"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After playing "Guitar Hero", Mac pulled out the log book, Gabriel's medication's, and thermometer.

"Okay son, it's time for your medication".

"Okay dad".

Sitting down on the sofa, his father took his blood pressure which came up with a reading of 120/60, writing it in the log book, he then took his temperature which registered at 98.6, writing that in the log book, he then measured out Gabe's med's, writing down the exact time they were taken.

"Okay son, we need to check your urine, do you feel like you can go"?

"I think so dad, I'll be right back".

When Gabriel returned, his father checked the color of urine writing it down along with the amount. With everything done for the night, they decided to watch a movie.

"Okay guy's what movie"?

"Ummm...how about "Cinderella Story"?

"Ewww...that's such a chick movie, come on Macalleigh, pick something else".

"Okay, how about an "Austin Power's marathon"?

"I'm up for that, what do you think dad, can we watch all three"?

"Well...we'll see how awake you are after the first one, how's that"?

"Sounds fair dad, mom popcorn"?

"Of course, I'll be right back".

Waiting for the popcorn to pop, Calleigh took down the diet chart, and read the amount of topping Gabe could have on his, seeing it said no sodium, and light butter, she seperated the two bowls.

"Here we go guy's, this one is for dad, Macalleigh and Horatio, and this is yours and mine".

Sitting down beside her son, they watched the movie. Half way through, Gabriel fell asleep leaning up against his mom.

"Mom...Gabe's sleeping".

"I know love, Mac...can you carry him up to bed".

Picking his son up in his arms, he carried him upstairs, tucking him in.

"Goodnight son, I love you", he whispered as he kissed him on the head.

Heading back downstairs, Mac sat on the sofa, and pulled his wife into his arms, snuggling her up against him, as he caressed her butt in little circle's.

"Stop you, she whispered.....the kids are here".

When the movie ended, everyone headed up too bed.

"Goodnight Macalleigh", kissing her passionately, Horatio headed off to the other room.

With the house now quiet, Mac and Calleigh checked on their son once more, before heading off to bed.

"Do you think he'll be okay"?

"He's going to be fine love, all his readings were normal, and is urine was a nice yellow color, with no sign of blood".

Closing his son's door half way, they headed into their own room, and got ready for bed.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

:bolian:Great update Linda. You were very accurate about Gabe's surgery and what he needs to do at home.

Awesome job! :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

The first part of this story is up at FF.Net.


With the week-end finally ended, Horatio headed back to Miami, while Macalleigh headed back to school.

"Hey Macalleigh, how was your week-end with Horatio, did you.....you know, did ya"?

"No....what is it with you Mary, always you have sex on the mind, there is more to a relationship then sex".

"There is.....what is it"?

"Love Mary, true love, the kind of love that lasts forever, like my parents have".

"Oh Macalleigh, you are so naive, what do you really think Horatio does when you aren't with him Miami"?

"Listen Mary, just back off, I got to get too class".

While in Social Studies, Macalleigh looked at her necklace and thought about Horatio, and as she watched it, it lightly glowed, just enough to reasure her that Horatio was thinking about her too.

"Macalleigh Taylor......are you with us today, or are you somewhere else"?

"I'm here Sir, and yes, my essay is finished".

"Good....nice to know while you are on another plane of existence, you are still with us".

Everyone laughed as the bell rang for lunch.

"Macalleigh.....over here, come sit with us, you can help us get Justin to notice Mary".

"Are you insane, he's a senior, and doesn't notice any girl unless she is a football, jock's are all the same, He-men with little things".

As the girls laughed, they agreed, jock's were useless in every way.



"Hey angel, how you doing, I miss you, I'm on lunch and thought I'd call".

"I'm doing great handsom, and I miss you too".

Getting up from the table Macalleigh left her friends and headed outside to talk privately with Horatio.

"Can you imagine, Macalleigh's boyfriend lives in Miami, miles away, and she thinks they can make it work, I've told her it's not going to last, they never do".

"Sounds like someone is jealous Mary, could it be"?

"Listen....I'll prove to you how easy it is to have Horatio cheat on Macalleigh, the school Spring Fling is coming up next week, and I guarantee that Horatio will be in my arms by nights end".

"You're crazy, he doesn't even know you, what makes you think he'll even notice you, what makes you so sure"?

"Let's just say I have a seduction in mind, that will have Horatio Caine Jr eating out of more then my hands".

As Macalleigh returned to the table, she sat down to silence, as the talking stopped.

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Not more heartach :(........MaCalleigh needs a friend, who's actually a friend :D....But I cant wait to see how this will turn out ;)

Melty...You may want to change your Profile info i.e Who you credit ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Ow I agree Natty, she certainly doesn't need that kind of a friend. Update soon Linda, you've made me curious :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

With the week come and gone, Macalleigh was excited for it was friday night, the night of her Spring Fling, a night that will never be forgotten.

"Dad, what time are you picking up Horatio"?

