"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wow, the team certainly has a rough investigation on their hands. Keep up the good work Linda :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Great update Linda, I want to know whats up with this girl....Jools your banner is making me smile :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Well this is just getting better and better, so it's probably the security guard that did it. But like Mac says, never assume.

Pleas add more soon Linda
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Once everyone had been questioned, Mac sent Flack to find the guard, while he sent them all home except for Lori who was waiting to be picked up by her dad.

"I'm really sorry Macalleigh, I never meant to hurt you or Horatio".

"If you never meant to do it, you wouldn't have been involved".

"I never meant to be, but you don't understand Macalleigh, Mary was very cruel, you just don't say no to her".

Just as Macalleigh was about to answer, Lori's dad walked through the door.

"Lori, Lori, oh God are you okay"?

"I'm fine daddy, but it was horrible, poor Mary", as she cried.

"Excuse me, I'm Det. Mac Taylor, I was the one who called you".

"Oh yes...sorry, I'm Dr.Evens".


"Surgeon actually, just like my daughter is going to be one day, steady hand she has, she can make an incision so clean and percise, I've taught her everything I know, she's very smart you know".

As Mac looked at Mary, he noticed she was nervous.

"Please daddy, can we go, I just want to go home".

"Is it okay to take her detective"?

"Sure, but I may need to question her again, she's a witness now".

"Of course, just call when you need her".

"I will, good night".


"What is it Danny"?

"Look what I found between the mattress, and box spring".

"A scalpel, get it back to the lab, and have it anaylized".

"Sure Mac, but why do I get the feeling you already know more then you are saying".

*At the front desk*

"Excuse me I'm Det.Don Flack, can you tell me where the guard is who was on duty tonight"?

"Sure, he left already, his shift finished an hour ago".

"Do you have an address on him"?

"Of course, just give me a minute. Here it is, Mark Simms 1472 East 42nd street".

"Thank you".

As Flack left out the door, Danny caught up with him.

"Hold up Don, give me a lift to the station".

"I'm not going to the station, I have to go find that guard".

"Well I'll come with you, if you take me to the station first, I have to drop this off".

"Okay, but make it quick, I need to find Mr.Simms before he disappear's".

When Mac dropped off Macalleigh and Horatio, he headed back to the lab to see what they found on that scalpel.

"Mom....mom we're home".

"Oh thank God Macalleigh, how are you kids doing"?

"We're fine mom, but poor Mary, if you had of seen her mom, it was horrible".

"I know sweetheart, it will be okay, you'll be fine".

Holding her daughter tight, Calleigh knew it would be a while before Macalleigh had the vision of what she had seen out of her mind.

*At the Lab*

"Adam, has Danny been here yet"?

"He has, but he dropped off the evidence and left with Flack to see the guard".

"Okay, did you find anything"?

"Not really, trace's of blood, but no prints, leading me to believe that the killer wore gloves, most likely surgical, as there was a powdered material found on the scalpel".

As Mac looked on, he thought to himself more and more, that Lori was their killer.

"I'm going to see Nick in holding, if you find anything else page me".

"I will Mac".

When he got down to holding, he found Nick sobbing in his cell.

"Nick...I need to ask you some question's".

"Fine, but please, please believe me I didn't kill her".

*Angerly* "Whether you killed her or not, you drugged and raped her, leaving her vulnerable and unable to fight off her killer and that make's you not only a rapist, but an accomplice, you signed her death certificate whether you meant to or not".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I cant wait for Mac to figure this on out.....Wonder what will happen when they get to the guard ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wow, now is really getting intresting. I honestly agree with Mac and say that it was Lori because it seems all the evidence is poniting towards her. I mean father admited that he taught Lori everything he knew about being a surgeon. AM i right girls? :bolian::cool:

Please add more Linda :bolian:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Flack and Danny arrived at Mr.Simms they found the door ajar.

"Don, the door's open."

"I can see that Danny."

