"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I cant wait for the two weeks to be over so they can have a bit of fun for a chage instead of looking over their shoulders!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After they left, Macalleigh arrived home, walked up to her room, and took out the picture's she had taken of Horatio at the Museum, the park, the bridge, just everywhere they went. Pulling out a new album, she decorated the front with the book cover called "My Warrior", that she had copied, underneath she wrote, "My other Hero", and added all the picture's when her dad walked in.

"Hi angel baby, what are you doing"? "Making a new album daddy, want to see"? "Of course". As he looked at it, he smiled, "it's very beautiful angel, and a girl can never have to many hero's". "I know daddy, but you will always be my true hero, the hero that will always be my strongest Warrior, my world, my life". Pulling his daughter close, he kissed her on her hair whispering...."forever my angel, I'll always be your hero forever".

"Macalleigh....mom's ready to take you to your new school, she wants to know if you are dressed yet"? "Almost, I just have to throw on my sweater, oh and dad, these skirts are annoying, they could have made them a little longer". "Mm...maybe, but you can always change into the pants". "I might, as I'm not a skirt person". "Okay, we'll let you change, and meet you downstairs".

Leaviing the room, Macalleigh changed, grabbed her cell phone, and bag, just incase Horatio called. "Are you ready love"? "I think so mom". "Listen sweetheart, you can unbutton your shirt, you are aloud to show buttons". "No...I'm fine mom, I like it like this". Everyone knew she was nervous about showing to much, after what had happened. "Macalleigh...have a good day sis, I love you". "I love you to Gabe".

Heading out the door, Gabe asked...."you think she'll be okay dad, she seems aweful scared". "She'll be fine, she's strong, plus I noticed she's carrying her picture of her and Horatio, most likely to hang up in her locker". "Is anyone here going to know who she is"? "A few will, but she's strong enough to explain, stop worrying". "I'll never stop worrying dad, she's my sister, and I love her".

"I know son, as do I, but we need to believe she'll be fine".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Aw two of the most cutest updates. She'll be okay! Gabe is so sweet, looking out for his big sis :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Back in Miami, Horatio was trying desperately to concentrate on his exam, they had a young student giving it, due to their teacher being ill. "Mr Caine...is their a problem"? "No sir...sorry". "You now have 30 minutes to complete a two hour exam, good luck to you". "Thank you sir". Looking at the questions, everything kept coming up Macalleigh, every answer to the question, was about her, her hair, her eyes, her soft sweet kiss.

"MR.CAINE....SEE ME AFTER CLASS". "Yes sir". Placing down his paper, he waited for the bell to ring, as everyone left, he stayed behind. "Horatio...can you please tell me why in God's name there is little "c"s all over your paper"? "I'm sorry sir, I guess I just can't concentrate, you see while I was in NY, I helped my dad on a case with a young girl, we became very involved".

"Horatio...I understand about young love, as I've been there myself, so I will give you a make up test, this evening, 6pm, don't be late, or you fail". "Thank you sir, I really appriciate this". "Just don't be late".

After he left, the teacher pulled out the Newspaper, and read the story on Macalleigh. "This should be easier then I thought, they may have killed all the Tyler's, but they the one and only adopty, soon Macalleigh, it will begin again, only I won't kill you, oh no, nor will I rape you, but what I will do, is torture you until no man will even look at you, revenge taken out on you, for what your father did to mine".

Closing the Newspaper, he pulled out the piece from the Island, and re read how Horatio, Mac and their teams, had killed his only father, leaving him stuck with the fucked up Tyler's.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I've read a lot of this story and it's exciting! I think you have me hooked! I'm an E/C by association but now I just might 'ship MaCalleigh. The only problem is the way you format your work is a little hard to read. Actually, it's very hard to read.

Is there any way you could format it a little better? Like more grmatically correct?

Also, would you please PM me with a link to your ff.net profile so I can read this story in all of it's NC-17 glory? (By chance is the formatting easier to read over there?) I don't mean to be skanky but reading all the dialogue cramped together like that is kinda giving me a headache. I only got through about ten chapters before I had to take a break. I'd like to be able to read it straight through...

Thank you.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Thank you for the heads up, I'm not sure how I could help you read it better, as this is the first FB where someone has been able to tell me the truth.

Would you like me to seperate each character's lines, would that help, as I sometimes notice myself they run together.

