"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As the days progressed, it was now thursday, leaving Macalleigh and Horatio with one last night together.

"So my angel, what would you like to do for our last night together"?

"I don't know, all I know is I don't want it to end, how are we supposed to survive with out each other"?

"Macalleigh, I promise you, right now, this minute, that we will be together before you know it, summer is only three months away".

*Crying*...."three months seems like forever, forever before I touch you, feel your warmth, feel your kiss, your love, why does this have to be so hard"?

"Shh....come on angel, this isn't how I want's to spend or last night, let's just pretend there is no tomorrow, no you going away. Come on, I have somewhere very special to take you, she's a friend a mine, a very special friend, one that believes in charms, hope, love, couples who feel lost".

"You mean she's a witch"?

"No sweetheart, not a witch, a charmer, I'm going to have her make you a special charm, that will allow you to feel my warmth, when ever you touch it, she's an amazing person, full of magic, and wonderful gifts".

When they walked in, they could feel the aura surround them, the purness, the clearness of the room.

"Welcome my children, please, come on, I can see loves aura shinning within your faces, I can also see your young lady's heart breaking, for you will be parting soon, your fears my child our needless, for this young man, truely loves you, come sit, I will make you a charm".

As they sat, Zarabeth asked Macalleigh to place a tea leave on her mouth.

"Take this leaf Macalleigh, place it on your tongue, and allow it to sit for a few minutes, Horatio you do the same".

As they placed the leaf on the their tongues, she beagn to chant, and Macalleigh could feel it tingle.

"Now touch the tips of your leaves to each others mouths, very gentle like, that's it. Now remove them, and place them in the bowl".

As they sat them in the bowl, she grinded them up with a special powder, then filled two very tiny teardrop crystal charms, giving one to Macalleigh, and one to Horatio.

"Wear these at all times, you will find them glow when you are thinking of each other, but....when you have thoughts together of each other at the same time, the crystal will turn a true red, and you feel each other's souls warm, now go, I must rest, and Macalleigh, you will have a peaceful life eventually, but at this time, you will have a few more heartaches, concerning family".

Looking at Horatio, he winked at her, as he placed the necklace on her neck, feeling the warmth, it glowed red, "I love you Macalleigh Taylor".

Taking her necklace, she placed it on him, also causing it to glow red, as she whispered...."I love you too Horatio, forever".

Leaving the shop, the kids headed back to the house, to finish the last two chapters of their book.
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

That was a really sweet chapter Linda. Awesome job.:bolian:

Please add more soon :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Loved the necklace idea :D I'm interested to know wtat you have planned for these two concerning those charms ;) Can't wait to see what's up your sleave- Great job :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

That necklace will stay red all the time with those two. Family concern? Hmm, what you up to, girl? Don't keep us hanging on for too long :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

The ending reminded me of a little rhyme I was told once......
MaCalleigh for now
MaCalleigh forever
Taylor for now
But not forever.

Jeez, I missed that, that's sweet Natty, I'll be sure to use that somewhere in my story, around the time Hjr propose's.:)

Full Version on FF.Net


When they returned to the house, Stella had dinner ready for them.

"Hey kids, you hungry, there is a special dinner for you and Macalleigh in the kitchen, we'll see you in the morning, as your dad and I are off to the movies".

Horatio knew his mom and dad were allow them their last night together, as they walked into the kitchen they seen the candles glowing on the table, and the dinner set up.

"Ohhh...this is so lovely, so romantic".

"Aww...don't cry angel, I know, but let's enjoy this, for tonight, this is our forever, deal"?

Smiling with tears, she replied...."deal".

Sitting down at the table, they removed the cover's from the dinner, and found beautifully cooked steak, baked potatoe, veggies, with a side salad, and bottle of grape juice in a champagne shaped bottle.

"Shall I pour for you my love"?

"Please...this is just like a Fairy tale, like I'm your princess's and you're my King".

"I love you Macalleigh, with all my heart, and soul".

As he moved in for the kiss, their charms glowed bright red, and the warmth was amazing, it was like they were meshed soul to soul. Breaking the kiss, the charm returned to a dull red.

"These charms are amazing, but one thing bothers me Horatio".

"What is it Macalleigh"?

"She said that I had a few more heartaches, before I settled down to happiness, I don't know if I want anymore heartaches".

"Listen angel, I don't think she meant it in a bad way, please try not to worry, whatever happen's, we can get through it, I promise".

After dinner, Horatio grabbed the book, sat on the couch, took Macalleigh in his arms, laid her head across his legs, and began to read......


As Conner traced his hands down her body, she began to relax, feeling the pleasure of his touch as he opened her legs, and began caressing her.

"It's okay Sara, just relax, trust in me, I will not hurt you".,

As he continued to caress, pet and stroke, Sara came undone, knowing she was more then ready, Conner climbed upon her, crammed his lips onto hers, as she cried out into night.

