".

"I know Calleigh, believe me, I know, I see it in your and Mac's eyes every time you are together, it's undeniable, and I'm very happy for Mac, he deserved to find someone as wonderful, beautiful, and loving as you". "Thanks Don, and you know what". "No..what"? "I think we are all going to be okay". Smiling, Calleigh got up, and embraced Don in a hug, as he said..."yeah Calleigh, we'll all be fine".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Mac and the kids returned home, they seen Uncle Don. "Hi Uncle Don , did you come to visit"? "I did Macalleigh, and how are you"? "I'm fine Uncle Don, have you met my new dog yet, her name is Dani-Lynn". "Well...hello Dani-Lynn, how are you". "Woof". "Very smart dog Macalleigh".

"Uncle On, ou come see my pay at chool". Don always had to smile when 3 year old Gabriel talked, for he still had alot of trouble pronouncing certain words, and letter's. "I promise you Gabriel, I'll be there". "Oh..tank ou Uncle On".

While the kids ran off to play, Mac looked at Calleigh, then at Don. "Is everything okay"? "Yeah Mac, it's fine", smiled Don, as he got ready to leave. "I'll see you later Mac, take care Calleigh". "I will Don, see you". Closing the door behind him, Don stood outside the door, and said to himself...."I know you feel something for me Calleigh, I can see it in your eyes, but I will not act upon this, but I promise you this, if anything ever happened to Mac, God forbid, I'll be there for you and the kids, that I promise".

"How did it go love"? "Okay, we've got everything out in the open, we'll be fine, I'm going to get the kids ready for bed". Heading upstairs, Calleigh fought the urge, to cry, why...she wasn't sure, but she just did. "Macalleigh, you ready for your bath"? "Yes mommy, I'm coming".

Filling the tub, Macalleigh came in with her Barbie. "Mommy, can I take Barbie in with me, she wants to swim". "Sure sweetheart, hop in". Sitting in the tub, Macalleigh bagan playing, while Calleigh sat quietly, watching. "Mama....I's ave a bath after"? "Of course you can, but this time, let's keep Harley dry, okay"? "K Mama, I's ove ou". "I love you too Gabriel".

With bath time done, and the kids settled in bed, Calleigh and Mac relaxed with a movie. While Mac played her hair, Calleigh snuggled in closer, closing her eyes. "Are you tired Calleigh"? "A little, but I think it's your warmth, putting me to sleep", she smiled. "Well then, I shall you pull you closer", as he squeezed.

Looking up at him, with her sea green eyes, Calleigh could feel the passion begin, that need, the one that begged to be taken, touched, caressed, in firery passion. Moving herself up, they kissed, a deep tongue dueling kiss, that left them both needing more. Picking his wife up in his arms, he carried her upstairs, onto their bed, where they gave each other, what they both needed, their desire, their enchantment, but most of all, their love".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

OMG, I had to catch up on 4 chapters. I need more hours in a day. :lol: Work's been crazy. :(

Wow, Mac's certainly been understanding. Good for Calleigh to come out clear. And somehow I feel sorry for Don. But I think he'll be okay. You're doing a great job Linda.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Hello reader's, I'm having a really hard time deciding how I want to continue this, so I'm asking for you opinion, would you like to see Mac leave the story, having Don be there for Calleigh, helping her through it, or would you rather leave her with Mac. I really need some insight here, as to what you would like to read.

Thanks for your help. Linda :)

The following morning when Mac and Calleigh arrived at work, they recieved a call from Horatio.

"Det.Taylor". "Mac, it's Horatio, I need your help in Miami, as soon as possible, I'm down one CSI, Delko was shot by a sniper, he's alive but critical, I could really use your help catching this guy". "Okay...I'll be there as soon as I can". "Thanks Mac".

"Calleigh...I need to make another trip to Miami, Delko has been shot by a sniper, and Horatio needs my help". "Oh no... not Eric, is he alright"? "He's critical love, but holding his own". "Okay...I'll go pick up the kids, and meet you at home". "Calleigh...I need you to stay here". Mac could see the pain in her eyes.

"Why"? "We have that case that you and Flack are working on, we can't leave that, one of us have to stay here". "Oh that's right, okay, you go ahead then, if we can get the case closed soon enough, the kids and I will join you". "Sounds good Calleigh, as he pulled her into his arms, and passionately kissed her, not caring who was watching.

"I'll miss you love, kiss the kids for me". "I will Mac, I love you too". Leaving out the office, Mac seen Flack standing there. "Take care of my family Don, understand". "I will Mac, have a safe flight, and send Eric our strength". "I will...turning once more, Mac whispered I love you", and left NY.

Walking into Mac's office, Don seen the tears on Calleigh's lids. "You going to be okay Calleigh"? "Yeah...I'll be fine Don, what have you got on our case"? "Not alot right now, still no ID on the suspect, though he's been seen at Grand Central Station twice now, usually between the hours of 8 and 9pm". "Hmmm..do you think he's meeting someone there"? "I'm not sure, but it couldn't hurt to check it out".

"Okay than, let's grab Danny and head out". Leaving the office, Don hoped they would have the case solved quickly, because having her out of NY for a while, would allow him to forget, or so he thought.
