"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wow Linda! Awesome job! But I do agree with Jools, please catch these sick freaks soon ok!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they returned home, the boy's were waiting patiently for news. "Anything dad"? "Nothing yet son, I'm sorry, I wish I had better news". "I know dad, Horatio is upstairs with Macalleigh, he's reading to he, but I think his dad should talk to him, for he's determined to capture these guy's himself, and it's getting harder to talk his out of it". "Thanks Gabe, I'll go see him now". "I'll send him down "H", I need to check on angel". "Sure Mac.

When he got upstairs, Mac heard him reading, and as he entered the room, he seen his daughter sound asleep, curled into Horatio's chest. "Looks like I'm losing my angel". 'Never Mac, you'll never lose her, you're her hero, have you heard anything"? "No...but your dad would like to see you son". "Sure". Putting down the book, Horatio headed downstairs.

Watching his daughter sleep, Mac crawled in beside her, and wrapped her right around him, as tight as he could. "Hi daddy, I love you". "Hi my angel baby, how you holding up"? "Okay...a little scared, you're so cold daddy", as she snuggled closer to warm him. "I'm fine angel, don't worry, did you take you tranq"? "I did daddy, it was the only way, Horatio would read to me".

"Smart boy that one, good looking to isn't he"? "Daddy...I don't know, how should I know", she giggled. "You know my angel, think I don't see the way you two look at each other, the smiles, the glances, the little touches". "Fine daddy, you win, he's very sweet, very strong, very good looking, but he doesn't compare to my hero, no one does".

Kissing his daughter, he whispered...."I never thought he could my angel, just remember, take it slow, and if he ever gets out of hand.....". "I know, kick him where it hurts, and tell him to back off", she sighed.

"That's my girl, that's my angel baby.

They had another one, a blond haired one, with the perfect shape, tied to the bed, wearing turquoise contacts. "Oh daddy, this is getting so much easier, and this one is so much more like Macalleigh, did you see her fight, look at the bite she gave me daddy". "Matches your busted nose", he laughed.

"That's not funny dad, she hurt me". "Oh quit your whining, I swear boy, I don't know why I just don'w kill you, and get it over with, sometimes you are so stupid". "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh......auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh....she screamed from the room. "You God damn idiot, you forgot the fucking gag, what the hell is wrong with you". Running into the room, he shoved a sock into her mouth, as his son looked out the window.

"Oh no dad, people are looking up here, they are staring". "What the hell you all looking at, you never seen a man make his wife scream, get the hell out of here". As the people left, one woman watched carefully as she walked away, heading towards a phone.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Aw H jr./Macalleigh and Mac/Macalleigh moment, so sweet, and yet another poor girl's a vitim. Those CSI's better get a move on it. :(
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Picking up the phone, she called 911. "911...what's your emergency"? "Yes, my name is Sara Court, and I'd like to report abuse going on at the "SlothbyMotel", better hurry, as the girl was screaming, and she stopped". "What makes you think it is abuse maam"? "I'm telling you, she was screaming, like she was being murdered".

"Listen Sara, we get along of calls from that place, and ninety percent of them turn out to be a pimp beating on his girl, just head on home, we send someone when they are available". "Please....why won't you listen to me". "I said we will handle it, don't worry, you have a good night". "What the hell was that about"?

"You know that dump over on 47th where the pipmp's take their ladies". "Yeah, what about it"? "We got a call from someone saying they heard a young girl screaming". "Haa..most likely another girl who wouldn't pay her pimp". "Got that right". Tossing the paper aside, she ignored handing it over to dispatch.

"Jesus dad, do you think that lady thought anything"? "In this dump, you're kidding right, this is pimp central, now relax and grab me the knife, time to see if little Macalleigh here is still a virgin". "Can I do it this time daddy, can I cut off her clothes"? "As long as you are careful, do not damage the skin". Taking the knife, he slit her blouse all the down to her waist, clipping the button on her pants.

"Well......what are you waiting for, get your hand and check". Taking his hand, she cried out in pain". "She is daddy, or at least she was, can we play with her now". "Yeah....you go ahead, you start, I'll heat the candle, to hot wax, and you can mold her where ever you want". "really daddy, even.....". "Yes son, even there, now get started, she's crying for you".