"In about half an hour, why"?

"Cause I'm so excited to see him, mom can you help me get ready"?

"Calm down Macalleigh, you have lots of time".

"I know, but I need to be ready before he gets here, please mom".

"Alright, come on".

Heading upstairs, her father wondered to himself, just what she was wearing, he hadn't seen the dress that her mother helped her pick out, but he knew his wife, oh yes, it was most likely dangerous, to dangerous for a 16 year old.

"Mom...do you remember your first formal dance"?

"I do sweetheart, it was night I'd never forget. I dated a real geek back then, a geek that went on to become a millionare".

"Whoa...why did you break up with him"?

"I was younger then him Macalleigh, he decided he couldn't wait, so we parted friends, and it was two months after that, he started dating Brenda, a senior, very well built, and very pretty".

"I bet she wasn't as pretty as you, I mean look at you mom, you're still gorgeous, dad says that beauty like your's comes from within, he's always saying your heart is more beautiful then your appearance, and how you were the one who brought him back from a life of pain, teaching him how to trust in love again, that not everything or everyone disappears".

"Your dad is a hopeless romantic, with an endless poetic mind, and it was he who brought me back from my life of pain and heartache".

"Sounds to me like you saved each other, I can only hope Horatio and I have the same passion and love you and dad do".

"I'm sure you will love, if Horatio is anything like his father, which I know he is, you'll be loved and treasured forever".

"Talk about dad being poetic, jeez mom".

"What can I say, after almost 17 years I've become part of him, he's rubbed off on me".

Macalleigh giggled, for she had an idea what her mom meant by rubbed off on her.

The Airport.

When Horatio arrived, Mac noticed he looked tired, worn down.

"Hello Horatio, how was your flight"?

"It was tiring, but good. How's Macalleigh, is she all excited"?

"She is, but more excited that you are here. Are you feeling okay son, something you need to talk about"?

"Not really, just mom and dad having a few problems, they'll work them out".

"Of course they will, don't worry, trust in their love, they'll be fine".

As they walked, Mac knew about the problems Stella was having with Horatio, the long hours, the endless cases, his need to keep pushing on instead of settling down, but he also knew their relationship was strong enough to get through this little dip.

Arriving at the house, Horatio headed up to the spare room to change, just as Macalleigh was coming down in her dress.

"Horatio......as she ran into his arms, as he felt every curve of Macalleigh's body against him. I missed you so much".

Not being to form a thought due to her beauty, all he got out was...."I've missed you too".

As Mac watched, he looked at his wife and said....."what the hell kind of dress is that, she looks to revealing in that, look at it, it's all black, sleek, showing every inch and curve of my little angel".

"Oh calm down, it's just a dress, a dress that looks stunning, and beside's that your little angel, like it or not, has grown up".

"Well I don't like it, not at all".

Kissing her husband smartly on the mouth, she said...."smile and pretend you do".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wonderful mother/daughter talk ;) A speachles Horatio *poor guy* :drool: and a very very over protective daddy here :guffaw:*Mac, get a grip* :guffaw::guffaw:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

OMG, Poor Mac again! :guffaw:please add more soon Linda! :bolian:

Natty, thanks for reminding me about my profile! ;) :bolian: :bolian:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they got to the hotel where they were holding the Spring Fling, Macalleigh seen Mary, Lori, and Jessica sitting at the table.

"Hey guy's, this is Horatio, Horatio, this is Mary, Lori, and Jessica".

"Hi..nice to meet you all".

"You too Horatio, Macalleigh talks about you all the time".

Caressing her hair, he said...."I'm sure not as much as I talk about her".

Watching with heated jealousy, Mary thought to herself...."soon Macalleigh, soon you will see how unfaithful young men can be".

As they sat a slow song came on.

"Come on angel, let's dance".

Taking her to the dance floor, Horatio wrapped her in his arms, sliding his hands down to rest just below her waist.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you look tonight angel"?

"Mhmm...you told me already, three times".

Looking up into each other's eyes, they kissed with heated passion, the kind of passion that was full of promise, and love.

"Nick....is everything ready"?

"It is Mary, but this is insane, there is no way in hell you are going to get Horatio alone".

"Wanna bet"....as she pulled a pill vile out of her pocket showing it.

"What the hell is that"?

"What do you think it is Lori, it's ecstacy, one little pill, and Horatio won't know what hit him".

"Christ Mary, you didn't say anything about ecstacy, that's dangerous stuff".

"You just keep your mouth shut Lori, understand"?

"Yeah...sure, of course".

As the music stopped, they returned to the table.

"Hey Macalleigh, I rented a room, we are having a party and thought you and Horatio may like to come".

"Umm..I'm not sure, we'll see okay".

"Aww..come on, it's gonna be fun, it's non alcohol, what do you say"?

"Sure, maybe for a little while".

Heading upstairs, Lori was begining to change her mind, for her brother had died from using ecstacy two years ago, it was a night she'd never forget, as she watched him spasm on the floor from taking to much.