Please PM me, with any more info, I'll try seperating the character's this chapter and you can let me know if it's any better.


As for my FF.Net just click on my profiel, but you'll find it much the same.:)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

OMG, Horatio Jr. really is in love. Poor hon. And what do I hear, we've got another one who knows the Tylers? Not good. Can't wait for your next update Linda.

Lostladyknight, I read you're previous *first* post. I'd like to point out to you that we all tell these stories to entertain people. Grammatical errors are taken into consideration, since not all of us are Canadian/US/English. If you're really into the story, you'll get the hang of it and understand what's really said. Now we can all show off with our competents, but... I'm a big believer of leaving everyone in their own self esteem. Take the best out of your self is all we can do ... and please other people. And Linda's certainly doing a damn good job of it.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Back in Miamil, Macalleigh was having adifficult time adjusting, for everytime she tried to make a friend, they would always ask about her ordeal.

"Is it true Macalleigh, that you were almost raped, twice"?

"Ummm...you know what I have to go, it was nice to meet you, I'll see you later". Entering her next classroom, she sat down at the desk, and found students staring at her, becoming annoyed, she faced the front.

"Good afternoon student's, welcome to Advanced History, while in my class, you will not speak until my lesson has been completed, any interruption will be an automatic detention, are we understood"?

"Yes Sir"....the class repeated.

"Now, I understand we have a new student, Macalleigh Taylor please stand, and tell us about yourself"?

"Hi....my name is Macalleigh, I have a brother, and one sister, we've lived in NY all our lives. My father was in the Military, and is now the Head of CSI's at the New York Police Department, in his spare time, he plays in his band, touring the different bases, bringing them happiness".

"What about you Macalleigh, what do you do for fun"? "Not alot right now, as I've traveled to here from my old school, but back there I loved Cheerleading, playing in the band, working on the Yearbook".

"Well...I can see we are going to have to do alot to impress you, with all this knowledge you seem to have".

"Not really Sir, I'm just a normal student like anyone else".


Just as Horatio left class, his phone rang. "Hello".

"Horatio...hi, it's Macalleigh, how's your day going"?

"Not good love, I have to return to Sociology and rewrite an exam, as I got distracted".

"What distracted you"?

"You did, all I could do was think about you, I even wrote little "C"s on my exam paper".

*Giggling*. "I'm sorry, I'm such a distraction for you".

"No worry love, he's allowing me to re write at 6pm, so I may not be able to call you till after eight".

"That's fine Horatio, I'll let you go for now, dad's here to get me, I love you".

"I love you to my Macalleigh". Hanging up the phone, Horatio called his dad to let him know he'd be late.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Poor Hjr...this guyy best not hurt him to get to MaCalleigh!!

I agree with Jools, fics are hard to write in themselves and LInda does an amazing job...I've lost could how many you've written hon :p I agree though that sometimes the character's lines seem to blend together a bit but to be honest, i've read too much of your work to notice :alienblush:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

OMG, Horatio Jr. really is in love. Poor hon. And what do I hear, we've got another one who knows the Tylers? Not good. Can't wait for your next update Linda.

Lostladyknight, I read you're previous *first* post. I'd like to point out to you that we all tell these stories to entertain people. Grammatical errors are taken into consideration, since not all of us are Canadian/US/English. If you're really into the story, you'll get the hang of it and understand what's really said. Now we can all show off with our competents, but... I'm a big believer of leaving everyone in their own self esteem. Take the best out of your self is all we can do ... and please other people. And Linda's certainly doing a damn good job of it.

I apologize if you found my post to LMH offensive. I just found it very hard to read the story because the dialogue was run together. I *want* to get the most out of it I can. That's why I asked. I'm not trying to change the story... just help so that other people can get the most out of it too. If I didn't like the story, I wouldn't have said anything. But, next time I'll do this via PM so that I don't offend anyone else.

It IS a wonderful story. I just finally discovered it. I don't come here for fanfiction often because it's usually not as gramatically sound as it is on ff.net. Plus, there are never any CSI stories here, just Mimai/NY. But... this one is worth sticking around for.

LMH I'm going to try to find it on ff.net because that way I'll be able to review it without my reviews popping up in the thread. I do love it. Also, LMH, if you want me to beta for you... help you with grammar and formatting I'd love to help. I'll PM you with more info.