As Trent began, all that could be heard, was mumbled screams through the gag.


"Taylor". "Mac it's Flack, we have another one, and this one is worse then the first, be prepared, three of my men are already out, and headed home". Getting dressed, he woke Calleigh. "What is it Mac"? "It seems they've found another young girl, I have to go love, try and rest". "Oh Mac, how can I rest with those animals out there"? "I know love, but try".

When he arrived at the crime scene, he found officer's outside throwing up. "I told them, I told them, and they wouldn't listen to me, they didn't believe me". "Who maam, who didn't believe you"? "911...I told them I heard a young girl screaming, but they didn't listen, no one listened, and now she is dead".

"Do you know, the officer over there that is being sick, said they poured wax into her, burning her from the inside, poor girl, couldn't breath even, how sadistic, and no one would listen, I could have saved her". "Flack...sit her in the squad car please, we may need her later". "Sure Mac, put on shoe cover's, theirs blood and body pieces everywhere".

"Is Sheldon here yet"? "Yeah...he's been down twice to change his mask, he said he's seen everything, but never anything like this, and Mac....."they carved Macalleigh's name, into the girls tummy, straight across, and stuffed it with wax".

Slowly making his way upstairs, Mac breathed deep, sighed, and walked into hell.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

OHHHH! i like to be 5 minutes alone with that dispatcher!:scream::mad::brickwall:

Other than that, great job Linda!:thumbsup: :cool:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Mac stepped inside, he could smell the wax, mixed with the blood of the young girl. "Mac....you need to see this". Walking over Mac seen Macalleigh's name in wax, but as he looked down, he seen what they had done, what they had made, and done with her. "Easy Mac".

"WHERE THE HELL IS DANNY"? "He's not herre yet, she's been dead for at least seven hours". "SEVEN HOURS, AND NO ONE IN DISPATCH SENT OVER AN OFFICER"? "I don't know Mac, you'd have to ask Flack, I need to get this young girl back to the lab, this one is going to take a while, especially to remove the wax".

Helping Sheldon lift the body, Danny finally showed up. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU, CALL WENT OUT TWENTY MINUTES AGO"? "At another crime scene, I got here as soon as I could". "Listen..,.this could have been my daughter, next time you're told to come to a crime scene, you come, understood"?

Looking at Sheldon, he shrugged. "Yeah Mac, I understand, now what do you need me to do"? "I NEED YOU TO PROCESS DANNY, WHAT DO THINK"? "Fine Mac....calm down, I understand your frustration, and I'm sorry, but I'm here now, let's get started". Processing the scene, was tearing Mac apart, he felt so damn guilty, that all these young girls were made to suffer for his daughter.

"Don't think like that Taylor". Looking over he seen Horatio. "I know "H", I can't help it, this case is really killing me". "I know...I know, why don't you go home to Macalleigh, and we'll finish up". "I have to talk to the lady who phoned in the 911 call, and then I need to get my hands on that dispatcher". "No Mac....I'll handle the lady, and the dispatcher, you go home, Flack, take him home, and no stops along the way".

Putting Mac into his car, he got called away for a minute, when he returned to the car, Mac was gone. "SHIT". Running over to the squad car, he seen Mac talking to her. "Please, tell me exactly what you seen"? "I heard a girl scream, really loud, and when I looked up at the window I seen two men, one young, and one old, the younger one, was holding a knife, so I backed away and called 911, but they wouldn't listen to me, said this was Pimp territory".

"Are these the two guys, you seen"? "Om my, yes, that's them, please tell me you;ll catch them, that poor, poor, girl, they said her name was Macalleigh"? "No...her name wasn't Macalleigh, thanks you for all your help". "You are welcome, may I have someone drive me home"? "Sure, we can do that. "Flack, get Sara a ride home please". "Sure Mac, Thomas, take this lady home please, make sure she gets in safe".