"Okay guy's here we are".

Opening the door, they seen the room full of food and drinks.

"Wow...this must have cost you a fortune".

"Money is no object Lori, you know that, Horatio drink"?

"Sure, I'll get them".

"Oh no, you and Macalleigh sit, we'll serve ya, just have fun".

As Nick watched he could feel himself becoming erect, as he thought about changing the game plan by switching the glasses, and taking Mary himself.

"Here Mary, I'll do that, you wouldn't want them to get suspicious, give me the "E", I'll do it".

Bringing over the drinks, Nick passed Mary the one with the "E" instead of Horatio.

As the party went on, Mary began to feel drowsy.

"Hey Mary, come on, I have something to show you".

As Nick led her into the bedroom, he waited till she had passed out on the bed.

"Hey Macalleigh, can I talk to you and Horatio for a minute"?

"Sure, what is it Lori"?

"I need to let you know what Mary had planned for you and Horatio, I'm really sorry I didn't speak up sooner".

"Speaking of Mary, where is she"?

"Hmm...I don't know Macalleigh, please listen to me for a minute. Mary was planning on seducing Horatio, she has "E" on her, and supposedly put it in your drink, but you seem fine".

"She what...why would she do that"?

"She's jealous of what you and Horatio have, she wanted to prove to you that Horatio was unfaithful, but again, aren't you feeling the least bit drowsy Horatio"?

"No...I'm fine, and that was a cruel trick you were all planning against Macalleigh, now where is Mary"?

As they searched the room's, they found Mary stripped on the bed, with her throat slit.

"Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh......screamed Lori, oh my God she's dead".

"Horatio call my dad".

As Macalleigh stared on, she knew this night was far from over, and that the memory of Mary with her throat slit, and eyes open would make this Spring Fling a night she'd never forget.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Omg! Nobody deserves that kind of death. Poor MaCalleigh.

Please add more soon Linda
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After Horatio called Mac, he removed everyone from the room, including himself.

"No one leaves this living room understand"?

"Sure man, no problem, but I think I'm going to throw up".

When Mac arrived with Flack and his team, he had Hawkes enter the bedroom with Danny and himself, while Flack questioned Horatio and Macalleigh.

"What happened Horatio"?

"I'm not sure, Lori here informed us that Mary was planning some scheme against Macalleigh and I, so as we looked for her, we found her in the room with her throat slit".

"Are you Lori"?

"I am, listen I'm really sorry for what we tried to do, but I think Mary have been given ecstacy".

"How do you know this"?

"Well....that's what we had planned for Horatio, but then Nick, he's a senior at our school, told Mary he'd get the drinks and put the "E" in the drink, but he may have given her the wrong one or some how....oh I don't know, I'm so confused".

"Okay, calm down, and start at the begining".

As Lori explained every detail to Flack, he watched the room and noticed one of the guys trying to leave.

"Excuse me....you can't leave, what's your name"?

"Umm...I'm Nick, but I swear I didn't kill her, I just drugged her and took advantage of her, I swear man, when I left she was alive".


In the bedroom, Hawkes looked over the young girl, as he said...."this is way to young to die, I can tell you this much Mac, she was drugged, but not passed out, see the bruising on her wrists, someone held her down while they attacked her, I'd put time of death at 9:45 pm and who ever slit her throat knew what they were doing, the slice is perfect, straight across, right through the jugular, she certainly didn't suffer, quick and painless".

"Okay Danny let's get this room processed, while I go check on Macalleigh".

When Mac entered the room, he found a room full of kids and their parents.

"What's going on in here"?

"One of the kids called their parents, next thing I know they all arrived".

"Do we know what went on"?

"Yeah, seems junior here decided to drug and rape the victim, but he swear's he didn't kill her".

"Man...I'm telling you, I didn't kill her, please, you have to believe me, she was alive when I left the room".

"Arrest him, and have him taken downtown".

"Hey...come on man, can we take our kids home or what"?

"Listen....first of all you can call me Det.Taylor, second there has been a murder here of a young girl, it would be very helpful if we could get your co-operation, and question these young student's here".

"Fine, but how long is this going to take, do you know how upset these kids are from seeing what they've seen"?

"Of course I do, but we need to talk to them while it's still fresh in their minds, someone here killed this young girl, and we need to find out who it was, and how she was able to book a hotel room at 16 years of age".

"I can answer that Det.Taylor", she used her father's credit card on line, that's how she was able to book the room".

"How did these kids get past the front desk without being questioned Mac"?

"I can answer that too, the security guy downstairs helped us, Mary paid him to distract the front desk clerk while we snuck up, he even came in and talked a bit with us, then he just left".

"Was this before or after Mary disappeared"?

"I think it was around the same time, cause I seen Nick coming out of the room, the same time the guard disappeared".

Mac was becoming suspicious, for a young girl she sure did know alot about what went on this night".
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