When he had made Sara his, they fell asleep in each other's arms, with whisper's of passion and love.

As Horatio looked down, he noticed Macalleigh was sound asleep, picking her up, he carried her upstairs, and laid her in the bed, but as he covered her, she awoke, awoke with a hunger in her eyes.

"Stay with me Horatio, lie with me, please".

Horatio could see her necklace glow as bright as his, and as he climbed in beside her, he took her into his arms, pulled her close, and told her......

"Sleep Macalleigh, just sleep, I'm here with you".

Remembering Mac's words, Horatio held Macalleigh's hip so she couldn't grind against him, and the last thought he had before he fell asleep, was he was going to miss her like crazy.
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Sweet and Romantic Linda. I just feel sorry for Horatio :guffaw:, great tip from Mac though :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

That was great Linda......Poor Hjr and MaCalleigh now they have to say goodbye for a while :(
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When the morning arrived, Macalleigh packed up her bag with tears in her eyes.

"Morning angel, are you ready to head for the Airport"?

"No.....I don't want to leave you Horatio", as she ran into his arms.

"Shhh.....come on Macalleigh, I know how you feel, I don't want you to leave either, but you are already behind at school, as am I, besides that, I'll be flying in for the week end, that's only five days away".

"Five days seem like forever", as she kissed him passionately.

"Okay guy's let's go, your flight leaves in half an hour".

Arriving at the Airport, they heard the call for the flight to NY.

"We'll let you kids say good bye, Macalleigh, take care love, have your dad call me when you get home".

"I will Horatio, by Stella, I'll miss you".

"I'll miss you to sweetheart".

Standing at the gate, Horatio caressed her cheek, as he caught her tear on his thumb.

"Please don't cry babe, I love you", passionately kissing her, he felt her tears melt into his.

"Bye Horatio, I love you". Boarding the flight, Horatio watched as she disappeared down the tunnel.

"Come on son, let's go, she'll be okay, as will you".

When Macalleigh arrived, her mom and dad were there with tears.

"Hi mom, hi dad, are you that happy to see me"?

"Of course love, but we have some bad news, your brother became ill while you were away, very ill, Macalleigh.....your brothers kidney's failed, we had no idea how sick your brother was, but according to the specialist, he's been ill for a long time, he needs a kidney transplant, and we've all been tested but weren't a match".

"Oh my God mom, how could you not call me, why wouldn't you call me, this is my brother, I would have come home right away".

"I'm sorry love, your brother asked us, prayed with us not to tell you until you got home, he wanted you to enjoy the rest of your week with Horatio".

"Can we go see him, do I need to be tested, could I be his donor....God I knew something else was going to go wrong she told me, informed me I'd have a few more heartache's before my life would settle down".

"Slow down love, who told you, and yes we can go see him, and it's up to you whether or not you's like to be tested, it's your decision Macalleigh, but what are you talking about"?

"Zarabeth, the one who made our necklace's, she's kinda like one of those gifted people who can forsee things, Horatio took me to see her, now can we go see my brother please, we can talk more about this later, I want to be tested, let's go mom, come on".

When they arrived at the hospital, Macalleigh seen her brother sound asleep, hooked up to a dialysis machine.

"Gabe.....I'm home, Gabe it's your sister, I love you, and missed you".

Opening his eyes, he smiled....."Macalleigh, you're home, I missed you sis".

"I missed you to bro, but let's get you the hell out of here, mom, let the doctor know to test me please".

While they took Macalleigh to be tested, they all prayed, while Mac called Horatio to let them know Macalleigh arrived safely.


"Hi Horatio, how you doing"?

"Good, I take it Macalleigh arrived safely"?

"She did, she's being tested as we speak".

"That's good, we just finished telling Horatio jr, if Macalleigh turns out to be a match, he wants to be there with her".

"That's fine.........".

"Excuse me Det.Taylor"?

"Yes, do you have the results"?

"We do...your daughter is a perfect match, she's asked us to book the surgery ASAP, so it's scheduled for the morning at 9am".

"Thank you, Horatio, you should catch the next flight, with Horatio jr, the surgery is scheduled for morning".

"We are on our way Mac, see you soon".

Hanging up the phone, Mac headed back to Gabriel's room, where he found Macalleigh in bed with him, holding him, talking to him.

"Macalleigh look at your necklace, it's glowing"?

"I know isn't that neat, Horatio has one too, and every time we think of each other, they glow".

"That's so cool sis, I missed you you know"?

"I missed you too baby brother, as she cuddled him closer.

"Sis......I'm scared, really scared".

"I know Gabriel, but I'll be right there with you, and when we are put under, we'll meet at our fun place, the place we always met when we had bad dreams remember"?

"I do sis, I'm so tired now, I want to sleep".