Mac headed back to his car. "Mac...where are you going"? "I have something to do". "Mac...you stay away from that dispatcher, let Sinclair, handle it, I mean it Mac". Driving off, Mac headed straight for the NYPD. Whwen he arrived, he asked for tina. "I'm sorry detective, she's with Sinclair, and he was really pissed".

"Were you here when the 911 call came in"? "I was, we all told Tina, send it out, but she just laughed it off, so by the time I took it to the desk, it was to late, she had already been killed". "Thanks Marie, at least you tried". Leaving dispatch, Mac walked right into Sinclair. "Go home Taylor, go home to your family, protect your daughter, she needs you ".

Giving one last look to he young girl, Mac left for home.

When he got home, they were all watching the news, all except Macalleigh, who was sound asleep with Horatio upstairs. "Has anyone checked on them"? "I did dad, 5 minutes ago, he was reading to her". Climbing the stairs, he cold hear and feel a breeze coming from her room, running in, he seen she was gone, and Horatio was gasping for air, with the slice across his throat.

"Hold on son, don't move, don't talk, it's okay". Pointing at the paper and the pen, Mac pulled it down, as he wrote...."In the closet, under the clothes". Opening the closet, he seen Macalleigh curled up in a ball, hiding from the bastards. "Macalleigh....aww...sweetheart, I'm so, so, sorry". Reaching up for her daddy's arms, he cradled her, while applying pressure to Horaio's neck.

"What happened here"? "They came into the room daddy, burt Horatio heard them, he forced me into the closet, and covered me with clothes, told me not to move". "Did you hear them say anything"? "No daddy, they seen you pullup and they took off". "Okay sweetheart, back into bed.

When the EMT's arrived, they loaded ?Horatio onto the stretcher, and wheeled him out. "Son...what happened son"? "It seems Trent,and Michael were here, and your son saved my daughter's life, making him a hero, he shoved her in a closet with clothes on top of her".

"Okay...okay...I'm going to go with Horatio, you stay with Macalleigh, give her our second floor room, Horatio and I, will take Macalleigh's". "You sure "H"? "I'm positive, now let's get that neck checked.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they returned from the hospital, the first place Horatio headed was up to his room, to see Macalleigh. "Horatio....oh God, you are okay, I missed you, I'm so sorry you got hurt". "Shhh....it's okay angel, it's just a few stitches nothing serious, honest". "Come on, you should rest", walking him over to the bed, she laid him down, sat beside him whispering...."would you like me to read to you"? "Sure that would be great". Grabbing the book, she began.....

As the Lady in waiting left the castle......". Taking her hand, Horatio stopped her from reading. "Macalleigh....come lay with me". BOy could she feel the butterflies begin to flutter, and her heart race. "Climbing in beside him, she laid her head on the other pillow and stared into his eyes. "So beautiful....I culd have lost you tonight, you could have been taken from my life forever". Caressing her face, they just stared at each other.

"I know, I felt the same way, I thought for sure, they would kill you while I was hidden in the closet, this was to much, I don't know what I would have done if they had killed you, I'd be so lost". Watching her teardrop fall, he caressed it with his thumb, while pulling her in closer. "Macalleigh.....I think...no I know...I've fallen in love you". "I've fallen in love with you too Horatio". With no more innocent words between them, their lips met, in a gentle sweet kiss, a kiss that spoke of friendship, first times, but most of all endless love.

Walking by the door, H, and Mac seen the kids innocently kissing. "What do you think Mac"? "I think....we are all going to be okay, and if anyone can help ny angel forget it's Horatio, like father like son, just look how you helped Stella, now she's beyond happy, you've completed her, just like I completed Calleigh, Horatio will complete Macalleigh". "Who's completing who"? "Oh...nothing sweetheart, you ready for bed"? "As soon as I say goodnight to my daughter".

"That might have to wait love, have a look. Peeking in the room, she seen Horatio wrapped in an embrace with her daughter..."oh my....that reminds me of us several years ago, only I believe it was on black satin sheets", she giggled. "I'll give you satin". Picking up his wife, he carried her to their room, and shut the door.

"Uncle Horatio....does this mean, we get first watch"? "It does Gabe, it does".
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