ETA: This was SO much easier to read. I'm sorry if I put you out at all by asking for the change in formatting but this was like 10x easier for me.

Thank you SO much!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Horatio returned to class he found the exam sitting on his desk, but the student teacher had not arrived. Picking up the paper, he began to write the exam, as Susan walked by.

"Hey handsom man, you are back, and looking good, wanna go out tonight"?

"Sorry, I'll pass, I've got plans with my girlfriend".

"Girlfriend, who...not that crazy NY chick, who has all those problems, Christ, what a nut case, and you are just as insane for dating her".

"Susan...get lost, I'm trying to write my exam".

*Just then the teacher walked into the room.*

"What are you doing here Susan, class was over two hours ago".

"Ummm...nothing, I was just leaving Sir".

"Well...allow me to walk you out, Horatio, when you are done, leave the paper on my desk, and you can go".

Heading down the stairs with Susan, he pulled her into the locker room, slamming her face up against the locker, forcing it to gush blood.

"Now Susan, you forced me to do this, such a little tramp, always hitting on anything that moves. I must say you've become great practice for me, cause it won't be long before I have Macalleigh, Mac's precious little Angel Baby, it's going to be so much fun crushing her brains out of her skull".

As he squeezed harder, applying grinding pressure, Susan's eyes popped out of her head, and as he watched her body twitch, he orgasmed.

"Soon Macalleigh....soon you will be my prize, my revenge, when I mount your pretty little head to my wall".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

OMG! :eek: Well I see Mac, Horatio and HJr have their hands full with another Tyler on the loose!:evil:

Please Linda add more
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When the student teacher returned to his room, after disposing of Susan's body, he picked up Horatio's paper and seen he had done nothing, but little "C"s again.

"Damn you Horatio...you are starting to piss me off, I may just change my course of action for you, yeah...I think I'll torture you instead, what a better way to hurt Macalleigh, then to do it through you".

Sitting at his desk, he sat back and thought of his change of plan, he figured the best thing to do, would be to wait for Macalleigh to come to Miami, kidnap them both, and have her watch the torture first hand.

"Hmmm....you know Ted, sometimes your idea's amaze me", he said to himself. Locking his office, he headed home, to put his plan in order.


Horatio had just gotten in the door, when the phone rang. I'll get it dad, it's most likely Macalleigh". "Hello angel, how was your day"?

"Why it was fine handsome, where is your dad"?

"Oh....sorry Auntie Calleigh, I'll get him".

"Now what have I told you"?

"Damn....sorry Calleigh, I'll get him, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad....it's Calleigh".

"Thanks son, how did your exam go"?

"I'm not sure yet, I think I failed".

"Hmmm...try harder next time".

"I will dad, I'm going upstairs to call Macalleigh on my cell".

When he got upstairs, he phoned his angel.


"Hi sweet angel, how was your day"?

"Hey...very quiet, I made the Cheerleading squad, rah, rah, rah".

*Laughing*. "That's my girl, are you ready for Spring Break, 10 days and counting".

"I'm ready, dad even helped me pick out a swimsuit, this old fashioned thing, so mom took it back without him knowing, and got me a black bikini".

"Ummm....damn, black, Christ Macalleigh, you're killing me here, I can see it in my imagination".

"You can see it in more than that, just check your e-mail, I sent you myself in it".

Walking over to the computer, he turned it on, and seen the flashing envelope. Popping it open, he clicked on Angel, and up she popped. "Oh my God....jeez....you look like a Goddess sent down to torture me, how am I supposed to sleep tonight, with that thought in my head".

"You'll sleep, sleep with vision's of Macalleigh's dancing in your head", she laughed.

"Oh believe me, more then my head will be dancing".

"What's that son", asked Horatio, as he walked into the room.

"Oh dad....nothing, just talking to Macalleigh".

"What are you looking at"?

"Nothing". Closing the window, Horatio turned off the computer.

"Dinner is ready son, let's go".

"Okay dad, I'll be right there, let me say good bye to Macalleigh".

Leaving the room, Horatio tried desperately to get his erection down.

"What's the matter Horatio, you sound like you are in pain"?

"I am....I'm in pain from being so in love with you".

"Awww...I love you too, call me later okay"?

"I will angel, bye".

Hanging up the phone, Horatio headed for the shower, then downstairs to eat".

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

That was wonderful Linda, they make the cutest couple. :guffaw:Update soon, please?