"You sleep then Gabe, I'll be here beside you while you sleep".

Watching from the door, Mac, Calleigh, and Elizabeth cried.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Interesting update Linda. I love the interaction between Gabriel and MaCalleigh. :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

The following morning, Macalleigh and Gabriel were taken down to be preped for surgery.

"Macalleigh, we need to take off your necklace, if you could sit up a bit, I'll unhook it".

Being drugged, Macalleigh couldn't really understand what the nurse was talking about, but as she felt that necklace unhook, she pulled the mask from her face.......

"Please...I need to leave it on, don't take it off".

"Shh....put the mask back on, and just relax, breathe deep, and relax".

Feeling the medication take affect, she could no longer fight, and as the necklace was removed, it turned dark.

"The plane"

"Dad, something is wrong, I need to get there, how much longer, there is something wrong with Macalleigh, DAD!!!!

"What is it son, stop the yelling, people are looking at you".

"I don't care, there is no warmth, my necklace is cold, look dad, it's gone dark".

Looking at the charm, his dad noticed it had changed color.

"So what does that mean son"?

"Zarabeth, she told us as Macalleigh and I thought about each other, our charms would glow, but something isn't right, it's no longer glowing".

Now Horatio knew all about Zarabeth, for he had had a few meetings with her after he lost Marisol.

"What time is it son"?

"9:05 dad, what does that have to do with anything"?

"Alot, Macalleigh is now in surgery, they must have taken the necklace off before the procedure".

"I hope you're right dad, now how much longer before we land"?

"About twenty minute's, just calm down Horatio".

At the hospital

As the machine's beeped, while Macalleigh and Gabriel laid side by side, with four surgeon's on each side of them, they began the operation with patients and care.

"Easy now, you are going to make a medium sized incision to the left of Macalleigh's kidney".

As the specialist, and three surgeon's clipped the kidney, they placed it in a sterile pan, as the other sugeon's opened Gabriel's abdomen, placing the kidney inside, attaching it to the artery that supplied blood to one of his kidneys and to the vein that carried his blood away from the kidney.

"Okay, very carefully attach the kidney to the uretha, we can leave the old kidney's in place, as there are no sign's of infection in them".

"I have a bleeder over here, hurry, I need a extra set of hands, NOW, stat,. let's go, before we lose him".

Clipping off the vein, the surgeon asked the anestesiologist how his vital's looked.

"Everything looks good doctor, BP 130/70, BPM is at 101 per minute".

"Wonderful, great job, let's get Macalleigh stiched up nicely, and into recovery".

Once Macalleigh was taken back to recovery, they continued with Gabriel, making sure his body was accepting the kidney, and not rejecting it.

Waiting out in the hall, Mac seen Horatio, and Horatio jr coming down the hall.

"Any word yet Mac"?

"Nothing yet, it's early yet, how you doing Horatio"?

"Not good, where is Macalleigh's necklace, do you have it"?

"I do son, here you go you can hold it till she comes to recovery".

Placing the charm on his neck with hers, he waited patiently with the rest of the family, for any news on Macalleigh and Gabe.

"Excuse me, Det.Taylor, your daughter is out of surgery, we have her in recovery, she's doing wonderfully, but is in a quite a bit of pain, and very groggy, she's been asking for her charm"?

"Oh....here you go, can you put this back on her, and can I see her"?

"Of course, I'll take the charm, but it will be a while before you see her".

"What about our son, how is he"?

"The transplant took beautifully, he's still in surgery, as the surgeon's are making sure his body doesn't reject it, but it looks really good so far, I'll be back once Gabe is out of surgery".

"Thank you, thank you so much".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Great update Linda! I love the whole interaction of H, Hjr, Mac and the kids! :bolian:

Please add more soon
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

While they continued to watch Gabriel, the surgeon informed the OR nurse to start the Cyclosporine to stop the communication between the T Cells, and immune system.

"Also nurse, please start the high dose of Corticosteroids for short term, then get my patient to recovery, also please be sure to notify me before he's taken to ICU".

"Yes doctor, would you like me to inform the Taylor family"?

"No, I'll do that, it's been a long eleven hours, I'm sure they'd like to hear the information from me".

Leaving the OR, the surgeon went in search of the Taylor Family.

"Det.Taylor, the surgery is complete, your son is doing fine, as far as we can tell his body is not rejecting the kidney, I can honestly tell you, we've never seen a match so close, to be honest, we've seen it only once here, and that was with a set of paternal twins".

"Thank you doctor, where do we go from here"?

"Well...your family, myself and our transplant team will remain in close contact, for follow-up's. Before leaving the hospital, your family will be given instructions on proper doses and schedule for antirejection medication. It will be very important to keep track of this schedule, and make sure proper dose is administered. You and your wife will be taught how to measure your son's blood pressure, temperature, and urine output at home, and how to keep a log of these readings. We will also set Gabriel up with a dietitian, who will councel your family on proper diet's".