Drawing their weapon's, they opened the door, and found Mr.Simms dead, with his throat slit just like Mary's.

"Christ what is this, a bad episode of "Prom Night".

"Mac...it's Flack, we've found Mr.Simms, he's dead."

"I'll be right there."

Heading out, Mac still couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this case then what he was seeing.

Meanwhile at the Even's house Dr.Even's returned home.

"Daddy, where were you, how you could leave me like this when I needed you, I come out of the shower and you are gone."

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I went to get us some pizza, look I got your favorite."

"Oh...thanks daddy, but I'm not hungry, I just want to go to bed."

"You go ahead then sweetheart, I promise not to leave you again, don't worry Lori I'll protect you."

"Protect me...protect me from what, I haven't done nothing daddy."

"I know sweetheart, it's okay, we'll be fine, just go to bed."

Arriving at Mr.Simms, Mac found Danny processing the room.

"About time Mac, look at this mess, what's going on with this case?"

"I don't know yet Danny, we'll figure it out, where's Hawkes?"

"He's in the bedroom having a look at Mr.Simms, who's laying there with his throat slit and eyes open."

Walking into the room, Mac noticed the simularity of the bodies.

"It's the same isn't it Hawkes?"

"It is Mac, clean precise cut, ear to ear just like our last victim."

"Why do I have a feeling our murder weapon is under the mattress."

As hawkes stared at Mac, he couldn't figure what he was talking about.

"Pass me a pair of gloves Hawkes."

"Sure Mac, here you go."

Putting on the gloves, Mac lifted the mattress a bit, and found the murder weapon.

"Another scalpel, that makes two in one night, and us with a case that is getting stranger by the second."
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Man I do agree with Flack, it is a scene out od 'Prom Night'. Great job Linda ! Please add more soon:bolian:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

You've got me guessing who's the killer again Linda- you've written this serial well :D I'm hungry now, I want pizza!! :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Great update Linda, only the Mary part got be a bit confused. I thought she was killed and Lori was the doc's daughter. So I scrolled up a bit and got my mind set straight ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Thanks Jools, I missed that, I was working on a new story last night, which is posted at FF.Net.

*Tells self to slow down*:lol:

*Oh and Natty...GO EAT!!!:)

When Mac got home, he was dead tired. Unlocking the door, he headed up to bed, where he found his wife awake and reading.

"Hi sweetheart, how's Macalleigh?"

"She'll be fine, she's sleeping now."

Calleigh could tell how tired and worn down her husband was, and without a word, she got up, took him by the hand, laid him on the bed, and began massaging his shoulders.

"Mmm...oh yeah, that's the spot love, right there between the shoulder blades."

As she continued to massage, she asked...."how's the case Mac? It must be a bad one, I've never seen you so knotted."

"It's not that it's bad Calleigh, it's just damn confusing. I've never seen so many twist and turns, everytime we're convinced we have the perp, something happens that makes us think we don't."

Stretching herself straight out on top of him, she laid there whispering....."trust me Mac, you'll figure it out, you always do."



"Want to play?"

Laughing, she allowed her husband to flip her.

"Now I have you right where I want you."

With the passion building in the room, he took his wife into their world of pleasure, of passion, of burning love. Tracing his fingertips across her heated flesh, while he kissed her softly, she began to sigh, the deep desired type sigh that let her husband know she needed more, more of his touch, his kiss, his breath.

In the next room, Macalleigh awoke from her nightmare. Not wanting to be alone, she opened Horatio's door, walked over to the bed, and stood in front of him in nothing but her silky nightgown.

Slowly waking up with the feeling he was being watched, his eyes turned the deepest blue, telling Macalleigh without words, that he was feeling her presence.

"Macalleigh, this isn't a good idea angel, you have no idea what I'm feeling right now."

*Whispering*......"yes I do Horatio, for I'm feeling it too."

Watching her seductively, he seen her goose bumped flesh, and as he pulled back the sheet, she crawled in beside him, wrapping herself into his form.