"How long will this continue"?

"For the first few weeks, we will meet frequently to go over your son's log's, and also do some bloodwork, and adjust his medication's, to make sure things are progressing normally".

"May we see our son or daughter yet"?

"You haven't seen your daughter yet, she's been out of surgery for four hours now, she should be in her room".

"No...no one told us".

"I'm very sorry about that, she's in room 401, just take the elevator's to your left, I'll be sure to inform you myself once your son is settled in ICU".

"Thank you doctor, thank you for everything".

"You are very welcome, take care, and we will talk again soon".

While the family headed upstairs to see Macalleigh, Mac waited to see his son.

When they arrived in Macalleigh's room, they found her laying in the bed, looking out the window.

"Hey angel baby, how you feeling"?

"Hi mom, okay, but I'm in alot of pain, how is Gabriel, they told me his body didn't reject my kidney".

"That's right love, he's doing fine, your dad is just waiting till they get him settled in ICU, then he'll be up to see you".

"Where's Horatio"?

"Ummm....he said he was going to look for something for you".

Walking into the room, the family seen the huge teddy bear, that was the height of Elizabeth, with a giant heart in the center.

"Horatio....oh my....where did you find a bear that size", laughed Calleigh.

"It wasn't easy, but you have a great line of toy stores here, and this guy was kinda pointing at me, saying...take me to Macalleigh".

While Calleigh watched, Horatio placed the bear beside Macalleigh, as he bent and kissed her passionately.

"How you feeling angel"?

"Sore, very sore and very tired, but I'm glad your here I missed you".

"I missed you too sweetheart, it just seems like you can't get a break, either that or Zarabeth is keeping us together everyway she can", he winked.

"Okay you two, while you spend some time together, we are going to go check on your dad, and see if Gabe is allowed to have family visit yet".

"Okay mom, I love you".

"I love you too angel baby".
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Linda, you've done your homework alright, great how you use it in your story :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As the month's progressed Gabriel was finally ready to be released from the hospital.

"Hey, there's my boy, all ready to be released, and on your birthday no less, how's it feel to be 13"?

"Dad....don't be silly, I don't feel any different".

"Well you should, you are now a teenager, and we have a party planned for you".

"Cool, where's Macalleigh"?

"She's gone to the Airport with mom, to pick up Horatio jr, so let's go my son, times a wasting".

When they arrived at home, Gabriel was very tired, and worn down.

"Are you okay son"?

"Yeah dad, just a little tired, though it feels great to be home".

Mac was a little concerned, they had informed him Gabriel would be tired at times, but he would grow stronger as each day progressed.

The Airport.....

"Come on, how much longer before the plane lands, for crying out loud", tutted Macalleigh.

"Calm down love, here it comes now, it's only been three month's, you act like it's been a lifetime".

"To a 16 year old it is mom, I've missed him, missed him alot".

"Oh to be young again, but those days are gone".

"Horatioooooooooooooo.........she yelled, as she jumped into his arms, and kissed his whole face.

"Mmm...there's my angel, miss me much"?

"Of course, look at our charms, they are bright red".

"You just notice that now angel, mine's been glowing since I neared NY".

"Macalleigh was to busy looking for the plane, to watch her charm", laughed her mom.

"Very funny mom, now let's get home and see Gabriel".

"Okay love, calm down, you are so excitable today".

"How's Gabe been feeling"?

"Not to bad, he's still very tired at times, but I'm sure he's happy to be home for his birthday".

"That's right, wait till he see's what I brought him, he's going to love it".

"Why, what did you bring him, it's aweful large".

"Well....I got him the "Guitar Hero Package", comes with the guitar and game, mom and dad bought him the system, so he has the whole package complete".

"Oh my God, he's going to be so excited, it's to bad your mom and dad couldn't come".

"I know, but dad has this huge case he's working on, it takes up all of his time, even mom said he's never home anymore".

"Aww....I'm sure it will be over soon, if I know Horatio he'll catch the criminal, he always does".

Arriving at the house, Macalleigh seen Gabriel laying on the couch.

"Gabe, your home, how you feeling li'l brother"?

"Okay, a little tired, but not to bad, hey Horatio how have you been"?

"Great Gabe, mom, dad, and I bought you a present".

"Holy cow....look at the size of it, what is it"?

"You have to open it and see".

Tearing at the paper, Gabe's eyes almost popped out of his head, as he seen the complete system, and "Guitar Hero set.

"Whoa....this is awesome, thanks Horatio, I have to call Uncle and Auntie and thank them, can we play now"?

"Sure, let's hook it up, and give it a go".

While they unpacked the system and game, Macalleigh helped her mom with dinner.