"Please Horatio, touch me, show me what it feels like to be loved."

Turning her to face him, he traced the outline of her thigh. Stopping at her hip ,he watched the play of emotions across her face, as he seen fear, trust, but most of all eternal love.

"Please Horatio.....touch me, just give me something of what's to come in our future, please."

Finally giving in to her beauty, her warmth, and her love, Horatio taught her the art of making love within the beauty of fourplay. As he caressed her into the night Macalleigh cried, cried from the pleasure, the pleasure of being loved with the touch of her Horatio.
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

OMG, is this really the moment of MaCalleighs life? If it is, she'd better treasure it. :devil: Trust you to keep us hanging on, you little devil :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

To find out what really happened, you know where to go.;)ff.Net:)


The following morning, Macalleigh awoke, kissed Horatio on the lips, and headed back to her room, just as her mom was coming out.

"Macalleigh...what are you up too?"

"Huh...nothing mom, just making sure Horatio was okay."

Now her mom knew they had cuddled each other in bed a few times when Macalleigh was sick, but there was always someone near by, and it was never at night.

"Come you...spill it too me, or would you rather your father?"

Sighing deep, she followed her mom downstairs to the kitchen.

"Nothing happened mom, I had a nightmare last night, when I woke I didn't want to be alone, so I crawled in with horatio."

Looking into her daughter's eyes, she said...."I want the truth Macalleigh, did you and Horatio......?"

"No...I swear mom, we didn't, honest."

Knowing her daughter would never lie to her, she embraced her and sent her back to bed.

"Morning sweetheart, how did you sleep last night?"

"Okay daddy, just a small nightmare, but it's alright now."

Caressing his daughter cheek, he whispered...."I heard you tiptoe into Horatio's room last night, don't let your mother find out. I trust you Macalleigh."

"I know you do daddy, I would never do that to you, or to mom, ever."

"That's my angel baby. You and Horatio try and have a fun day."

"Okay daddy, and I hope you find Mary's killer soon daddy."

"I will angel, don't worry, you know I will."

Leaving the house, Mac decided to stop at Mr.Simms.

*Knock, knock*...."Det.Taylor, did you need to see my dad?"

"I do, is he here?"

"No...he got called into work early this morning, some emergency surgery."

"Do you know when he'll be back?"

"I don't, but you can find him at the hospital."

As Mac watched her, he noticed how nervous she was again.

"Listen Lori, I have a feeling you know something, and I will get this figured out, are we understood?"

"Yes detective Taylor, I understand."

Closing the door she began to cry, for how was she ever supposed to turn in her father. Deep in her heart she knew he had killed that guard last night for her. But why, she had done nothing wrong.

At the hospital Dr.Simms had just gotten out of surgery when a colleague walked up to him.

"Hey Albert, quite a party last night with those kids, Christ did you see that girl, imagine having your throat slit like that, in perfect precision too, straight across. Girl deserved it though, she was quite a little bitch, but she was fun to play with."

"What the hell are you talking about, are you insane, did you kill that young girl?"

Without another word, the only thing that could be heard was the gurgling of Dr.Simms.

"Sorry about that Albert, but I guess I didn't do you right, oh well, you'll be dead in a few minutes. Hurts to suffer doesn't it? But it's all of you who brought this on. You let my son die in surgery, and those little bastards were the ones who put him there. They should have never locked him in that closet, leaving that acid to spill all over, causing HIS DEATH. THEY WILL ALL PAY AND YOUR DAUGHTER ALONG WITH THEM".

Storming out of the private area, he left Dr.Simms gurgling in a pool of his own blood.

"Now...of to see li'l Lori."

As he walked out the hospital doors, he banged into Mac.

"Sorry about that, please, pardon me."

"Sure, it's okay, no harm done, could you tell me where I could find Dr.Simms?"

"No sorry, ask at the nurse's station".

Walking away from Mac, he got into his car and took off.
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